View Full Version : Philippine Bishops Brand Madonna Concerts As "Devil's Work"

Arthur Little
25th February 2016, 14:14
Philippine Bishops called upon the Catholic Church's faithful membership to boycott the sexually~charged *concerts - in which the 57-year-old pop diva is scheduled to cavort :erotic4: on a GIANT +-shaped stage - :Blacklistnonono:*them as "sinful, an insult to religion and ... the :devil:'s work".


:poke: ... "let he who is 'without sin', cast the first stone", I say! :wink:

25th February 2016, 18:58
Perhaps they could also direct their attention to some of the almost-pornographic films shown on public buses in the Phils... and to some of the appalling TV shows and news reporting. :smile:

Oh, but she's a foreigner.

Oh, but so were the people who brought Catholicism to the Philippines, and so is the pope. :Erm: