View Full Version : My car

19th March 2016, 17:19
Well it is looking a little old the paint lacquer has started to peel in some places but there is no rust at all,
My Toyota Avensis i have had 15 years this coming 26th March and its still going strong ,
If i can just keep it going till we wave bye bye to this country i will be a very happy chappy

19th March 2016, 18:50
Why not ? She's doing a good job for you, and that is how all 'classics' are still around... to be appreciated by succeeding generations of motoring fans. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th March 2016, 20:27
Keep it running, you know its history, better than something you buy where you have no idea how it has been treated. I sold my 2004 BMW 5 series (E39 530i touring) last year and I miss it, there was nothing wrong with it after 144,000 miles. I now have a newish Merc CLS which is lovely, but sometimes I think about the BMW and its depreciation free motoring!

20th March 2016, 10:36
I have to replace my car in September as its going to reach the maximum age of 8 x years the company allows. There is nothing wrong with it at all, has always been serviced by the main dealer and not a scratch on it anywhere. I would let the wife have it but she already has one. Most likely get next to nothing for it but can't just keep it.... :NoNo:

20th March 2016, 10:41
Thats the problem , when trying to sell it its worth very little, but if you have to replace it yourself its worth thousands then ,
I am hoping i shall never have to buy another car while i am here

20th March 2016, 10:48
Cars are not so cheap if you intend buying one when you go to the Philippines...

20th March 2016, 11:28
Cars are not so cheap if you intend buying one when you go to the Philippines...

Actually,I disagree with that..
New cars seem cheaper to buy here than they do in the UK.. Older cars may seem pricey here but at least they continue to hold their value..

20th March 2016, 12:13
Well that is on my list of things to do once there, well after being there awhile should i say, see which way the land is lying and if its worth the outlay too, but if i want to get around to where i want to go and when i want to go, what other way is there

Michael Parnham
20th March 2016, 13:41
Well that is on my list of things to do once there, well after being there awhile should i say, see which way the land is lying and if its worth the outlay too, but if i want to get around to where i want to go and when i want to go, what other way is there
If it's where and when, no problem with transport in Philippines:xxgrinning--00xx3:

20th March 2016, 15:07
Well that is on my list of things to do once there, well after being there awhile should i say, see which way the land is lying and if its worth the outlay too, but if i want to get around to where i want to go and when i want to go, what other way is there

Just my 2 centavos worth, but driving around here in the Philippines can sometimes be chaotic and dangerous.
I've not yet taken the plunge to buy my own car, preferring to use jeep (if I'm on my own) or otherwise use taxi.
I can only say that's my view for Mindanao
I may have a different outlook when we return to Manila.
Doing the cost/benefit analysis of car ownership here in Mindanao just doesn't get anywhere near being either practical or financially sound.
It may be a different story once you live outside the City zone though.
Food for thought.

20th March 2016, 15:16
Actually,I disagree with that..
New cars seem cheaper to buy here than they do in the UK.. Older cars may seem pricey here but at least they continue to hold their value..

Yes I meant 2nd hand, I found it very difficult to find a decent used car....

20th March 2016, 15:28
Actually,I disagree with that..
New cars seem cheaper to buy here than they do in the UK.. Older cars may seem pricey here but at least they continue to hold their value..

Interestingly, with all the good promos going on just now for new cars the price of 2nd hand cars is very negotiable.
It's easy to get really big big discounts on the telephone before even viewing.
Still silly prices for some old models though.
I managed to knock down the price of a 2000 Pajero from P220k to P140k. Mind you when I actually caught sight of it I turned and ran :icon_lol:

20th March 2016, 17:11
With what i have in my mind and would like to do , i do need my own transport, but like many say once there things can change, noting better then just popping here and there when you want too,

21st March 2016, 00:14
With what i have in my mind and would like to do , i do need my own transport, but like many say once there things can change, noting better then just popping here and there when you want too,

No way could I live here without a car these days....No chance!!
Dont EVER consider a motorbike here..I have lost 2 friends in the last 2 months due to nasty accidents and a few more before that.. Some of them survived but it cost them more that the cost of a brand new 4x4 Montero for their medical bills..
Just saying.

Michael Parnham
21st March 2016, 08:22
The most worrying thing about driving in the Philippines is night driving as so many drive with hardly any or no lights at all:NoNo:

21st March 2016, 08:30
No way could I live here without a car these days....No chance!!
Dont EVER consider a motorbike here..I have lost 2 friends in the last 2 months due to nasty accidents and a few more before that.. Some of them survived but it cost them more that the cost of a brand new 4x4 Montero for their medical bills..
Just saying.

How is your little truck doing Fred, still pleased with it

21st March 2016, 09:41
I wouldn't describe it as a "truck" Steve but yeah...Its been a good little motor.


21st March 2016, 10:45
No way could I live here without a car these days....No chance!!
Dont EVER consider a motorbike here..I have lost 2 friends in the last 2 months due to nasty accidents and a few more before that.. Some of them survived but it cost them more that the cost of a brand new 4x4 Montero for their medical bills..
Just saying.

I'm glad you gave your view on that Fred. Interesting. :smile:

Do you get pestered much by the cops when out and about, or are you pretty much left alone ?

21st March 2016, 12:40
I'm glad you gave your view on that Fred. Interesting. :smile:

Do you get pestered much by the cops when out and about, or are you pretty much left alone ?

Here in Bohol Graham?? Never been stopped in nearly 9 years...Check points wave us through as they are only interested in unregistered motor bikes.
About 3 weeks ago we had the big cheese pay us a visit (Aquino)..
2 days before they rounded up and destroyed 126 confiscated illegal (loud)mufflers ..Ran a steam roller over the lot of em!


21st March 2016, 14:00
Ah... good to hear. Haha.... a bit quieter in the neghbourhood too then. :biggrin: (Though I do like my LOUD cars.:smile:).

21st March 2016, 14:25
I'm looking at buying a car next time we're there as I'm fed up of renting for 2 months at a time.

Initially I was looking at a Ford Explorer, but considering the price and what I need it for I think a Ford Ranger will suit my needs. As Fred mentioned earlier, residuals on second hand vehicles are very good so I may as well have the peace of mind and buy new. Unless anyone can point me in the direction of buying second hand with confidence :Erm:

21st March 2016, 18:52
Unless anyone can point me in the direction of buying second hand with confidence :Erm:

There's a HUGE responsibility. :yikes:

21st March 2016, 20:32
The problem i am seeing in the future is being the driver for many , but we shall see, do they sell mazda over there, something like the MX5 :biggrin:

21st March 2016, 23:31
Well, I'm not a hairdresser, but I'll make enquiries for you. :biggrin:

23rd March 2016, 14:51
I have a Montero Sport, it's very good and economical. Better for some of the rough roads in the area.

23rd March 2016, 15:09
Yes Steve a nice car, that's something I would like once over there

23rd March 2016, 19:42
Yes, I'd think a tough 4wd would fit the bill, given the awful roads over there.