View Full Version : Katie Hopkins - For Once - Speaks Sense!

Arthur Little
15th April 2016, 18:44
:cwm24: ... wonders will never cease ... for a change :iagree: with much (though NOT all!) of :Britain:'s most outspoken female TV personality & newspaper columnist's rant:23_116_6[1]: ... substantially backed up, in turn, by the'Daily Snail' readership.

www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3539431/KATIE-HOPKINS-British-Muslims-Really-Think-know-s-terrifying.html ... :ReadIt: + ensuing comments.

Michael Parnham
15th April 2016, 19:36
Good woman:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
15th April 2016, 20:29
Can't stand her.

Best comment was from a reader.

The Brits have been chucked out of most countries where they tried to impose British rule and standards. Quite right too ! Now the boots on the other foot with all kinds trying to impose their culture on the UK. So same rule should apply - chuck them out !

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3539431/KATIE-HOPKINS-British-Muslims-Really-Think-know-s-terrifying.html#ixzz45vQIyMoU
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Arthur Little
16th July 2016, 18:46
:cwm24: ... WOW, she's done it AGAIN, :yikes:!

This time sparking :cwm23: outrage over her incessant :angry: ramblings arising from the latest carnage in Nice ... apportioned to the evils of Islam.


"I slam" the 'Stone Age' doctrines of a :crazy:, so~called "religious" sect ... which, of course, are just about as far~removed from decent human values as you're likely to find anywhere on the planet.

23rd July 2016, 20:33
I would totally echo her sentiments.

We need more like her and less of the hand-wringers, do-gooders and Islam-apologists.

This is getting far too serious now.

Of course a lot of us have been predicting this mess for years, to be greeted by the standard knee-jerk reaction of being called a bigot, hater, etc.

No. Haters run over innocent adults and children with a truck, or shoot them, or blow them up... in defence of the belief system of a 7th century paedophile. :cwm23:

Michael Parnham
23rd July 2016, 22:46
I would totally echo her sentiments.

We need more like her and less of the hand-wringers, do-gooders and Islam-apologists.

This is getting far too serious now.

Of course a lot of us have been predicting this mess for years, to be greeted by the standard knee-jerk reaction of being called a bigot, hater, etc.

No. Haters run over innocent adults and children with a truck, or shoot them, or blow them up... in defence of the belief system of a 7th century paedophile. :cwm23:

Never heard of her, whoever she is after reading a couple of posts on here she seems to talk sense, she's only shouting out what many of us think:xxgrinning--00xx3: