View Full Version : 12 Annoying Attitudes of Filipinos We Need To Get Rid Of

20th March 2016, 02:55
Let’s admit it; at some point in our lives, we have been guilty of one or two (or more) of the Pinoy bad habits listed below. Although these negative traits do not diminish the fact that Filipinos are a very awesome people, it’s just sad that they have continued to pull us down personally and as a nation.

Therefore, for the good of ourselves and our country, it is imperative that we should discard the following Pinoy bad habits and attitudes:

1. Crab Mentality.
http://www.filipiknow.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/crab-mentality-in-the-Philippines.jpg (http://www.filipiknow.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/crab-mentality-in-the-Philippines.jpg)

Simply put, this refers to the behavior of preventing someone from achieving something due to jealousy or envy. Instead of praising or rendering assistance, someone with crab mentality would think “if I can’t have it, then you can’t as well” and will purposely try to bring his/her victim down. And just like the crabs who could have escaped from the bucket if they only stopped pulling each other down, nothing ever gets accomplished.

2. Ningas-Kugon.
http://www.filipiknow.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/ningas-kugon.jpg (http://www.filipiknow.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/ningas-kugon.jpg)

One reason why we sometimes exert half-hearted effort in our undertakings is due to this attitude. Translated to “burning cogon grass” in English, this idiom is meant to illustrate how Filipinos initially exhibit great enthusiasm at the beginning of a project. Our eagerness however, fades away just as quickly as the fire is extinguished, leaving our work either half-baked or unfinished.

Also Read: 11 Filipino Slang Words With Surprising Origins (http://www.filipiknow.net/filipino-slang-words-origins/)

3. Mañana Habit.
http://www.filipiknow.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Ma%C3%B1ana-Habit.jpg (http://www.filipiknow.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/Ma%C3%B1ana-Habit.jpg)

It is ironic that the Spanish would accuse Filipinos of being lazy when they themselves taught us the mañana habit in the first place. Known as “tomorrow” in English, the habit encourages procrastination, an “ability” we Filipinos have since turned into an art form. Even the most urgent of projects and tasks can be relegated for some other time; we are only forced to work on them when the deadline is near. It’s a miracle we get things done in this country.

4. Filipino Time...................... http://www.filipiknow.net/negative-traits-of-filipinos/

20th March 2016, 09:20
Excessive partying , yes been to a few of those, seems to be who can have the most food, but they all go home with some sort of food bag

20th March 2016, 11:17
Wow Micheal...Sounds like you have been through a whole lot..Speak freely whenever you wish..A problem shared etc.. Up to you though as we all here respect each others privacy..

20th March 2016, 13:20
Wow Micheal...Sounds like you have been through a whole lot..Speak freely whenever you wish..A problem shared etc.. Up to you though as we all here respect each others privacy..

Lost me on this one Fred, to much sun has gone to you head :anerikke:

Michael Parnham
20th March 2016, 13:34
Wow Micheal...Sounds like you have been through a whole lot..Speak freely whenever you wish..A problem shared etc.. Up to you though as we all here respect each others privacy..
You were quick to see that Fred because I had second thoughts and deleted it within two or three minutes, may PM you at a later date:wink:

20th March 2016, 15:38
Only 12 :yikes:

I've only been living here a short time and could easily think of twice that number :Cuckoo:

Michael Parnham
20th March 2016, 16:24
Only 12 :yikes:

I've only been living here a short time and could easily think of twice that number :Cuckoo:

I know what your saying Peter, I would love to really open up on this one!

20th March 2016, 17:20
As long as they dont effect you personally, live and let live, and to tell the truth the time thing only gets me,plus i did mention the parties too, but look at the food Emma gets to bring home and its FREE, but think how many things that we or you do that may effect others

21st March 2016, 00:02
Only 12 http://filipinaroses.com/images/smilies/yikes.gif

I've only been living here a short time and could easily think of twice that number http://filipinaroses.com/images/smilies/Cuckoo.gif

When I was much younger,I had the patience to get totally mixed up in the culture in order to understand it better... I think I may have failed to be honest but had a lot of fun trying.
I`m fortunate these days because I have a wife that has the patience to answer or just simply comment or reflect on my observations/questions without taking it personally..
I have learned to be careful asking just any Filipino about Filipino culture,mannerisms etc because many of them often misunderstand my intention and then reveal that super thin Onion skin complex!!
I ask you to add just 1 or 2 more to the list.. You never know,they may have already been listed and you just did not realize it!

Ako Si Jamie
14th April 2016, 19:18
I have a degree of Ningas-Kugon, Manana & rebellion. :biggrin:

The saving face aspect of Filipino's are the most annoying along with when they invite YOU out to restaurants where YOU are expected to pay. :Help1: :cwm25:

I remember a story from my local pub where this happened between a group of British friends. End result? Fisticuffs and meals being scraped off the walls. :icon_lol:

20th April 2016, 14:48
Peeing in Public whenever and wherever.
I've even had occasion to demand visitors use the CR and not my garden.


20th April 2016, 14:53
Walang Bigayan
Going directly to the front of any queue and making their demands known to the to whoever is providing the service without the slightest interest in anyone else in the queue or indeed in the fact that the service provider is already very busy with someone who waited ages their turn.


A propensity to ignore the existing queue and form their own queue


Or press up tightly in a queue to avoid anyone else cutting in.

If you've ever tried to say anything they always looked shocked and surprised at their behaviour as they claim they really didn't notice you.

You are invisible and they are the most important person on the planet.
Happens everywhere, including on the road.


Even that globally sacred space behind you at ATM gets invaded with such closeness as to make you wonder if you really are invisible.


Warning.....rant not over

22nd April 2016, 11:30
Pinoys dont understand the word queue,its first come first served :wink:

22nd April 2016, 14:46
Walang Bigayan
Going directly to the front of any queue and making their demands known to the to whoever is providing the service without the slightest interest in anyone else in the queue or indeed in the fact that the service provider is already very busy with someone who waited ages their turn.


A propensity to ignore the existing queue and form their own queue


Or press up tightly in a queue to avoid anyone else cutting in.

If you've ever tried to say anything they always looked shocked and surprised at their behaviour as they claim they really didn't notice you.

You are invisible and they are the most important person on the planet.
Happens everywhere, including on the road.


Even that globally sacred space behind you at ATM gets invaded with such closeness as to make you wonder if you really are invisible.


Warning.....rant not over

Now this may sound strange but I have never experienced this behavior at an ATM here.. Really!

22nd April 2016, 15:16
Now this may sound strange but I have never experienced this behavior at an ATM here.. Really!

I've been told that behaviours here in Mindano may be slightly different.
I can only share the common behaviours here that bug me and invasion of my ATM privacy really bugs me.
Many a time I've needed to tell folks to move away.

Michael Parnham
22nd April 2016, 15:53
Now this may sound strange but I have never experienced this behavior at an ATM here.. Really!

I've witnessed it a few times in Dumaguete!

22nd April 2016, 19:56
I have experienced that here in England no matter where i go , at the ATM machine, the pressing against me and the looking over my shoulder ,
I often turn round and say, EMMA stop looking

23rd April 2016, 18:17
Thanks for the rep , who ever you was, :Erm::xxgrinning--00xx3: