View Full Version : SNP To Build NEW Case For Independence?

Arthur Little
12th March 2016, 20:38
:cwm23: ... First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon seems "dead-set" on launching a renewed bid to "separate" *Scotland from its immediate, centuries~old neighbour ... :anerikke: ... and yet, for some :crazy: reason/s, the silly besom wants [*it] to remain part of Europe.


12th March 2016, 22:56
Something about these fish named people up there.:crazy::crazy:

13th March 2016, 13:34
Give it them if that is what the people wants, dont like that jimmy krankie women one bit

13th March 2016, 18:35
Shame really, that women is an evil little ....., she really wants to mess up that lovely country with her dreams. But they would be better to wait until the oil price increases otherwise they will be skint as they will no longer get our hand out...

13th March 2016, 18:41
I wonder if they do decide to pull out but want to stay in Europe, but if we pull out of Europe ourselves, wow what a mess, be somewhere for all the mass migration to go to, Scotland we welcome you:biggrin:

14th March 2016, 17:30
Better rebuild that wall then....:biggrin:

Michael Parnham
14th March 2016, 18:06
Better rebuild that wall then....:biggrin:

You sound like Trump:biggrin: