View Full Version : Bills and more bills

20th March 2016, 13:16
Well its the start of April soon, the weather seems to be getting better and thats a great sign but along comes this years new bills too,
Council tax has gone up and it seems everyone is complaining about that, one chap thinks he may have to work longer just to pay for this he recons, well i have just had mine and yes its gone up but not by much, say 2 pints of bear each month,
Water rates well again they have gone up but by just a few pence and thats over the year too, A great price i say well done STWA,
Whats the next ones i wonder, but as long as you have money to pay for these services why worry, it could be worse,

20th March 2016, 14:08
Mines gone down a fiver... in fact the past 4 years it has stayed the same...

But the flat goes on the market officially on Monday, so no good to me!

20th March 2016, 14:56
My water bill is pretty stable these says at around P250
No such thing as council tax
Electric comes out steady at around P2000
Rents seem to be moving upward pretty significantly. Not sure why that should be the case here in Davao City, but I've noticed more and more white guys around who are willing to pay far over the norm for whenever reason.
Who knows why.....

20th March 2016, 15:21
Same here, council tax has gone up to £218.00 x 10 months, water has gone up, insurance has gone up, kids school canteen prices have gone up, only thing not going up is my salary...:NoNo:

20th March 2016, 15:30
My state pension and civil service pension will be increased by 2.9% from April

Michael Parnham
20th March 2016, 16:26
My state pension and civil service pension will be increased by 2.9% from April

My state Pension has just increased by £13.50 per month:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
20th March 2016, 16:29
Council tax is now £131.42 Don't know what band it will be at our new house, it will be June when the build will be finished so we will find out soon enough!

20th March 2016, 17:15
My state pension and civil service pension will be increased by 2.9% from April

Thats something on my list of future things, another 9 years before i can get my hands on that, but what a windfall that will be if we can managed on what i have planed for the next few years ,I SHALL BE RICH THEN :biggrin:

20th March 2016, 19:23
May 2022 and I can't wait, unfortunately with having spent 20 years overseas I will not receive a full UK pension...:cwm25:

20th March 2016, 23:00
Thats something on my list of future things, another 9 years before i can get my hands on that, but what a windfall that will be if we can managed on what i have planed for the next few years ,I SHALL BE RICH THEN :biggrin:

In the days when there was 100 pesos to the pound we were rich here. But in the 10 years I have been coming to the Philippines prices have increased dramatically in the citys.

20th March 2016, 23:02
May 2022 and I can't wait, unfortunately with having spent 20 years overseas I will not receive a full UK pension...:cwm25:

You can pay extra into the system if you want so you will get a better payout.