View Full Version : Former Conservative Shadow Minister Crashed Car After Getting "Tanked Up" While On A 'Fasting Diet'

Arthur Little
1st March 2016, 21:43
David Ruffley (53) - the Shadow Minister for Policing back when the Tories were in Opposition - was discovered by patrol officers, slumped over the wheel of his black Volkswagen Golf ... and, in turn, found to be well in excess of the legal limit when breathalysed. :cwm24:

www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/12179834/Former-conservative-shadow-minister-crashed-car-after-getting-drunk-on-Prosecco-while-on-fasting-diet.html ... :ReadIt:

:cwm23: ... Beyond a "shadow" of doubt, someone in his one-time position should've known better than daring to play "fast 'n' loose" with the long arm of the law!

Three time over the limit, :icon_rolleyes: ... surely if he'd wanted to *give up anything at all for the season of Lent, then it ought to've been alcohol :Wine:, so ... :anerikke: ... *that's no excuse.

Banned from driving for 2 years and ordered to carry out "roughly"eighty hours of Community Service, he got off pretty lightly, IMO ... considering the serious nature of the offence. :angry:

Michael Parnham
2nd March 2016, 08:18
Not good Arthur, not good at all:NoNo:

2nd March 2016, 11:14
Good to see the establishment setting an example for the rest of us to follow :xxgrinning--00xx3: