View Full Version : Sport Relief 2016 ... Aargh!

Arthur Little
18th March 2016, 18:03
:omg:! Tonight on BBC television:

Part 1 - 7.00pm until 10pm - with a "welcome" 35~minute break on BBC1 to show National, International and Local News coverage.

Part 2 - continues on BBC2 from 10.00pm until 10.40pm - switching back to BBC1 [after an overlap of 5 minutes] for the 3rd instalment.

Part 3 - which runs 10.35pm until 00.01am

:yeahthat:'s yet ANOTHER whole evening's viewing dominated by Sport! :cwm23:

Plus ... :anerikke: ... there's bugger all else worth watching on ANY of the other MAIN channels. :NoNo:

18th March 2016, 18:37
This is all good to me. :biggrin::xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th March 2016, 09:24
I record everything I want to watch, (which does not include any sport) and so always have enough to watch despite them "thinking" we want sport related programs.
Mick. :Blacklistnonono:

19th March 2016, 09:58
Bed at 9pm, i had a great night :xxgrinning--00xx3: