View Full Version : Duterte Campaign Receives Further Boost

Arthur Little
18th April 2016, 13:19
Already streaks ahead of his rivals ... the Davao City Mayor's campaign has been given a further boost. And it comes from the "pen" of prominent, "no nonsense " Filipino columnist, Carmen Navarro Pedrosa - a firm believer in "telling it as it is"
- who writes:

"Duterte is serious about the need for constitutional change that will transform the Philippines [Administration] to a parliamentary system with a federal structure."


Clearly, his policies have struck a chord with the masses - based on his track record within the city he has served for so many years - along with his ability to readily identify with the people he represents; it is *these qualities as a leader, she adds, that combine to form his party's 'protective shield' against cheating.

But, she cautions, :poke: ... "Evil CANNOT simply be banished overnight, :nono-1-1: ... it's an ongoing task, that'll take time to achieve. And here - ALL things considered - is the man whom I believe to be the person BEST~equipped to initiate the process." :xxgrinning--00xx3:


18th April 2016, 13:34
Duterte,RoXas,Binay and Poe are wonderful human beings and all would make wonderful presidents.
Good luck to all of them in fair measure!!

18th April 2016, 13:43
Duterte,RoXas,Binay and Poe are wonderful human beings and all would make wonderful presidents.
Good luck to all of them in fair measure!!

For a minute I was going to ask you to check your :action-smiley-081: for splinters as I thought you were well and truly sat on the fence.
Then I realised :wink:

18th April 2016, 14:38
Carmen pedrosa "says it as it is" :icon_lol: Given that the philippines is in the top 5 most dangerous places in the world to be a journalist i think she "says it as she is told" :wink:

18th April 2016, 19:14
For a minute I was going to ask you to check your :action-smiley-081: for splinters as I thought you were well and truly sat on the fence.
Then I realised :wink:


Arthur Little
18th April 2016, 19:17
For a minute I was going to ask you to check your :action-smiley-081: for splinters as I thought you were well and truly sat on the fence.
Then I realised :wink:

:Erm: ... what did you realise, Simon?

18th April 2016, 19:46
:Erm: ... what did you realise, Simon?

Sometimes what's not written is just as important as what is written Arthur :smile:

19th April 2016, 11:15
Sometimes what's not written is just as important as what is written Arthur :smile:
And thats the implicite truth.

26th April 2016, 12:11
there is a photochop video going round with him in bed with a 17 year old i guess his opponents are getting worried how far out in front he is at the polls

30th April 2016, 15:22
I think the bloke may be a bit crackers... but that never stopped anyone becoming a President . :cwm25:

30th April 2016, 20:20
I have to admit that Rodrigo Duterte's rise is pretty impressive. My mahal has been watching dozens of clips of him on her phone and says that he is exactly what the Philippines needs. When I refer to him with a laugh as "Mr two-thirty" she puts on her serious face and repeats that he's the man for the job. It's interesting to me why he has become so popular. The Philippines has always had a law and order problem, but in the last two years many Filipinos have told me that there has been a particularly worrying rise in drug abuse and kidnapping. Not having been over since 2011 I can't really comment, but it seems to be a widely held view. What are your thoughts guys and girls, is this the truth:ReadIt:or wild exagerration:omg:?

1st May 2016, 14:08
Duterte is the best of a bad bunch,my son is kinblood with a well known family in davao,he has a cousin and an uncle who work for duterte,davao still has its crime,murders,shabu labs,gang rapes etc,its not the shangri la of the PI by a long shot,but it feels comfortable to some of us.

Arthur Little
1st May 2016, 16:08
:olddude: ... "Duterte vote is the voice of angry :angry: Filipinos" - Francisco Sonil Jose, Philiippines National Artist for Literature.

http://news.abs-cbn.com/halalan2016/focus/04/27/16/duterte-vote-is-the-voice-of-angry-filipinos-national-artist :ReadIt:

:yeahthat:'s it in a nutshell ... :anerikke: ... says it ALL, really! :icon_rolleyes:

2nd May 2016, 05:54
I think the bloke may be a bit crackers... but that never stopped anyone becoming a President . :cwm25:

Agreed he is as daft as a brush :icon_lol:

He says he is going to eradicate all Crime and drugs in the Philippines but he cant even do that in Davao City
For me he comes across as a typical barangy bully boy captain who opens his mouth without engaging his brain
I would rather any of the other candidates winning the election than this guy

He owns many properties and lots across the Philippines mostly in other family members names
He threatened to reveal all his bank accounts but his campaign team don't seem very keen on that one

I would not put it past him to try and start a war with China :NoNo:

Just being linked to any death squads should make him unelectable but sadly in the Philippines it does not

A tough talker who shoots from the hip yes but as a president on the world stage he would be totally out of his depth

Michael Parnham
2nd May 2016, 09:07
Agreed he is as daft as a brush :icon_lol:

He says he is going to eradicate all Crime and drugs in the Philippines but he cant even do that in Davao City
For me he comes across as a typical barangy bully boy captain who opens his mouth without engaging his brain
I would rather any of the other candidates winning the election than this guy

He owns many properties and lots across the Philippines mostly in other family members names
He threatened to reveal all his bank accounts but his campaign team don't seem very keen on that one

I would not put it past him to try and start a war with China :NoNo:

Just being linked to any death squads should make him unelectable but sadly in the Philippines it does not

A tough talker who shoots from the hip yes but as a president on the world stage he would be totally out of his depth

Seems to be the same as Trump:omg:

2nd May 2016, 11:27
They may both come across as slightly barmy, but Mr Trump is several leagues above Duterte in the 'credibility stakes', I'd have thought... and certainly in the US, one man cannot rule the country, as has been well demonstrated in the case of Obama and his (IMO) somewhat ineffectual terms of office.

2nd May 2016, 12:25
Yup,his policies as such arent realistic but who else is there,the rest are political dynasty thieves,london_Manila has it right,how can dirtyturte eradicate graft corruption kidnapping and drugs on 7107 islands when he cant do it in one city :Erm: and heaven forbid his thuggish manly tattoo'd daughter follows him into malacanang :NoNo:

2nd May 2016, 13:53
Well, as long as the winner is 'foreigner-friendly', not a lot we can do to change anything. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
2nd May 2016, 23:33
He says he is going to eradicate all Crime and drugs in the Philippines but he cant even do that in Davao City

No? Then how about this?


And that was back in February 2013 ... long before he was coerced into running in the Presidential race.

For me he comes across as a typical barangy bully boy captain ...

You think so? I doubt if many of his Davaonian constituents would agree with you. :NoNo:

... who opens his mouth without engaging his brain

:laughitupsmilie: ... rather like yourself!

I would rather any of the other candidates winning the election than this guy

Oh really? So I take it you'd prefer corrupt individuals like Roxas ... whose mind seems to've "mysteriously" gone blank when quizzed as to the whereabouts of the Yolanda Typhooon funds ... or Binay, who "fiddled the books" when he was Mayor of Makatti ... or Poe who lied about her citizenship. :doh

Arthur Little
3rd May 2016, 00:47

And that was back in February 2013 ... long before he was coerced into running in the Presidential race.

One in the eye :poke: there also ^ ... :anerikke: ... for ALL the other cynics! :yeahthat:

3rd May 2016, 05:08
One in the eye :poke: there also ^ ... :anerikke: ... for ALL the other cynics! :yeahthat:

The last thing the Philippines needs is this crackpot running the country :NoNo:

He had a go at the Pope and then had to say sorry :doh
His remarks about a rape victim were beyond the pale
Drugs and crime still prevail in Davao = so no change there

Please give me your take on Duterte's 41 properties ?
His 3 bank accounts with accumulated transactions of P2.4 Billion?

Duterte even denied having a BPI account until it was uploaded online and then he stated that it only had a "few thousand pesos" and then he has since changed that to "a little less than P211 million"

Yes he is popular but then Imelda Marcos was and still is = you could not make it up!

Not bad for a guy who tries to pass himself off as being pro poor and a man of the people :biggrin:

At least Poe has some diplomacy skills and a good education background Duterte has neither

3rd May 2016, 05:35
Well, as long as the winner is 'foreigner-friendly', not a lot we can do to change anything. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Expect the Idi Amin variety of foreigner friendly if the crackpot gets elected :yikes:

Powder keg countries are great until wrong people get into power

3rd May 2016, 05:44
Seems to be the same as Trump:omg:

Much worse than Trump

The department of justice has just confirmed its investigation into the unexplained killings perpetrated by the Davao death squads and the involvement of Mayor Rodrigo Duterte

Michael Parnham
3rd May 2016, 06:37
Don't know a lot about Philippine politics but since the days of Marcos (who by the way was controlled by Imelda) it's always seemed to me that the voters seem to want Entertainers or someone of extreme wealth rather than a good stable person with head for real politics and how to run a country, just my thoughts :Erm:

Arthur Little
3rd May 2016, 14:44
The last thing the Philippines needs is this crackpot running the country :NoNo:

:Erm: ... WHY a "crackpot"? Because he aims to/dares to "break the mould" perpetrated by the greed of the Cojuangco~Aquino clans (under the guise of "people power") since the Marcos regime was ousted?

He had a go at the Pope and then had to say sorry :doh

Sure ... he did. But ... :anerikke: ... as you've admitted, he'd the grace to aoplogise, for which - in turn - he received a Papal blessing.

His remarks about a rape victim were beyond the pale

See http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/59116-So-who-will-win-the-election ... #6.

Drugs and crime still prevail in Davao = so no change there

Yes, :iagree: ... as they do in most major cities worldwide. Yet how come Davao was voted as being 'fourth safest city in Asia'?

Please give me your take on Duterte's 41 properties?
His 3 bank accounts with accumulated transactions of P2.4 Billion?

Duterte even denied having a BPI account until it was uploaded online and then he stated that it only had a "few thousand pesos" and then he has since changed that to "a little less than P211 million"

Bank of Philippine Islands may Sue Senator Trillanes over fake claims:


Yes he is popular but then Imelda Marcos was and still is = you could not make it up!

:wink: ... perhaps Filipinos finally realise with hindsight that the nation's economy was at its height (ahead of Singapore) during the said Imelda's much~maligned late husband's period of Martial Law ... only to slither rapidly downhill (as I've already indicated in my opening paragrah above) once the greedy, self~serving Aquinos took over the reins.

Not bad for a guy who tries to pass himself off as being pro poor and a man of the people :biggrin:

At least Poe has some diplomacy skills and a good education background Duterte has neither

:biggrin: ... rubbish! Duterte is a lawyer - a first-time passer of the Bar Exams. Forbye, a former State Prosecutor ... unlike Poe, who taught in US Nursery Schools despite [apparently] failing their National Teaching Board Exams.

3rd May 2016, 17:39
2010-2015 Davao had 1000+ murders compared to 800+ for cebu arthur,davao also had the second highest number of rapes per city in pinas,check out the crime index,i hear of crimes often over there having family in the old bill,and a lot of small minor crimes go unrecorded.Its not the petty phone snatchers or appliance thieves who need to end up as salvage,they are easy targets,its bigger fish.

4th May 2016, 05:07
:Erm: ... WHY a "crackpot"? Because he aims to/dares to "break the mould" perpetrated by the greed of the Cojuangco~Aquino clans (under the guise of "people power") since the Marcos regime was ousted?

Sure ... he did. But ... :anerikke: ... as you've admitted, he'd the grace to aoplogise, for which - in turn - he received a Papal blessing.

See http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/59116-So-who-will-win-the-election ... #6.

Yes, :iagree: ... as they do in most major cities worldwide. Yet how come Davao was voted as being 'fourth safest city in Asia'?

Bank of Philippine Islands may Sue Senator Trillanes over fake claims:


:wink: ... perhaps Filipinos finally realise with hindsight that the nation's economy was at its height (ahead of Singapore) during the said Imelda's much~maligned late husband's period of Martial Law ... only to slither rapidly downhill (as I've already indicated in my opening paragrah above) once the greedy, self~serving Aquinos took over the reins.

:biggrin: ... rubbish! Duterte is a lawyer - a first-time passer of the Bar Exams. Forbye, a former State Prosecutor ... unlike Poe, who taught in US Nursery Schools despite [apparently] failing their National Teaching Board Exams.

My cat could pass the Bar exams in the Philippines if the right people were bribed

Fourth safest city in Asia = now that really takes the biscuit :laugher:

I notice you fail to comment on Durterte's financial situation and endless list of private properties

His sledgehammer style of diplomacy will not work on the worlds stage and he will make the
Philippines a laughing stock

IMHO and of course totally unscientific he just looks like a thug and somewhat deranged :cwm25:

My friends are working in the financial institutions in Makati and they have seen huge
outflows of foreign investments every time Durterte tops the latest opinion polls
Shares are not seen as a good bet now in the Philippines due to Durterte

His whole election campaign is based upon eradicating crime and drugs the the Philippines so on that basis Davao should be drug and crime free then :wink:

Ako Si Jamie
4th May 2016, 09:17
They say there's a fine line between a crackpot and a genius. :wink:

Not saying Duterte's either but he's a better candidate than the usual self-serving fraudsters which get elected.

Ako Si Jamie
4th May 2016, 09:21
it's always seemed to me that the voters seem to want Entertainers

President Pacquaio maybe one day? The title certainly has a ring to it. :wink:

4th May 2016, 12:32
I spoke to someone in Davao this morning who described duterte as the best of lesser evils,they are all corrupt but its hobsons choice.If pacman ran then i could seenhim getting massive votes,it was only a few years ago that people were indeed saying Pacman For President.

5th May 2016, 13:10
I spoke to a few ladies munching chicken in KFC opposite the european HQ of iglesia ni christo church one told me the church is backing duterte so everyone is voting for him,how can he lose with god himself backing him :biggrin:
She also told me (she liked to chat more than she liked to masticate chicken) that OFW's are getting absentee voting,and that pinays in Hong Kong who voted using a machine found instead of duterte the machine had been set to register maroxas every time duterte was chosen,i dont know what sort of machine,maybe its just a rumour?

5th May 2016, 13:48
As you know..I`m not interested in Filipino politics or Politicians in general but today I saw something that I have never seen before!! Ever!!
One or two Filipino friends showed me some very new crisp notes that they recently received..500`s 100`s 50`s etc with a label stapled to each of them...On that label (about half the size of note) was a printed picture of the candidate and a signed copy of his/her signature that issued the money and stapled on label to the money!!!
Just....Wow!! :biggrin:

5th May 2016, 13:51
Politics is dirty in most countrys,its filthy in pinas,but at least they are honestly dishonest.

5th May 2016, 13:56
Well at least they all get free money giving out to them lol democracy my .... who's got the deepest pockets that win

5th May 2016, 14:05
Well at least they all get free money giving out to them lol democracy my .... who's got the deepest pockets that win

Well I look at it like this..
ALL politicians the world over are liars..
They will promise the world to every voter before the election and then deliver nothing without any shame..
Perhaps Filipinos are not so stupid as they require a cash advance on these so called promises before they deliver a vote..
Might (probably) be the last benefit in any shape or form that they will see for another 4 years...
If I were them...I`d take it and enjoy it whilst I can.

5th May 2016, 15:10
Good point Fred. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Don't see many 'peasants' getting into power in the UK or the US either. :smile:

Arthur Little
5th May 2016, 15:53
I spoke to a few ladies munching chicken in KFC opposite the european HQ of iglesia ni christo church one told me the church is backing duterte so everyone is voting for him,how can he lose with god himself backing him :biggrin:

..................................Oh :yeahthat: ought to be the case ... I :pray: to God it will. But ...

She also told me (she liked to chat more than she liked to masticate chicken) that OFW's are getting absentee voting,and that pinays in Hong Kong who voted using a machine found instead of duterte the machine had been set to register maroxas every time duterte was chosen,i dont know what sort of machine,maybe its just a rumour?

... NO, unfortunately it ISN'T a rumour. Alas it's more black propaganda - in which tampering with PCOS counting machines plays its part - amounting to an ongoing 'dirty tricks campaign' by the current ruling administration aimed at discrediting the leading candidate; as, of course, is the [highly illegal] distribution :REGamblMoney01HL1: of those crisp new banknotes Fred refers to in #32 ... itself a despicable last~ditch attempt (by desperate losers) to bribe the electorate.

Thankfully, the Armed Forces have already cast their votes ... overwhelmingly in favour of Duterte.


5th May 2016, 23:23
As you know..I`m not interested in Filipino politics or Politicians in general but today I saw something that I have never seen before!! Ever!!
One or two Filipino friends showed me some very new crisp notes that they recently received..500`s 100`s 50`s etc with a label stapled to each of them...On that label (about half the size of note) was a printed picture of the candidate and a signed copy of his/her signature that issued the money and stapled on label to the money!!!
Just....Wow!! :biggrin:

They were round here yesterday handing out 500 peso notes like confetti.

6th May 2016, 01:29
itself a despicable last~ditch attempt (by desperate losers) to bribe the electorate.

Not true Art...EVERY candidate hands out fast cash to just about every registered voter..If they dont they will probably lose.
Its just a fact of life here.

6th May 2016, 01:34
They were round here yesterday handing out 500 peso notes like confetti.

4 years ago we made the mistake of trying to go shopping at the mall supermarket the day after election..The queues to checkouts were over 40 meters long and no shopping trolleys left..
We left it for another day!

6th May 2016, 10:11
Theres a guiness book of record attempt in Davao tomorrow at the crocodile farm,its all part of dutertes campaign,the record they want to break is the most people in one place singing the national anthem,my lola wants to go,i just told her a large gathering during times of political movement is an IED waiting to happen,hopefully she changes her mind about attending,its probably going to pass safely with much jollity and the worlds best attended national anthem karaoke,but you just never know :cwm25:

Doc Alan
6th May 2016, 19:53
We will soon know who is to be the next and 16th President of the Philippines. I’m not prepared, or qualified, to voice an opinion - beyond hoping Filipinos elect the candidate best for them and their country. A short reminder of former Presidents and Vice Presidents may be of interest.

Former Presidents :-

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Former%20P%20Presidents_zpszuzweovn.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Former%20P%20Presidents_zpszuzweovn.jpg.html)

Former Vice Presidents :-

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Former%20P%20Vice%20Presidents_zpskttiwhtc.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Former%20P%20Vice%20Presidents_zpskttiwhtc.jpg.html)

Apart from their achievements as Presidents, they have all been commemorated in various ways, including stamps, coins, and banknotes.

Some are shown here :-

Emilio Aguinaldo ( 1899 - 1901 ) - leader of revolutionary forces against Spain and then USA ...

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Aguinaldo_zpseynrqija.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Aguinaldo_zpseynrqija.jpg.html)

Manuel Quezon ( 1935 - 1944 ) - first President of the Commonwealth ...

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Quezon_zpsrrhnstji.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Quezon_zpsrrhnstji.jpg.html)

Sergio Osmena ( 1944 - 1946 ) ...

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Osmena_zpsjvhj0lhg.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Osmena_zpsjvhj0lhg.jpg.html)

Manuel Roxas ( 1946 - 1948 ) - first President of Republic ...

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Roxas_zpspsifdnd2.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Roxas_zpspsifdnd2.jpg.html)

Diosdado Macapagal ( 1961 - 1965 ) ...

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Macapagal_zpsyfvqqgxb.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Macapagal_zpsyfvqqgxb.jpg.html)

Ferdinand Marcos ( 1965 - 1986 ) ...

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Marcos_zpsuahkeaqr.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Marcos_zpsuahkeaqr.jpg.html)

( Benigno " Ninoy " Aquino, assassinated at Manila Airport in 1983, before he ever had the chance to be President. His widow, Corazon Aquino, was President 1986 - 1992 ) ...

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Benigno%20Aquino_zpsyfnnkjqu.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Benigno%20Aquino_zpsyfnnkjqu.jpg.html)

Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo ( 2001 - 2010 ) ...

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Gloria%20M-A_zpsl7p84qdo.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Gloria%20M-A_zpsl7p84qdo.jpg.html)

Benigno " Noynoy " Aquino ( 2010 - 2016 ) ...

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/NoyNoy%20Aquino_zpso9t2hkuu.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/NoyNoy%20Aquino_zpso9t2hkuu.jpg.html)

Ako Si Jamie
6th May 2016, 20:25
Good work Doc :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Best ever Pinoy President : Ramon Magsaysay :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Harry T
7th May 2016, 22:32
There is NO doubting Rodrigo Duterte is the man most people want to see elected as President, when i arrived in the Philippines Duterte was averaging 21/22% in most Opinion Polls with Grace Poe as the popular choice, except Mindanao where he has always had a substantial lead, as the canvassing has progressed and he has Toured the Philippines his popularity has grown, for instance in Cebu he has good support, and in Palawan especially Puerto Princesa i barely saw a poster other than Duterte, as time went on, his ratings slowly went up to first of all mid 20,s then over the last 3 weeks or so, to a steady 32/33%. This has led to most of the other Candidates realising that Duterte is NOW a major threat to their Presidential aspirations, he is ably supported by a good young Politician in Cayatano who is standing for the Vice Presidency who make no mistake is a pretty inteligent guy, and will be one for the future. This support and rising of Duterte in the Polls has led to much Mud Slinging, and Scaremongering (some may be true, some may not) by Politicians who can see their chances of being elected slipping away, and some would say by sections of the media.
During the time i have been there, i watched and listened with interest peoples views on who they thought should be the next President in Mindanao Duterte,s home Territory, i never heard ONE word said against Duterte, either by Philippinos or the Foreign Immigrants that i met, indeed they all said that they felt Davao was the safest place to live in (maybe not perfect) and indeed it was the only place that i never got ripped off by Taxi Drivers, unlike Cebu and Manila (who the hell wants to live their its like hell on earth).

People should realise there was NO need for Duterte to stand in this election, he didnt have to, and he didnt need to, he could very easily just have carried on being Mayor of Davao until he felt it was time for him to retire, however friends, colleagues and the Filipino people convinced him that he should stand, as the Filipino people needed him, and in the end thats what convinced him most that he should stand. Their is no doubts in my mind that Duterte is taking a very big risk in doing this, he has after all already said he will take on the Drug Lords and Criminal fraternity, not to mention the Corruption (Money Men) that exists in the Philippine Society, created and encouraged by current and past administrations and spread throughout the whole of Society from the very rich down to the poorest of areas (vote buying being just one of them), Duterte is NO fool and realises this may end in a bad way by costing him his life, but he is prepared to take the risk for his people, and for that i admire and respect him, I just hope the Filipino people get what they want and need, and Corrupt practices do not prevent this, there is NO doubting Duterte is the man of the People and if there is any justice he will be the next President..

7th May 2016, 22:47
Duterte :xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3::Hellooo::Hellooo::Hellooo::Jump::Jump::Jump:

Arthur Little
8th May 2016, 01:42
There is NO doubting Rodrigo Duterte is the man most people want to see elected as President, when i arrived in the Philippines Duterte was averaging 21/22% in most Opinion Polls with Grace Poe as the popular choice, except Mindanao where he has always had a substantial lead, as the canvassing has progressed and he has Toured the Philippines his popularity has grown, for instance in Cebu he has good support, and in Palawan especially Puerto Princesa i barely saw a poster other than Duterte, as time went on, his ratings slowly went up to first of all mid 20,s then over the last 3 weeks or so, to a steady 32/33%. This has led to most of the other Candidates realising that Duterte is NOW a major threat to their Presidential aspirations, he is ably supported by a good young Politician in Cayatano who is standing for the Vice Presidency who make no mistake is a pretty inteligent guy, and will be one for the future. This support and rising of Duterte in the Polls has led to much Mud Slinging, and Scaremongering (some may be true, some may not) by Politicians who can see their chances of being elected slipping away, and some would say by sections of the media.
During the time i have been there, i watched and listened with interest peoples views on who they thought should be the next President in Mindanao Duterte,s home Territory, i never heard ONE word said against Duterte, either by Philippinos or the Foreign Immigrants that i met, indeed they all said that they felt Davao was the safest place to live in (maybe not perfect) and indeed it was the only place that i never got ripped off by Taxi Drivers, unlike Cebu and Manila (who the hell wants to live their its like hell on earth).

People should realise there was NO need for Duterte to stand in this election, he didnt have to, and he didnt need to, he could very easily just have carried on being Mayor of Davao until he felt it was time for him to retire, however friends, colleagues and the Filipino people convinced him that he should stand, as the Filipino people needed him, and in the end thats what convinced him most that he should stand. Their is no doubts in my mind that Duterte is taking a very big risk in doing this, he has after all already said he will take on the Drug Lords and Criminal fraternity, not to mention the Corruption (Money Men) that exists in the Philippine Society, created and encouraged by current and past administrations and spread throughout the whole of Society from the very rich down to the poorest of areas (vote buying being just one of them),Duterte is NO fool and realises this may end in a bad way by costing him his life, but he is prepared to take the risk for his people, and for that i admire and respect him, I just hope the Filipino people get what they want and need, and Corrupt practices do not prevent this, there is NO doubting Duterte is the man of the People and if there is any justice he will be the next President..

Paul/Harry: Thank you most sincerely ... for being the first person to fully agree with the points I've spent MANY weeks [literally] trying to get across on here all along! Having been married to a wonderful Filipina for almost 71/2 years, it's only natural I want the very BEST for my wife's family as well as their fellow citizens. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Doc Alan
8th May 2016, 08:54
Good work Doc :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thank you Jamie :smile:.

Michael Parnham
8th May 2016, 12:09
We will soon know who is to be the next and 16th President of the Philippines. I’m not prepared, or qualified, to voice an opinion - beyond hoping Filipinos elect the candidate best for them and their country. A short reminder of former Presidents and Vice Presidents may be of interest.

Former Presidents :-

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Former%20P%20Presidents_zpszuzweovn.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Former%20P%20Presidents_zpszuzweovn.jpg.html)

Former Vice Presidents :-

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Former%20P%20Vice%20Presidents_zpskttiwhtc.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Former%20P%20Vice%20Presidents_zpskttiwhtc.jpg.html)

Apart from their achievements as Presidents, they have all been commemorated in various ways, including stamps, coins, and banknotes.

Some are shown here :-

Emilio Aguinaldo ( 1899 - 1901 ) - leader of revolutionary forces against Spain and then USA ...

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Aguinaldo_zpseynrqija.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Aguinaldo_zpseynrqija.jpg.html)

Manuel Quezon ( 1935 - 1944 ) - first President of the Commonwealth ...

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Quezon_zpsrrhnstji.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Quezon_zpsrrhnstji.jpg.html)

Sergio Osmena ( 1944 - 1946 ) ...

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Osmena_zpsjvhj0lhg.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Osmena_zpsjvhj0lhg.jpg.html)

Manuel Roxas ( 1946 - 1948 ) - first President of Republic ...

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Roxas_zpspsifdnd2.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Roxas_zpspsifdnd2.jpg.html)

Diosdado Macapagal ( 1961 - 1965 ) ...

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Macapagal_zpsyfvqqgxb.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Macapagal_zpsyfvqqgxb.jpg.html)

Ferdinand Marcos ( 1965 - 1986 ) ...

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Marcos_zpsuahkeaqr.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Marcos_zpsuahkeaqr.jpg.html)

( Benigno " Ninoy " Aquino, assassinated at Manila Airport in 1983, before he ever had the chance to be President. His widow, Corazon Aquino, was President 1986 - 1992 ) ...

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Benigno%20Aquino_zpsyfnnkjqu.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Benigno%20Aquino_zpsyfnnkjqu.jpg.html)

Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo ( 2001 - 2010 ) ...

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Gloria%20M-A_zpsl7p84qdo.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Gloria%20M-A_zpsl7p84qdo.jpg.html)

Benigno " Noynoy " Aquino ( 2010 - 2016 ) ...

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/NoyNoy%20Aquino_zpso9t2hkuu.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/NoyNoy%20Aquino_zpso9t2hkuu.jpg.html)

Nice post, enjoy the banknotes & stamps Alan:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
8th May 2016, 12:11
There is NO doubting Rodrigo Duterte is the man most people want to see elected as President, when i arrived in the Philippines Duterte was averaging 21/22% in most Opinion Polls with Grace Poe as the popular choice, except Mindanao where he has always had a substantial lead, as the canvassing has progressed and he has Toured the Philippines his popularity has grown, for instance in Cebu he has good support, and in Palawan especially Puerto Princesa i barely saw a poster other than Duterte, as time went on, his ratings slowly went up to first of all mid 20,s then over the last 3 weeks or so, to a steady 32/33%. This has led to most of the other Candidates realising that Duterte is NOW a major threat to their Presidential aspirations, he is ably supported by a good young Politician in Cayatano who is standing for the Vice Presidency who make no mistake is a pretty inteligent guy, and will be one for the future. This support and rising of Duterte in the Polls has led to much Mud Slinging, and Scaremongering (some may be true, some may not) by Politicians who can see their chances of being elected slipping away, and some would say by sections of the media.
During the time i have been there, i watched and listened with interest peoples views on who they thought should be the next President in Mindanao Duterte,s home Territory, i never heard ONE word said against Duterte, either by Philippinos or the Foreign Immigrants that i met, indeed they all said that they felt Davao was the safest place to live in (maybe not perfect) and indeed it was the only place that i never got ripped off by Taxi Drivers, unlike Cebu and Manila (who the hell wants to live their its like hell on earth).

People should realise there was NO need for Duterte to stand in this election, he didnt have to, and he didnt need to, he could very easily just have carried on being Mayor of Davao until he felt it was time for him to retire, however friends, colleagues and the Filipino people convinced him that he should stand, as the Filipino people needed him, and in the end thats what convinced him most that he should stand. Their is no doubts in my mind that Duterte is taking a very big risk in doing this, he has after all already said he will take on the Drug Lords and Criminal fraternity, not to mention the Corruption (Money Men) that exists in the Philippine Society, created and encouraged by current and past administrations and spread throughout the whole of Society from the very rich down to the poorest of areas (vote buying being just one of them), Duterte is NO fool and realises this may end in a bad way by costing him his life, but he is prepared to take the risk for his people, and for that i admire and respect him, I just hope the Filipino people get what they want and need, and Corrupt practices do not prevent this, there is NO doubting Duterte is the man of the People and if there is any justice he will be the next President..

Very well written, couldn't have put it better:xxgrinning--00xx3:

9th May 2016, 09:08
The campaign grew sour over the weekend with the outgoing president comparing Duterte’s rise to that of Hitler and the mayor responded that Aquino was a “son of a whore.”


9th May 2016, 13:33
Well chris aquino isnt flavour of the month at the moment :biggrin: aparently she is upset over her helicopter gig,not that she can show upset as an emotion due to the vast amount of botox pumped into her features.Partial result from a few hours ago 10 regions out of 16 buterte leads,solid mindanao vote.
Its all well and good duterte winning but whatbif he attends a worldwide function,the guys a loose canon,is he really the face of pinas to the world?Son of a whore?
Better get the bodybags lined up anyway as he has promised 100,000 criminals killed by the DDS :icon_lol: Thats his presidential policy?:icon_lol:

9th May 2016, 17:09
Maybe the peso will plummet ?

Bad for retirees, good for tourists. :cwm25:

9th May 2016, 18:29
I think duterte has done it gonna be interesting next few months

Arthur Little
9th May 2016, 18:40
I think duterte has done it gonna be interesting next few months

Yes, :iagree: ... pretty conclusive victory.

GREAT result! :Jump: Although Poe has conceded defeat, however, it's perhaps BEST NOT to count one's :coolchickendance:s before they hatch.

Harry T
10th May 2016, 00:40
Yes it seems its to be President Duterte, As i said earlier its what the Filipino people want, they seem to have unchangeable faith in this man, and thats exactly what i picked up during my Tour of the Philippines.

Yes he says a few undiplomatic things, but hey thats his style, and you know where you stand with him, or would you prefer the usual Politicians trait of saying one thing to get elected, then doing exactly the opposite.

I say Good luck President Duterte the overwhelming majority have spoken.. :smile:

10th May 2016, 15:14
I met him once,maybe 15 years ago at golds outdoor range on diversion road,he was shooting 2 colt 911's in an unorthodox style at a police match,yup,theres a new sherriff in town,except he didnt have a horse,he had a harley instead.
Ask any pinoy what are his policies and they all say corruption and law and order,but you cant build a presidency on that,does anyone know what policies he intends to implement :Erm:

10th May 2016, 15:27
I know what you mean harry about him saying undiplomatic things,he is like prince philip with aggressive autism,the aussies arent too happynwith him over his joke about the australian missionary who was raped and had her throat slashed :NoNo:

10th May 2016, 15:31
I met him once,maybe 15 years ago at golds outdoor range on diversion road,he was shooting 2 colt 911's in an unorthodox style at a police match,yup,theres a new sherriff in town,except he didnt have a horse,he had a harley instead.
Ask any pinoy what are his policies and they all say corruption and law and order,but you cant build a presidency on that,does anyone know what policies he intends to implement :Erm:

Here's the list of some of his plans/policies..I'm not pro-Duterte though.


10th May 2016, 15:42
Thank you,i like his "non confrontational" approach to china :biggrin: then he goes and spoils it by saying "If you dont stop ....... with us your going to have to kill me" :icon_lol:

Ako Si Jamie
10th May 2016, 19:32
Sounds like Duterte is in the Dedworth mould. This could be interesting! :biggrin:

Arthur Little
10th May 2016, 19:53
Sounds like Duterte is in the Dedworth mould. This could be interesting! :biggrin:

Y'know, Jamie :icon_rolleyes: ... you're possibly right. Tbh ... I wasn't a fan of his during my time in the Phils. But he sort of "grew on me" in that, I believe his "bark's worse than his bite" - a bit like Dedworth's, really.

10th May 2016, 22:52
One thing he is not, and thats PC :icon_lol: But he is a genuine man, not frightened to say what he thinks in plain language.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th May 2016, 03:19
I met him once,maybe 15 years ago at golds outdoor range on diversion road,he was shooting 2 colt 911's in an unorthodox style at a police match,yup,theres a new sherriff in town,except he didnt have a horse,he had a harley instead.
Ask any pinoy what are his policies and they all say corruption and law and order,but you cant build a presidency on that,does anyone know what policies he intends to implement :Erm:

Thats easy to implement his policy of killing as many innocent people as he can :cwm25:

Duterte is Judge Jury and Executioner :NoNo:

Expect a military coup at some stage if the crackpot starts killing too many people

Allow me to predict that this will all end in tears

Maybe his recent ridiculous quote of "kill me before i kill you" might just happen

11th May 2016, 10:59
One more addition to the chain of the corrupt, the crooks and the clowns ? :cwm25:

11th May 2016, 11:46
Thats easy to implement his policy of killing as many innocent people as he can :cwm25:

Duterte is Judge Jury and Executioner :NoNo:

Expect a military coup at some stage if the crackpot starts killing too many people

Allow me to predict that this will all end in tears

Maybe his recent ridiculous quote of "kill me before i kill you" might just happen
He wasnt that bad a shot from what i can remember given it was a combat shoot,but he will have to go some to fill his 100,000 bodybags with 911's :smile: surprisingly enough the peso has risen slightly against the dollar in the last day or so :Erm:

11th May 2016, 11:49
His daughter sara is now mayoress of davao,her knickname is sherriff one-punch after she was filmed in a brawl with a local police sherriff :biggrin:

Arthur Little
11th May 2016, 14:59
He wasnt that bad a shot from what i can remember given it was a combat shoot,but he will have to go some to fill his 100,000 bodybags with 911's :smile: surprisingly enough the peso has risen slightly against the dollar in the last day or so :Erm:

Lest it be forgotten :poke: ... Duterte was the man responsible for introducing '911' to Davao, the ONLY city outwith the US and Canada to boast such a facility!

:yeahthat: achievement in itself is something I had [inadvertently] omitted to mention earlier.

11th May 2016, 15:07
Lest it be forgotten :poke: ... Duterte was the man responsible for introducing '911' to Davao ... the ONLY city outwith the US and Canada to boast such a facility.

After we introduced the 999 emergency number in 1937 :wink:

Europe use 112 as of 1991 :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th May 2016, 15:18
Lest it be forgotten :poke: ... Duterte was the man responsible for introducing '911' to Davao, the ONLY city outwith the US and Canada to boast such a facility!

:yeahthat: achievement in itself is something I had [inadvertently] omitted to mention earlier.

It might be true in the Philippines, but other countries have 911 as well (or whichever number they have) not just US & Canada.


11th May 2016, 15:50
I dont think 911 will be much use for a 45 slug in the head!!
We might need a 911 funeral emergency service nalang!!

Ako Si Jamie
11th May 2016, 19:03
His daughter sara is now mayoress of davao,her knickname is sherriff one-punch after she was filmed in a brawl with a local police sherriff :biggrin:

No way for a young lady to behave :NoNo: She should be ashamed of herself!

11th May 2016, 20:15
Lest it be forgotten :poke: ... Duterte was the man responsible for introducing '911' to Davao, the ONLY city outwith the US and Canada to boast such a facility!

:yeahthat: achievement in itself is something I had [inadvertently] omitted to mention earlier.

Indeed he did Arthur which in itself is a badge of honour over there.
Delighted to see that he had such an emphatic victory and I hope he fulfills the dreams of those who voted for him.
To my mind with the exception of Miriam it was straight choice of more of the same or lets be bold and go for something new. I'm glad they decided to be bold and I hope it pays off.

Arthur Little
11th May 2016, 22:35
Indeed he did Arthur which in itself is a badge of honour over there.
Delighted to see that he had such an emphatic victory and I hope he fulfills the dreams of those who voted for him.
To my mind with the exception of Miriam it was straight choice of more of the same or lets be bold and go for something new. I'm glad they decided to be bold and I hope it pays off.

Thanks so much, Marco ... for being the second of two members so far to openly express support for the man whom I've long~believed to be the only candidate capable of putting our wives' beloved homeland back on the firm footing their nation richly deserves. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

11th May 2016, 22:51
I would never declare my support for somebody who I knew very little about. Also I'm not a citizen of the Philippines (and am never likely to be). So, moot point as far as I'm concerned. :smile:

11th May 2016, 22:55
Indeed he did Arthur which in itself is a badge of honour over there.
Delighted to see that he had such an emphatic victory and I hope he fulfills the dreams of those who voted for him.
To my mind with the exception of Miriam it was straight choice of more of the same or lets be bold and go for something new. I'm glad they decided to be bold and I hope it pays off.

lets be bold and go for something new:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:This is what the UK needs to do.:xxgrinning--00xx3::xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
12th May 2016, 00:12
Thats easy to implement his policy of killing as many innocent people as he can :cwm25:

Absolutely NOT - :nono-1-1: ... those who are genuinely :innocent1:, will have nothing to fear!

Duterte is Judge Jury and Executioner :NoNo:

If the criminals are drug~pushing scum ... then yes. Rightly so at that! :cwm23:

Expect a military coup at some stage if the crackpot starts killing too many people

That is unlikely to happen ... as the Military pledged its full support by voting unanimously for him. :smile:

Allow me to predict that this will all end in tears

Tears of joy :BouncyHappy: ... in that - at long~last - the nation has chosen a leader who CAN ACTUALLY be trusted!

Maybe his recent ridiculous quote of "kill me before i kill you" might just happen

Maybe it will; hopefully, :pray: it won't. But ... as he frequently assured [previously unprecedented] gatherings of followers, 'tis a chance he's more than prepared to risk.

12th May 2016, 02:27
Looks like his toughest job will be the Constitutional changes that GMA failed to accomplish.. If he can somehow persuade those in the Senate that represent the big controlling money families to do away with stuff like the 60/40 rule he would really have accomplished something that in theory could really change the country...Turn it on its head in fact..
I remain VERY skeptical that this is possible but I will be watching very closely to see how his plans unfold in actuality.
A Federal style Government could work very well in the Philippines given the chance..
Perhaps temporary martial law and executive orders for the good of the people could have merit..
Lets see what happens..But I wish him luck as he now has a very clear mandate directly from his people.

12th May 2016, 04:24
From what I have been reading just lately there could be a problem with the "results"..
Some Data Analysts are saying that the charts that deal with the Vice president race have most probably been "manipulated" although other mathematical analysts may disagree...
Miriam Defensor seems to be saying something similar..Marcos has suggested that its about the Establishments "Plan B"..He suggests that this plan involves installing a Liberal as V.P before impeachment proceedings...VP becomes President.
There may be trouble ahead!

12th May 2016, 04:42
Leni denies Plan B, says it’s Marcos who has presidential ambitions

- See more at: http://www.gmanetwor...h.E6Y7Wuli.dpuf (http://www.gmanetwork.com/news/story/565830/news/nation/leni-denies-plan-b-says-it-s-marcos-who-has-presidential-ambitions#sthash.E6Y7Wuli.dpuf)

Harry T
12th May 2016, 07:19
I just hope that the Senate, the Plotters and whoever is that attempt to change things, or Impeach Duterte I hope thay they realise President Duterte has not just won, he has won by a massive Majority, there was NO fiddling of figures, NO lucky win, it was a massive overwhelming choice by the people of the Philippines, and i for one hope they allow him to try to change things.

In Davao there is NO smoking in Public.
No Alchohol in Public after midnight,
No dogs roaming loose around the streets,
No Firecrackers being let off,
He is now mentioning No children to be on the Streets after 10-00pm without parents..
He is saying there should be Freedom of Information.

Some people may think those are only small things, but they dont seem to me to be the actions of a Dictator, Yes he may well have to Dictate that they ARE going to happen, but they are small steps towards a better Philippines.

12th May 2016, 07:36
I just hope that the Senate, the Plotters and whoever is that attempt to change things, or Impeach Duterte I hope thay they realise President Duterte has not just won, he has won by a massive Majority, there was NO fiddling of figures, NO lucky win, it was a massive overwhelming choice by the people of the Philippines, and i for one hope they allow him to try to change things.

In Davao there is NO smoking in Public.
No Alchohol in Public after midnight,
No dogs roaming loose around the streets,
No Firecrackers being let off,
He is now mentioning No children to be on the Streets after 10-00pm without parents..
He is saying there should be Freedom of Information.

Some people may think those are only small things, but they dont seem to me to be the actions of a Dictator, Yes he may well have to Dictate that they ARE going to happen, but they are small steps towards a better Philippines.

I agree with most of those measures all except the damned smoking ban... People can buy smokes LEGALLY in any store and pay a sin tax that helps finance Phil health.. Then they make it illegal to smoke outside of private homes... Utter BS!!

12th May 2016, 07:45
I just hope that the Senate, the Plotters and whoever is that attempt to change things, or Impeach Duterte I hope thay they realise President Duterte has not just won, he has won by a massive Majority, there was NO fiddling of figures, NO lucky win, it was a massive overwhelming choice by the people of the Philippines, and i for one hope they allow him to try to change things.

If he can show that the bank accounts that he had all these millions in are legitimate and then explain why he didnt include them in his SALN disclosure then there will be no need or threats of an impeachment.
You cant really promise to route out corruption before proving that you,yourself and your accounts are clean.
Its also not much good answering the question "where did the 211 Million PHP go" and just answer that it all went on "Happy happy"!!!!:icon_lol:
He will have to come up with something better then that!!! LoL.

Ako Si Jamie
12th May 2016, 08:21
It's astounding that public smoking bans are enforced in cities like Dumaguete & Davao but hey it's totally OK for people to drive their vehicles intoxicated.


12th May 2016, 11:42
It's astounding that public smoking bans are enforced in cities like Dumaguete & Davao but hey it's totally OK for people to drive their vehicles intoxicated.


With thick black oily soot exiting the exhaust!!

12th May 2016, 12:35
Lest it be forgotten :poke: ... Duterte was the man responsible for introducing '911' to Davao, the ONLY city outwith the US and Canada to boast such a facility!

:yeahthat: achievement in itself is something I had [inadvertently] omitted to mention earlier.
Um,no arthur,i am on about COLT 911's the .45 acp single action semi automatic pistol which saw action in the philippine-american war,he liked the pistols,didnt have glocks or armscor or similar :smile:

Ako Si Jamie
12th May 2016, 13:45
With thick black oily soot exiting the exhaust!!

That too :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
12th May 2016, 13:58

:yikes:, Graham ... is that you :yeahthat: all dressed up?

Michael Parnham
12th May 2016, 14:02
No way for a young lady to behave :NoNo: She should be ashamed of herself!

Who on earth elects these people for the responsible positions that they now have?:thumbsdown:

Arthur Little
12th May 2016, 14:04
Um,no arthur,i am on about COLT 911's the .45 acp single action semi automatic pistol which saw action in the philippine-american war, he liked the pistols,didnt have glocks or armscor or similar :smile:

:cwm24: ... oh, right!

Arthur Little
12th May 2016, 14:18
Um,no arthur,i am on about COLT 911's the .45 acp single action semi automatic pistol which saw action in the philippine-american war, he liked the pistols,didnt have glocks or armscor or similar :smile:

:cwm24: ... oh, right!

Och well ... :anerikke: ... doesn't matter. :nono-1-1: ... gave me an opportunity to highlight ANOTHER of the ex-Mayor's innumerable achievements. :biggrin:

12th May 2016, 16:34
Philippines' president-elect Rodrigo Duterte is planning to visit the Vatican to make a personal apology to the Pope for calling him a "son of a whore", his spokesman says.
http://www.abc.net.a...remark'/7408796 (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-05-12/duterte-to-%27apologise-to-pope-for-son-of-a-whore-remark%27/7408796)


12th May 2016, 16:42
Thks for Rep!! You know who you are!!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

13th May 2016, 03:23
If he can show that the bank accounts that he had all these millions in are legitimate and then explain why he didnt include them in his SALN disclosure then there will be no need or threats of an impeachment.
You cant really promise to route out corruption before proving that you,yourself and your accounts are clean.
Its also not much good answering the question "where did the 211 Million PHP go" and just answer that it all went on "Happy happy"!!!!:icon_lol:
He will have to come up with something better then that!!! LoL.

Surely his 41 properties held in various other family members names needs further investigation

All this talk about a breath of fresh air is ridiculous he is just as corrupt as the rest of them

He said the right things to get elected its as simple as that :furious3:

13th May 2016, 03:30
Absolutely NOT - :nono-1-1: ... those who are genuinely :innocent1:, will have nothing to fear!

If the criminals are drug~pushing scum ... then yes. Rightly so at that! :cwm23:

That is unlikely to happen ... as the Military pledged its full support by voting unanimously for him. :smile:

Tears of joy :BouncyHappy: ... in that - at long~last - the nation has chosen a leader who CAN ACTUALLY be trusted!

Maybe it will; hopefully, :pray: it won't. But ... as he frequently assured [previously unprecedented] gatherings of followers, 'tis a chance he's more than prepared to risk.

Drug dealers and criminals should be dealt with by the courts not death squads :NoNo:

It wont take the military long to fall out of love with this crackpot

Trusted :laugher:

13th May 2016, 08:55
Drug dealers and criminals should be dealt with by the courts not death squads :NoNo:

It wont take the military long to fall out of love with this crackpot

Trusted :laugher:

I think the general idea is to scare them into behaving. Won't work with drug dealers of course.

13th May 2016, 10:57
I think the general idea is to scare them into behaving. Won't work with drug dealers of course.

I think he`ll bring back the death penalty...With the judicial system the way it is here I can see a few innocents swinging...A few thousand guilty ones too.. If the really bad ones employ top lawyers thats when we could see dead people in sacks like the ole days.

13th May 2016, 11:13
Philippines' president-elect Rodrigo Duterte is planning to visit the Vatican to make a personal apology to the Pope for calling him a "son of a whore", his spokesman says.
http://www.abc.net.a...remark'/7408796 (http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-05-12/duterte-to-%27apologise-to-pope-for-son-of-a-whore-remark%27/7408796)

Has he got tourette syndrom :Erm:

Ako Si Jamie
13th May 2016, 12:49
I think he`ll bring back the death penalty...With the judicial system the way it is here I can see a few innocents swinging...A few thousand guilty ones too.. If the really bad ones employ top lawyers thats when we could see dead people in sacks like the ole days.Doesn't the Philippines have the death penalty presently? I read the other day about a Brit in La Bilibid being on 'Death Row'. :anerikke:

13th May 2016, 13:12
Doesn't the Philippines have the death penalty presently? I read the other day about a Brit in La Bilibid being on 'Death Row'. :anerikke:

Not now...They did away with it a good few years ago during GMA`s presidency..

Arthur Little
14th May 2016, 15:06
See http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/59164-Incoming-Philippine-Cabinet-To-Continue-High-Growth-Path ... #4 refers.

...... :yeahthat:'s probably :poke: the most accurate account to date!

Surely it'll "silence" the doubters. :wink:

14th May 2016, 15:26
Nope,results will silence the doubters,anything else is just speculative hyperbole,as the old saying goes show me your results dont tell me your plans :wink:

14th May 2016, 17:14
See http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/59164-Incoming-Philippine-Cabinet-To-Continue-High-Growth-Path ... #4 refers.

...... :yeahthat:'s probably :poke: the most accurate account to date!

Surely it'll "silence" the doubters. :wink:

The Filipinos around here dont care...They have got their vote money and most have spent it by my observation of the Mall activity of late.. They have had all these promises made to them before! All they are looking forward to is the next Barangay elections and the pay out from that.
Like Tawi says..What happens,happens...Talk is cheap...
Politician`s are the scum of the earth IMO and they are all the same.. If one proves me wrong,Ill tell everyone to vote for him next time and take his cash to boot!!

21st May 2016, 12:10
I think he`ll bring back the death penalty...With the judicial system the way it is here I can see a few innocents swinging...A few thousand guilty ones too.. If the really bad ones employ top lawyers thats when we could see dead people in sacks like the ole days.
I hope he does bring back the death sentence,chinese style,no languishing on death rom for years,your sentenced your done that day,theres 3 guys just gang raped a 7 year old girl in manila then stabbed her to death,they need skinning alive after their toes and fingers are bolt cropped off,animals is too good a description for them,pinas has lots of similar senseless crimes that need stamping out

Ako Si Jamie
21st May 2016, 12:37

28th May 2016, 16:25
Since 1998 Dutertes DDS have killed 132 children (below the age of 17) 57 women,and there have also been 14 recognised cases of mistaken identity killings :NoNo: he takes out soft targets,poverty stricken families,while those higher up continue with business as normal.

28th May 2016, 16:34
Since 1998 Dutertes DDS have killed 132 children (below the age of 17) 57 women,and there have also been 14 recognised cases of mistaken identity killings :NoNo: he takes out soft targets,poverty stricken families,while those higher up continue with business as normal.

Any reputable links??? That sounds terrible if its true.

28th May 2016, 18:45
More Philippine drug suspects gunned downhttp://www.bangkokpost.com/media/content/20160528/c1_992397_160528184140_620x413.jpg

MANILA: Philippine police shot dead four suspected drug dealers while unknown men gunned down two others, officials said on Saturday, raising the 14 the number of narcotics suspects slain since president-elect Rodrigo Duterte vowed a war against crime.
Police killed eight other suspects in the country's north including two in Manila during the past week as civil rights monitors warned the government against taking illegal shortcuts to fight crime.

29th May 2016, 11:55
Any reputable links??? That sounds terrible if its true.

It IS true,youngest victim shot was 9 years old,its not an ABS/CBN fictional report :biggrin: and to think some applaud him for his stance on crime,without knowing anything behind the curtain :wink: I wrote this tale on here before,my kids got an uncle,high up copper,retired now,he was shot in an ambush,several times,tough old guy,some nice scars,the guy who ambushed him was caught,the uncle got out of hospital and went back to work,two days later the shooter was himself killed trying to "escape" my kids uncle winked at me :Erm: he told me a lot of stories about the DDS :cwm25:

29th May 2016, 14:12
Drug raid..3 dead after Police shootout in Bohol..

Cebu drug lords posh island hide out..


Ako Si Jamie
29th May 2016, 20:38
What's Duterte's plans with the Abu Sayyaf?

Hopefully he'll sort out these scumbags too. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
31st May 2016, 00:32
It IS true,youngest victim shot was 9 years old,its not an ABS/CBN fictional report :biggrin: and to think some applaud him for his stance on crime,without knowing anything behind the curtain :wink:


:yeahthat: article - unsurprisingly - was compiled by a Catholic priest, Fr Amado Picardal, CSsR ... on behalf of the Catholic Bishops' Conference Of The Philippines - whose prominent members doubtless included those "rogue" bishops from the Manila diocese' who wrote letters to parish priests strongly urging them to exhort their parishioners NOT to vote for Duterte. Spreading more black propaganda, in other words.

See 1st post on my thread: http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/59210-Duterte-Launches-Vulgar-Tirade-On-Catholic-Church-Hierarchy?highlight= (Paragraph 6) ... :ReadIt:

Note, too, the writer of the feature in the link you've posted, admits the nine-year-old was killed by stray crossfire! Ask yourself:

WHY would a man who, as the eldest son of a former Governor of Davao Province, inherited his father's mansion and, following the annulment of his first [legitimate] marriage, decide to gift the property for specific use as a Young Persons' Hospice, knowingly tolerate the indiscriminate killing of a child? :NoNo:

31st May 2016, 02:54
This ITN piece was the first I`d heard of the so called death squads and the culling of drug running kids..I may have posted this before..Cant remember.


31st May 2016, 17:08
One kid killed in a crossfire arthur doesnt make it right,its a childs life "Oh sorry,we shot your child accidentally" doesnt make it right,the death squads DO kill kids,its all online to read though perhaps not on facebook :wink: your wife is from Tagum?Ask her about the DDS.

31st May 2016, 17:10
Fred,anyone who has spent time in Davao has heard of the death squads from years ago,Duterte admitted his links to them last year,and the yanks have acknowledged he is behind them,but its ok,he is going to clean up pinas u:icon_lol: