View Full Version : Scotland Has Highest Rate For Consumer Complaints

Arthur Little
8th March 2016, 20:29
Scots' consumers have earned a reputation for being more likely to kick up a fuss :23_116_6[1]: about shoddy products and/or services ... than others in the UK.

Complaints North of the Border rose by 38% last year - a :Jump: from 3.7 million over the previous 12 months - to 5.1 million - apparently.

........................................... :yeahthat:'s nearly equivalent to one per head of the entire landward population. :yikes:!

If an Ombudsman's Survey's anything to go by ... it seems we're a truculent :Kilt: lot!

And rightly so! After all, WHY should people be expected to put up with inferior or substandard commodities? :mad:

Source: Scottish METRO.

8th March 2016, 22:11
True... they're always blinkin moaning. :icon_lol:

Michael Parnham
9th March 2016, 08:54
Instead of moaning don't buy any inferior goods, stick to quality purchases:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
6th May 2016, 21:07
Probably something to do with off-licences closing too early. :biggrin: