View Full Version : I fancy to eat tonight is

28th April 2016, 21:06
Having just got in after a long day and not feeling great still or hungry ,Ems ask what would i like to eat,
Well i had to go back out but i knew i would be around 10 mins,
What do you want i was asked again,
A sandwich i said, what sort, Tuna ? Mackerel ?, Cheese ?,
BANANA sandwich i said, and off i went,
10 minutes later i was back and there it was a Banana sandwich waiting for me and a cup of tea too, WOW, it was like being back 45 years on a Saturday tea time , Memories, the only thing that could have made it better was having a crust too :xxgrinning--00xx3:

29th April 2016, 06:09
It shows what a jewel you have in "Ems" Steve :coeurtendre: