View Full Version : Lotto winner

13th April 2016, 07:31
£51.8 million, now come on who is it,
Thats a lot of money and all your worries could be over, but then again all your troubles could start too with that vast amount,
A person i know won £20000 and its nothing but trouble for him, everyone wants him to spend it and everyone wants there cut too, but he has saved it for his rainy day, and to this day he still has it , ok a broken family too,
If it was me who won that amount i would be off on a very long vacation , no idea where but just to get my head around it all,

Michael Parnham
13th April 2016, 09:31
I think if I won that amount, I would keep about two million so that I could live a comfortable life on the interest and the rest would go to Cancer research :xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th April 2016, 16:23
Far too much prize money 51 Million,..... the 33 million lotto winner was from my own home town, just a small town,..they promised to help the recent flood victims ( big mistake to offer publicly)... now they can't come home because of all the begging / asking for help from friends and townsfolk.The whole street was expecting their mortgages to be paid-off by the winners ! They had to go away and live in an un-named hotel with 24 hr security till they decided what or where to go. Even their neighbors don't know where they are right now,...it would have been so much better to enjoy maybe a million and let another 32 people enjoy the same ??
Just saying !! lol

15th April 2016, 17:19
My sentiments exactly, let 33 people share the win....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
15th April 2016, 20:17
If you win a shed load of money the best thing to do is keep one's gob firmly shut and only give money out annoymously.

Here's an interesting article about former lottery winners who lost everything (mainly in the States). Some have commited suicide and a few have been murdered.
