View Full Version : Growing plants from the Philippines

25th April 2016, 21:55
When I came back to the UK, I brought some seed pods with me that I collected from Pantabangan while on a fishing trip. The seed pods were from the Fire Tree. The children loved them because they rattle well when you shake them.
I thought my Mum might like to see them and try to grow them. So we did some research on how to plant them and the photos below tell the story so far.

Regular updates as they grow:

The seed pods:
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg188/Discusboy123/image.jpg4_zpsntcxlfyg.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/Discusboy123/media/image.jpg4_zpsntcxlfyg.jpg.html)

Rubbing the seeds on sandpaper to make them porous on the pointy end
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg188/Discusboy123/image.jpg1_zpszwpvelki.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/Discusboy123/media/image.jpg1_zpszwpvelki.jpg.html)

The seeds were soaked overnight and started to swell
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg188/Discusboy123/image.jpg2_zpsdu6z231f.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/Discusboy123/media/image.jpg2_zpsdu6z231f.jpg.html)

Planted in a propagator, they germinated and after a week just showing
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg188/Discusboy123/image.jpg3_zpstmyinqrk.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/Discusboy123/media/image.jpg3_zpstmyinqrk.jpg.html)

A few days later
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg188/Discusboy123/image.jpg5_zps9pfikv7t.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/Discusboy123/media/image.jpg5_zps9pfikv7t.jpg.html)

Two weeks after planting
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg188/Discusboy123/image.jpg6_zpsikoxx87r.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/Discusboy123/media/image.jpg6_zpsikoxx87r.jpg.html)

2-1/2 weeks need transplanting
http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg188/Discusboy123/image.jpg8_zpscwz2trzb.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/Discusboy123/media/image.jpg8_zpscwz2trzb.jpg.html)

http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg188/Discusboy123/image.jpg9_zpsl71fejyb.jpg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/Discusboy123/media/image.jpg9_zpsl71fejyb.jpg.html)

26th April 2016, 00:18
Oops...Something went pear shaped with pics Steve.

26th April 2016, 07:08
There are growing quick

Doc Alan
26th April 2016, 08:08
Well done Steve, and good luck to your parents - if, as hoped, the plants survive, it will be interesting to see how tall they grow :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
26th April 2016, 08:22
Won't be too long before you find out how tall they become as Summer is well on it's way, interesting:xxgrinning--00xx3:

26th April 2016, 08:41
Really nice these trees Steve...Might grow some myself... Interested to see how they fare in the UK climate..
Might be an idea to keep growing them in pots with the air root pruning method so they can move them back into in a conservatory/green house etc during the cold months..
The root pruning pots stop the roots going around in circles inside a normal container..As the roots fall off and prune themselves through the holes in the pot,new roots form at the stem.. Getting very popular with Garden centers these days..



26th April 2016, 09:19
Thanks for the replies guys. I find growing plants fascinating, glad you do too. I think they will grow fine inside but like you say Fred, in cold weather they might get hit hard, those pots are worth a look.

26th April 2016, 09:23
Thanks for the replies guys. I find growing plants fascinating, glad you do too. I think they will grow fine inside but like you say Fred, in cold weather they might get hit hard, those pots are worth a look.

I make my own Steve out of old laundry baskets lined with fine netting..

26th April 2016, 09:39
I make my own Steve out of old laundry baskets lined with fine netting..Good idea Fred. But, i feel another trip to the garden centre will be on the cards when i show my Mum your photo lol

26th April 2016, 10:16
Nice write up :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I've just had to look up a fire tree, and it looks bloody impressive when mature. Wonder how a Japanese Acer tree would do over there.

26th April 2016, 11:22
Nice write up :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I've just had to look up a fire tree, and it looks bloody impressive when mature. Wonder how a Japanese Acer tree would do over there.Fire Trees are really beautiful when in full fire blossom. Where I go fishing at Pantabangan you are up very high and can see all over the mountains and it really does look like a forest fire. Many variations of colour from light orange to deep red. It's amazing.

My mother has one of those japanese trees in a pot outside, still small but it copes ok with british weather.

27th April 2016, 14:27
Very interesting Steve. Thanks.

I never had much luck with the Japanese Acers in UK

I'll try this Fire Tree when I get some time after this hectic moving period we're in.

Definitely going to try the fishing at Pantabangan asap :wink:

27th April 2016, 14:56
Very interesting Steve. Thanks.

I never had much luck with the Japanese Acers in UK

I'll try this Fire Tree when I get some time after this hectic moving period we're in.

Definitely going to try the fishing at Pantabangan asap :wink:

Peter, contact me before you go to Pantabangan for fishing tip and the right lures to use :xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th April 2016, 22:48
It is a fascinating subject... and it will be really interesting to see how the plants do. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You've also reminded me to plant up the seeds from the 'Loofah' bush that I brought back from Pangasinan with me. :smile:

28th April 2016, 11:05
I am sure I have seen these before Graham, what do the seeds look like?

28th April 2016, 20:05
I just took this pic with my tablet Steve. The seeds are like small melon seeds, I'd say. :smile:


Michael Parnham
28th April 2016, 20:53
Really found this post interesting Steve, also another lovely new Avatar from you Graham, beautiful!:xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th April 2016, 22:34
Thanks Michael. Like so many Filipinas, she looks even more beautiful in real life. :biggrin:


Michael Parnham
29th April 2016, 07:07
Thanks Michael. Like so many Filipinas, she looks even more beautiful in real life. :biggrin:


I'm sure she is Graham, I also suspect she is a very good natured lady:xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th April 2016, 17:19
15 days old

http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg188/Discusboy123/image_zpsegph1wtf.jpeg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/Discusboy123/media/image_zpsegph1wtf.jpeg.html)

http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg188/Discusboy123/image_zpse62cibcv.jpeg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/Discusboy123/media/image_zpse62cibcv.jpeg.html)

http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg188/Discusboy123/image_zpszanok1eh.jpeg (http://s248.photobucket.com/user/Discusboy123/media/image_zpszanok1eh.jpeg.html)

Michael Parnham
29th April 2016, 20:14
They look great, well done :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th April 2016, 23:26
Keep em coming. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th April 2016, 08:35
Just a thought on consequences of importing plants and animals to UK, which subsequently became a serious threat, (Japanese Knot-weed etc)

This is an extract from. http://www.nonnativespecies.org/index.cfm?pageid=67

The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981

List of species in Schedule 9


Bass,LargemouthedBlackMicropterusalmoides Wales Scotland √ √
Rock Ambloplitesrupestris √ √
Biterling Rhodeusericeus √ √
Budgerigar Melopsitacusundulatus √
Coypu Myocastorcoypus √
Crab,ChineseMiten Eriocheirsinensis √
Crayfish,Noble Astacusastacus √ √
RedSwamp Procambarusclarki √
Signal Pacifastacusleniusculus √ √
Crayfish,Spiny-chek Orconecteslimosus √
Turkish Astacusleptodactylus √ √
Der,ChineseWater Hydropotesinermis √
Mutjac Muntiacusrevesi √ √
Sika Cervusnipon √ √
Der,anyhybridofSika gCAeennryvuhusysCbaernirddvuoasfnCyehryvbursidniopfptohne,
Dormouse,Fat Glisglis √ √
Duck,CarolinaWod Aixsponsa √ √
Mandarin Aixgalericulata √ √
Rudy Oxyurajamaicensis √ √
Flatworm Kontikiandersoni √
Kontikiaventrolineata √
Flatworm,Australian Australoplanasanguinea √
NewZealand Artiposthiatriangulata √ √
Frog,Edible Ranaesculenta √ √
CForomg,mEounroTpreeaenFTrorege)(or Hylarborea √ √
Frog,Marsh Ranaridibunda √ √
Gerbil,Mongolian Merionesunguiculatus √
Gose,Bar-headed Anserindicus √
Barnacle Brantaleucopsis √
Canada Brantacanadensis √ √
Gose,Egyptian Alopochenaegyptiacus √ √
Emperor Ansercanagicus √
Snow Ansercaerulescens √
Heron,Night Nycticoraxnycticorax √ √
Limpet,Sliper Crepidulafornicata √
Lizard,ComonWal Podarcismuralis √ √
Marmot,dog)Prairie(orPrairie Cynomys √ √
Mink,American Mustelavison √ √
Newt,Alpine Triturusalpestris √ √
ItalianCrested Trituruscarnifex √ √
Owl,Eagle Bubobubo √
OysterDril,American Urosalpinxcinerea √
Paraket,Monk Myiopsitamonachus √
Ring-necked Psitaculakrameri √ √
Partridge,Chukar Alectorischukar √ √
Rock Alectorisgraeca √ √
Pheasant,Golden Chrysolophuspictus √ √
LadyAmherst’s Chrysolophusamherstiae √ √
Reves’ Syrmaticusrevesi √ √
Pheasant,Silver Lophuranycthemera √ √
Pochard,Red-crested Netarufina √
Porcupine,Crested Hystrixcristata √
Himalayan Hystrixhodgsoni √
PPounmdp-kpeinsrcehe)d(orSun-fishorLepomisgibosus √ √
Quail,Bobwhite Colinusvirginianus √
Rat,Black Ratusratus √ √
Shelduck,Rudy Tadornaferuginea √
Snake,Aesculapian Elaphelongisima √ √
Squirel,Grey Sciuruscarolinensis √ √
Swan,Black Cygnusatratus √
Terapin,EuropeanPond Emysorbicularis √ √
Toad,AfricanClawed Xenopuslaevis √ √
Midwife Alytesobstetricans √ √
Yelow-belied Bombinavariegata √ √
Walaby,Red-necked Macropusrufogriseus √ √
Wels(orEuropeancatfish)Silurusglanis √ √
Zander Stizostedionlucioperca √ √
CBNoaoatmivr,meWoaninlddnfaomrmeernativespecieSSsuc.siesnctriofficaname WEngalleasnd&Scotland √
Capercailie Tetraourogalus √ √
Chough Pyrhocoraxpyrhocorax √
Corncrake Crexcrex √
Crane,Comon Grusgrus √
Eagle,White-tailed Haliaetusalbicila √ √
Goshawk Acipitergentilis √
Kite,Red Milvusmilvus √
Owl,Barn Tytoalba √ √



Algae,Red Grateloupialuxurians √

Azalea,Yelow Rhododendronluteum √
Balsam,Himalayan Impatiensglandulifera √
Cotoneaster Cotoneasterhorizontalis √
Cotoneaster,Entire-leaved Cotoneasterintegrifolius √
Himalayan Cotoneastersimonsi √
Holybery Cotoneasterbulatus √
Cotoneaster,Smal-leaved Cotoneastermicrophylus √
Creper,FalseVirginia Parthenocisusinserta √
Virginia Parthenocisusquinquefolia √
Dewplant,Purple Disphymacrasifolium √
False-acacia Robiniapseudoacacia √
SFahniewldo)rt(orCarolinaWater-Cabombacaroliniana √ √
Fern,Water Azolafiliculoides √ √
Fig,Hotentot Carpobrotusedulis √ √
Garlic,Thre-cornered Aliumtriquetrum √
Hogweed,Giant Heracleummantegazianum√ √
Hyacinth,Water Eichorniacrasipes √ √
Kelp,Macrocystisangustifolia √ √
Giant Macrocystisintegrifolia √ √
Macrocystislaevis √ √
Kelp,Macrocystispyrifera √ √
Japanese Laminariajaponica √ √
Knotwed,Giant Falopiasachalinensis √
Hybrid sFaaclhoapliianejanpsiosnicaxFalopia
Knotwed,Japanese Falopiajaponica √
Polygonumcuspidatum √
Lek,Few-flowered Aliumparadoxum √ √
Letuce,water Pistiastratiotes √ √
Montbretia Crocosmiaxcrocosmiflora √
Parot’sFeather Myriophylumaquaticum √
Penywort,Floating Hydrocotyleranunculoides √
Potato,Duck Sagitarialatifolia √
Primrose,FloatingWater Ludwigiapeploides √
Water Ludwigiagrandiflora √
Ludwigiauruguayensis √
Rhododendron Rhododendronponticum √
Rhododendronponticumx √
Rhubarb,Giant RGhuondnoedraentidnrcotnormiaaximum √
Rose,Japanese Rosarugosa √
Salvinia,Salviniamolesta √ √
Seafingers,Gren Codiumfragile √
Codiumfragiletomentosoides √
Seawed,CalifornianRed Pikeacalifornica √ √
HokedAsparagusAsparagopsisarmata √ √
Japanese Sargasummuticum √ √
Sneaatwiveesdpes,cLieasver(except lpaPinuomerreppatuhrhirysyer,saaPte.s&apm,pPiP.n(.ueialxmetcuabec,iploPitcs.Pati.lcist)e,P.
Shalon Gaultheriashalon √
SSPtwigoamnmeycwproe(oep,drAN)euswtrZaelaialannd Crasulahelmsi √ √
Wakame Undariapinatifida √ √
Waterwed,Curly Lagarosiphonmajor √ √
Waterweds EAlloldspeeac.iesofthegenus

30th April 2016, 10:07
As you will see John, its not on the list

Michael Parnham
30th April 2016, 10:46
Just a thought on consequences of importing plants and animals to UK, which subsequently became a serious threat, (Japanese Knot-weed etc)

This is an extract from. http://www.nonnativespecies.org/index.cfm?pageid=67

The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981

List of species in Schedule 9


Bass,LargemouthedBlackMicropterusalmoides Wales Scotland √ √
Rock Ambloplitesrupestris √ √
Biterling Rhodeusericeus √ √
Budgerigar Melopsitacusundulatus √
Coypu Myocastorcoypus √
Crab,ChineseMiten Eriocheirsinensis √
Crayfish,Noble Astacusastacus √ √
RedSwamp Procambarusclarki √
Signal Pacifastacusleniusculus √ √
Crayfish,Spiny-chek Orconecteslimosus √
Turkish Astacusleptodactylus √ √
Der,ChineseWater Hydropotesinermis √
Mutjac Muntiacusrevesi √ √
Sika Cervusnipon √ √
Der,anyhybridofSika gCAeennryvuhusysCbaernirddvuoasfnCyehryvbursidniopfptohne,
Dormouse,Fat Glisglis √ √
Duck,CarolinaWod Aixsponsa √ √
Mandarin Aixgalericulata √ √
Rudy Oxyurajamaicensis √ √
Flatworm Kontikiandersoni √
Kontikiaventrolineata √
Flatworm,Australian Australoplanasanguinea √
NewZealand Artiposthiatriangulata √ √
Frog,Edible Ranaesculenta √ √
CForomg,mEounroTpreeaenFTrorege)(or Hylarborea √ √
Frog,Marsh Ranaridibunda √ √
Gerbil,Mongolian Merionesunguiculatus √
Gose,Bar-headed Anserindicus √
Barnacle Brantaleucopsis √
Canada Brantacanadensis √ √
Gose,Egyptian Alopochenaegyptiacus √ √
Emperor Ansercanagicus √
Snow Ansercaerulescens √
Heron,Night Nycticoraxnycticorax √ √
Limpet,Sliper Crepidulafornicata √
Lizard,ComonWal Podarcismuralis √ √
Marmot,dog)Prairie(orPrairie Cynomys √ √
Mink,American Mustelavison √ √
Newt,Alpine Triturusalpestris √ √
ItalianCrested Trituruscarnifex √ √
Owl,Eagle Bubobubo √
OysterDril,American Urosalpinxcinerea √
Paraket,Monk Myiopsitamonachus √
Ring-necked Psitaculakrameri √ √
Partridge,Chukar Alectorischukar √ √
Rock Alectorisgraeca √ √
Pheasant,Golden Chrysolophuspictus √ √
LadyAmherst’s Chrysolophusamherstiae √ √
Reves’ Syrmaticusrevesi √ √
Pheasant,Silver Lophuranycthemera √ √
Pochard,Red-crested Netarufina √
Porcupine,Crested Hystrixcristata √
Himalayan Hystrixhodgsoni √
PPounmdp-kpeinsrcehe)d(orSun-fishorLepomisgibosus √ √
Quail,Bobwhite Colinusvirginianus √
Rat,Black Ratusratus √ √
Shelduck,Rudy Tadornaferuginea √
Snake,Aesculapian Elaphelongisima √ √
Squirel,Grey Sciuruscarolinensis √ √
Swan,Black Cygnusatratus √
Terapin,EuropeanPond Emysorbicularis √ √
Toad,AfricanClawed Xenopuslaevis √ √
Midwife Alytesobstetricans √ √
Yelow-belied Bombinavariegata √ √
Walaby,Red-necked Macropusrufogriseus √ √
Wels(orEuropeancatfish)Silurusglanis √ √
Zander Stizostedionlucioperca √ √
CBNoaoatmivr,meWoaninlddnfaomrmeernativespecieSSsuc.siesnctriofficaname WEngalleasnd&Scotland √
Capercailie Tetraourogalus √ √
Chough Pyrhocoraxpyrhocorax √
Corncrake Crexcrex √
Crane,Comon Grusgrus √
Eagle,White-tailed Haliaetusalbicila √ √
Goshawk Acipitergentilis √
Kite,Red Milvusmilvus √
Owl,Barn Tytoalba √ √



Algae,Red Grateloupialuxurians √

Azalea,Yelow Rhododendronluteum √
Balsam,Himalayan Impatiensglandulifera √
Cotoneaster Cotoneasterhorizontalis √
Cotoneaster,Entire-leaved Cotoneasterintegrifolius √
Himalayan Cotoneastersimonsi √
Holybery Cotoneasterbulatus √
Cotoneaster,Smal-leaved Cotoneastermicrophylus √
Creper,FalseVirginia Parthenocisusinserta √
Virginia Parthenocisusquinquefolia √
Dewplant,Purple Disphymacrasifolium √
False-acacia Robiniapseudoacacia √
SFahniewldo)rt(orCarolinaWater-Cabombacaroliniana √ √
Fern,Water Azolafiliculoides √ √
Fig,Hotentot Carpobrotusedulis √ √
Garlic,Thre-cornered Aliumtriquetrum √
Hogweed,Giant Heracleummantegazianum√ √
Hyacinth,Water Eichorniacrasipes √ √
Kelp,Macrocystisangustifolia √ √
Giant Macrocystisintegrifolia √ √
Macrocystislaevis √ √
Kelp,Macrocystispyrifera √ √
Japanese Laminariajaponica √ √
Knotwed,Giant Falopiasachalinensis √
Hybrid sFaaclhoapliianejanpsiosnicaxFalopia
Knotwed,Japanese Falopiajaponica √
Polygonumcuspidatum √
Lek,Few-flowered Aliumparadoxum √ √
Letuce,water Pistiastratiotes √ √
Montbretia Crocosmiaxcrocosmiflora √
Parot’sFeather Myriophylumaquaticum √
Penywort,Floating Hydrocotyleranunculoides √
Potato,Duck Sagitarialatifolia √
Primrose,FloatingWater Ludwigiapeploides √
Water Ludwigiagrandiflora √
Ludwigiauruguayensis √
Rhododendron Rhododendronponticum √
Rhododendronponticumx √
Rhubarb,Giant RGhuondnoedraentidnrcotnormiaaximum √
Rose,Japanese Rosarugosa √
Salvinia,Salviniamolesta √ √
Seafingers,Gren Codiumfragile √
Codiumfragiletomentosoides √
Seawed,CalifornianRed Pikeacalifornica √ √
HokedAsparagusAsparagopsisarmata √ √
Japanese Sargasummuticum √ √
Sneaatwiveesdpes,cLieasver(except lpaPinuomerreppatuhrhirysyer,saaPte.s&apm,pPiP.n(.ueialxmetcuabec,iploPitcs.Pati.lcist)e,P.
Shalon Gaultheriashalon √
SSPtwigoamnmeycwproe(oep,drAN)euswtrZaelaialannd Crasulahelmsi √ √
Wakame Undariapinatifida √ √
Waterwed,Curly Lagarosiphonmajor √ √
Waterweds EAlloldspeeac.iesofthegenus

Fascinating stuff, thank you John :xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th April 2016, 11:28
I think we need to send all those potato plants back to America, the grain crops from the middle-east... plus half the ornamental flowers, shrubs and trees in our gardens, etc etc. :wink:

30th April 2016, 12:02
I think we need to send all those potato plants back to America, the grain crops from the middle-east... plus half the ornamental flowers, shrubs and trees in our gardens, etc etc. :wink:

OMG!!!! So now I know whats wrong with me!!!!!!

Michael Parnham
30th April 2016, 15:09
I think we need to send all those potato plants back to America, the grain crops from the middle-east... plus half the ornamental flowers, shrubs and trees in our gardens, etc etc. :wink:

Really cute Avatar Graham:xxgrinning--00xx3:

30th April 2016, 15:16
Thanks Michael... pic from yesterday.

In the full size picture you can see that he's got food all over his face too. He and I are becoming more and more alike it seems. lol :icon_lol:

Michael Parnham
30th April 2016, 17:37
Thanks Michael... pic from yesterday.

In the full size picture you can see that he's got food all over his face too. He and I are becoming more and more alike it seems. lol :icon_lol:


6th October 2016, 11:20
Update of our plants. We planted two different kinds of flame tree seeds, some from the big seed pods (seen in the photos) and a similar kind that come from smaller slimmer seed pods.
The large seeds have grown well, putting out a bunch of large branches making a canopy, they catch the sun and at night fold up to sleep. The smaller seeds have grown well too, growing faster and taller then the others. Similar in look, but not the vast green branches as they have grown up and not so bushy.
For the winter we will take them inside the house to be warmer, and hope they do survive the cooler time of year here.
Pics below



6th October 2016, 17:19
Keep this thread alive and let me see those things turn into monsters!!!
I wonder how old they need to be to survive a frost??? Is it possible??..Looking good!
Thanks for update!

7th October 2016, 09:17
I don't think they would survive a frost Fred, the little leaves do fall off easily, I think really cold weather would finish them. Try will be inside until they are touching the ceiling lol

7th October 2016, 10:00
Looking brilliant :xxgrinning--00xx3:

You're probably correct in that the slightest touch of frost would end them completely.
Everything we tried to grow and didn't bring inside early enough got destroyed by the very first light frost.

Off topic, I grew some orange pips once. Just ordinary pips from the oranges from the supermarket .
Three of them grew to around 2ft tall. We went away on holiday for a week and they had dried up badly by the time we got back. Try as we may we never managed to have them recover. Sad really as the took years to grow.

7th October 2016, 13:40
I am fascinated by growing things, I love trying to grow stuff. As I kid, I would plant conkers and acorns. My parents were not too keen on a boarder filled with them though lol.

7th October 2016, 14:12
Internet research will find you different ways to germinate almost anything.
As you say it's fascinating stuff and when you manage to get seeds to germinate and develop some leaves it's magic.

7th October 2016, 16:05
I keep being told by my mother, 'what are we going to do with them when they get bigger?' I told her that I have seen them flower at about 4ft tall, so I think we will wait and see. I would love these to flower, even just one.

My wife also planted one at home at around the same time and it is about the same stage as ours.

What i do like is the way the leaves all fold in on themselves at night, like they know it's time to sleep. There are other plants quite common around our house that also close up if you touch them, a bit like the way a Venus Fly Trap closes, very cool.

21st October 2016, 11:33
For comparison, here are a couple of photos of a plant my wife planted at about the same time as us, but outside our house. I guess this is the power of the sun, heat and rain. It's huge compared to ours.




21st October 2016, 14:57
Thanks Steve..Nice pics of the kids..
You must miss them a lot.

21st October 2016, 15:01
Thanks Steve..Nice pics of the kids..
You must miss them a lot.Sure Fred, so much. You can see the tree that the children are holding, going to be nice if it is allowed to grow, they are beautiful when they flower.

21st October 2016, 15:07
Believe it or not,I have something like that growing under my house!! I`ll have another look tomorrow..See how tall it got!

21st October 2016, 15:24
Believe it or not,I have something like that growing under my house!! I`ll have another look tomorrow..See how tall it got!
haha, take a pala, you need to dig it out and replant it where it can grow up nice fred.