View Full Version : SS route

4th April 2016, 00:38
Well that's me heading off to Ireland this week to try and get the misus back into the u k since I don,t earn 18600 on paper.think it will take about 6 months in total at least the weather should be half decent wish me luck.I will keep a timeline on my progress in case others are doing the same.

4th April 2016, 05:06
Good luck.

Hope all goes well and look forward to reading all about your story over the 6 months or so.

Michael Parnham
4th April 2016, 07:25
Good luck Brian and thanks for your update, hope to hear from you later this year:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th April 2016, 09:14
All the best :smile:

4th April 2016, 11:33
Good luck Brian... and yes, please do let us know how you get on. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th April 2016, 08:23
Good Luck

5th April 2016, 18:40
be living in waterford I believe will keep all informed of my journey step by step

5th April 2016, 19:36
Wishing you all the best Brian and your dreams at last come true

Arthur Little
5th April 2016, 19:40
be living in waterford I believe will keep all informed of my journey step by step

Hmm, :cwm25: ... I think that's where Stewart is located. And for the same purpose! :icon_lol:

[I]Good luck to each of you couples!! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th April 2016, 22:21
Yes I've met up with Stewart nice couple

26th April 2016, 11:42
hi there accomadation is prooving harder than i thought same problem in the u.k lack of houses to rent.been in waterford since 7th april,we are staying with a filipina we met at the church loads of philippinos here in ireland.we got appointment for pps cards thursday they are the national insurence cards which allow them to work.then i will send off eu1 form for residence.

26th April 2016, 11:49
Try here :smile:


26th April 2016, 11:53
hi simon i,m on that site everyday but the rents are shooting up big time only got a set budget as non of us are working yet until we get our pps cards

26th April 2016, 12:32
Catch 22, unfortunately :Erm:

26th April 2016, 13:25
Brian, can't you buy a caravan? should't be too bad during summer...

26th April 2016, 13:57
Brian, can't you buy a caravan? should't be too bad during summer...

Where do you put the Caravan though and how much would that cost?

26th April 2016, 14:45
You should be able to pick a van up for a couple of grand and there are so many sites in Ireland, you would be spoilt for choice and most likely only cost €300/350 a month including electric. Be like one long holiday....:biggrin:

5th May 2016, 13:49
Got apartment now thank gord 2 bed for 460 a month just waiting for social security numbers now due this week to start the job hunt in Ernest

5th May 2016, 13:52
£460 a month is very reasonable,good luck,i think all the pieces will click together for you :smile:

5th May 2016, 15:04
Making progress tiger. Hang on in there mate ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th May 2016, 16:11
Making progress tiger. Hang on in there mate ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Well I,m hanging out with Stewart masser here in Waterford ,I,d just like to say his wife lolita is nuts lol

5th May 2016, 19:10
Hahaha... good that you have some real company and moral support.

Let me know when you have a spare room ! lol

Michael Parnham
5th May 2016, 20:26
Nice to know things are going your way at last Brian, hope you settle down nicely and good luck :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th May 2016, 23:09
You need a proper address to get r.c here but we found a place now so panic over for now ,next task is to find a part time job

Michael Parnham
6th May 2016, 07:09
You need a proper address to get r.c here but we found a place now so panic over for now ,next task is to find a part time job

I'm sure you'll find something soon, btw love your new Avatar:xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th May 2016, 07:50
Great result on the apartment, now for the job...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th May 2016, 09:34
That's gonna be the hard part coz I'm disabled but I won't give up

10th May 2016, 09:59
Have you thought of callcentre type work ? :smile:

10th May 2016, 11:45
I have but I'm not that quick on the keyboard one guy here got a job in a call centre they let him go after 5 weeks saying he was not fast enough

10th May 2016, 14:31
Don't give up on it mate.

I spent a couple of years training people in a call centre. Many of them are accommodating of disabilities... and have different calling systems. Might be ideal for you. :smile:

10th May 2016, 15:08
You can do it tiger,you have one of those indefatigable spirits,be lucky :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th May 2016, 20:53
Keep your hopes up,...my friend went down the same SS route,...but in Germany,... he was OAP, no money whatsoever,.no house,. very small pension,...and he succeeded !!
He saved up money to get his wife to join him after he flew to Germany,... she immediately went to work in a Maccy D,... they stayed for a year before he could save enough cash to fly back to UK. They walked straight through customs , onlty slight hesitation when asked about her status on the visa.
They now stay in a small rented cottage, have a small child, and are being kept quite comfortably off by the governments handouts at the moment !!!

10th May 2016, 21:08
Well, why not ?

If thousands of crooks, spongers and parasites from all over the uncivilised world can come over here, hidden inside trucks, only to be given more than some Brits who were born here... :mad:

11th May 2016, 12:21
Keep your hopes up,...my friend went down the same SS route,...but in Germany,... he was OAP, no money whatsoever,.no house,. very small pension,...and he succeeded !!
He saved up money to get his wife to join him after he flew to Germany,... she immediately went to work in a Maccy D,... they stayed for a year before he could save enough cash to fly back to UK. They walked straight through customs , onlty slight hesitation when asked about her status on the visa.
They now stay in a small rented cottage, have a small child, and are being kept quite comfortably off by the governments handouts at the moment !!!
Excellent story mate,fair play to your pal,shows that there's no barrier to true love,and what an odd country we live in where a native brit has to jump through so many hoops just to be with their life partner whereas the european masses stroll unchecked through the borders :Erm:

13th May 2016, 15:39
Thanks Graham I,ll start calling some of the m

13th May 2016, 16:19
Where are you thinking of settling when you get back to the UK tiger?

13th May 2016, 18:46
Thanks Graham I,ll start calling some of the m

Good man. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th May 2016, 11:17
Back in my own house in corby

4th October 2016, 13:20
Well the decision is due this week for family permit so hopefully this long journey is coming to a conclusion for us here in Ireland.teresa may slowly pulling up the drawbridge.will let you all know soon.brian

Arthur Little
4th October 2016, 13:29
Well the decision is due this week for family permit so hopefully this long journey is coming to a conclusion for us here in Ireland. teresa may slowly pulling up the drawbridge. Will let you all know soon. brian

Waiting with bated breath ... be lucky, Brian! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th October 2016, 14:20
Well the decision is due this week for family permit so hopefully this long journey is coming to a conclusion for us here in Ireland.teresa may slowly pulling up the drawbridge.will let you all know soon.brian

Everything's crossed for you mate.
Hope it all goes to plan :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th October 2016, 14:22
BTW Brian, any news from Stuart (Imagine) ?

4th October 2016, 14:58
Good luck...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th October 2016, 16:52
Good luck to you ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th October 2016, 17:37
Yes he lives not far from me he originally planned to stay in Ireland but now he's applying for family permit like myself.so he,ll be about 4 weeks behind me in leaving if we get the visa

4th October 2016, 22:56
I wonder if somebody on State Pension (as I now am) can find a way to do it through this route ? :Erm:

I also have all the documents needed to claim Irish Citizenship.

Problem I have, is not wanting to lose my precious council bungalow here in England.

Difficult one.

29th October 2016, 22:57
Disaster refused family permit apparently being in Ireland for 6 months isn't long enough for centre of life .on a side note Dora and her daughter who is 18 has been accepted as my dependants even though we are not married by the Irish government so now can't be deported.so next step is Irish residence card .so we will be here a little longer ,it's been a long journey

29th October 2016, 22:59
Northamptonshire where my house is .

29th October 2016, 23:00
Bit of a blow Brian, but at least some good news. How long will you have to be there?

29th October 2016, 23:00
Yes you are in a sticky situation can you not sub let it to someone you can trust

Michael Parnham
30th October 2016, 07:48
Just picked up on this Brian, please keep us updated and good luck!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th October 2016, 11:57
Oh dear.

Hang on in there Brian ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I wonder what's happened to 'Imagine' (Stuart) ?

We haven't heard from him for a while. :Erm:

30th October 2016, 14:11
Disaster refused family permit apparently being in Ireland for 6 months isn't long enough for centre of life .on a side note Dora and her daughter who is 18 has been accepted as my dependants even though we are not married by the Irish government so now can't be deported.so next step is Irish residence card .so we will be here a little longer ,it's been a long journey

Sorry to learn that Brian. Personally I think that decision seems a little harsh if you complied with regulations.
Have no idea how much, if any, Brexit might have been a factor. Personally I can't think of any. Ireland and UK are pretty close.

Maybe the UKVI gave more info on their refusal for family permit that will give you something to work on ?

OK, means you'll all be staying there a little longer. Hopefully you can maintain finances for that.

Stay hopeful, stay there a while longer and really work on the next application in terms of just how you did transfer the centre of your lives.
I wonder just how much of a factor is continued ownership of residential property in UK ? Maybe significant.

Stay positive you all, enjoy your time in Ireland as much as you can, stay happy and work on all those issues you need to resolve in order to secure that UK family permit.

30th October 2016, 21:03
Hi Terpe it's all down to the time spent in Ireland there is a recommended 90 days for centre of life well I done double that and still they refused on another day a different ECO would have granted it
well now that the Irish government have granted us temporary r.c we are coming back and applying British r.c

30th October 2016, 21:06
Hi Graham Stewert is still here he had problems too they refused Irish r.c because they think his eBay business not real and have extended his temp stay for another 3 months he is very dejected right now he's planning to apply for family permit like me. but will struggle because of his business

31st October 2016, 20:27
Ok Brian... thanks for the update.

Again... fingers crossed for you, and of course our old friend Stewart. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I'v got all the proofs I need to claim Irish Citizenship now, but I'm not sure whether that will actually give me and the Mrs any advantage. (I'm on state pension now). I find the whole thing very confusing. :NoNo:

7th November 2016, 23:48
Yes graham you should have an advantage if irish citizenship .I think your too late to do ss route coz goverment will close it down once article 50 is triggered

7th November 2016, 23:54
Thanks mate.
I'll investigate further when I get back from this sunny 'paradise'. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd November 2016, 18:56

Harry T
22nd November 2016, 19:05
May i be the first of many to congratulate you mate, well done.. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

22nd November 2016, 20:14
Congratulations, you'll soon be home.

22nd November 2016, 21:18
well done Brian, UK or bust:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd November 2016, 00:22
Excellent news, well done....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd November 2016, 00:49

Great news ! I'm so pleased for you. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
23rd November 2016, 08:05
At last, congratulations Brian:xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd November 2016, 21:38
Thanks everybody just goes to show you don't have to be married either non bio daughter got r c too so her future looks great

23rd November 2016, 23:33
Brilliant. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

How did you make a living during all that time though Brian... or are you just rich ? :biggrin:

Arthur Little
24th November 2016, 01:25

GREAT start ... :yeahthat: puts you on a par with Stewart - who's just received notification of his Irish Residence - CONGRATULATIONS! :biggrin:

26th November 2016, 02:29
Rentals from my house Graham rented rooms instead of whole house

26th November 2016, 03:28
Rentals from my house Graham rented rooms instead of whole house

Ah...that's handy. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th November 2016, 22:59
Family Permit arrived today, now to organize going home

28th November 2016, 23:17
iv just been reading up all of this thread on ss, I just want to say what a nice guy Brian is :cwm25: but i won't :icon_lol: just kidding, No really im so pleased to have met such a nice guy and can say the same of Dora and daughter, no im not saying their guys:Erm: but nice also, they deserve to reach the end of this ss chicken run, I wish them all the best:coucouchapeau:

28th November 2016, 23:56
Wow.... so pleased for you Stewart ! :Jump:

I'm sure Brian will tell us what a nice guy you are too :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th November 2016, 23:59
Sounds like party time....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th November 2016, 02:21
Family Permit arrived today, now to organize going home

Well done Stewart :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Brilliant outcome

29th November 2016, 20:32

30th November 2016, 00:17
Congrats Stewart!!! Its been a long journey..Hope you will both be happy living in ole Blighty.
What did you do with that wonderful building over here of yours??

Arthur Little
3rd December 2016, 15:00
Family Permit arrived today, now to organize going home

Stewart ... I'm delighted to learn you and Lolita have received your Family Permit in such quick succession to obtaining Irish Residency ... CONGRATULATIONS! :biggrin:

Like myself, you're an "old stager" here on the forum, and I've since opened a separate thread for the benefit of [I]those who may not have read this one, to inspire others that it can be done! :xxgrinning--00xx3:


:smile: Are you planning to return to Aberdeenshire, Stewart?

3rd December 2016, 22:05
Congrats Stewart!!! Its been a long journey..Hope you will both be happy living in ole Blighty.
What did you do with that wonderful building over here of yours??

thanks fred, we sold off the building at a loss, because we needed it sold quick

3rd December 2016, 22:06
Stewart ... I'm delighted to learn you and Lolita have received your Family Permit in such quick succession to obtaining Irish Residency ... CONGRATULATIONS! :biggrin:

Like myself, you're an "old stager" here on the forum, and I've since opened a separate thread for the benefit of [I]those who may not have read this one, to inspire others that it can be done! :xxgrinning--00xx3:


:smile: Are you planning to return to Aberdeenshire, Stewart?

thanks Arthur, il go have a look of this thread:xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th December 2016, 13:43
Yes 10 days to go and we will be back home ,we have met several couples doing the chicken run as my mate Stewert said lol but this route will close soon so if anyone out there thinking g of doing so you better get over asap.

7th December 2016, 13:50
Yes 10 days to go and we will be back home ,we have met several couples doing the chicken run as my mate Stewert said lol but this route will close soon so if anyone out there thinking g of doing so you better get over asap.

A big well done to you both and many congrats

What a Christmas and New Year is waiting for you all.
Everything came together eventually :Jump:

7th December 2016, 14:37

21st December 2016, 21:05
Merry Xmas to All, arrived in Aberdeen yesterday afternoon, no problems through customs :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st December 2016, 21:12
Well done guys,you did it :heartshape1: happy christmas and happy new year to you both and your ladies.

Michael Parnham
21st December 2016, 21:16
Yes, well done to both of you, all the best for the festive season:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st December 2016, 22:01
Merry Xmas to All, arrived in Aberdeen yesterday afternoon, no problems through customs :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Fantastic. I'm so pleased for you. :Jump:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
22nd December 2016, 02:05
:smile: Are you planning to return to Aberdeenshire, Stewart?

Merry Xmas to All, arrived in Aberdeen yesterday afternoon, no problems through customs :xxgrinning--00xx3:

:smile: Ah ... you've gone back to *Aberdeenshire - as I'd "imagined"you would do - *where I'm sure Lolita will receive a very warm welcome from your family and friends. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Merry Christmas :holiday08: to BOTH of you too!

14th January 2017, 01:25
Just when you thought you crossed the winning line bang another problem.girls got refused national insurance numbers WTF .Reason not enough evidence for right to work in UK .Feel like jumping off a cliff .So now we have to apply for uk residence

14th January 2017, 09:03
You already jumped the biggest hurdle mate,determination got you this far,hang on in and problems like that normally work themselves out,hope your lady is settling in despite this cold spell,be lucky :smile:

14th January 2017, 10:09
Yes I agree your journey already completed is massive, hang in there I'm sure it will be resolve....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th January 2017, 12:56
Keep the faith guys. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th January 2017, 21:16
You already jumped the biggest hurdle mate,determination got you this far,hang on in and problems like that normally work themselves out,hope your lady is settling in despite this cold spell,be lucky :smile:

Your right I've come this far they ain't gonna beat me now

15th January 2017, 21:54
Citizens Advice Bureau ?

They have some good people working for them (like my brother). :smile: