View Full Version : Dating site

1st May 2016, 19:09
Any good recommendations for dating sites, i know a lot of the them are scams

Many thanks


Ako Si Jamie
1st May 2016, 23:43
It's hard to recommend dating sites because of the amount of scammers and there's not one that doesn't suffer its fair share. For what it's worth I've used Cherry Blossoms, International Cupid and Filipino Cupid in the past.

2nd May 2016, 22:44
any success?

2nd May 2016, 23:50
I met my Mrs through 'dateinasia'. (Free site, just be careful of the transvestites and prostitutes. Plenty of nice girls on there too). :smile:

Ako Si Jamie
3rd May 2016, 19:40
any success?

I have had success meeting women off dating sites but many men do if they're prepared to travel to the Philippines. That's the easy part.

But to define success properly IMO would involve being married to a Filipina until your dying days and for her to make you blissfully happy. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I'm not even a fraction there, currently. :bigcry::wink:

3rd May 2016, 19:43
I thought this was a dating site :Wave:

Ako Si Jamie
3rd May 2016, 19:49
Keith thinks so too but there's hardly any women here. It's just a male orientated forum who like Oriental women. :biggrin:

3rd May 2016, 20:12
Keith thinks so too but there's hardly any women here. It's just a male orientated forum who like Oriental women. :biggrin:

No denying that :biggrin:

3rd May 2016, 21:32
Keith thinks so too but there's hardly any women here. It's just a male orientated forum who like Oriental women. :biggrin:
You make it sound like a cattle market. The fact is that most of us here have already wives, girlfriends and families with our 'oriental women' :doh

3rd May 2016, 22:06
I thought this was a dating site :Wave:

Oh good, maybe after 20 years it's time to trade in my old model for a newer one....:biggrin:

3rd May 2016, 22:18
Thats whats happening me or rather she is trading me in after 10 years :)

Anyway i am only 44 s time to start again


Ako Si Jamie
3rd May 2016, 22:43
You make it sound like a cattle market. The fact is that most of us here have already wives, girlfriends and families with our 'oriental women' :doh So none of us who have been in a relationship with one, like oriental women?

Righty ho! :doh

Ako Si Jamie
3rd May 2016, 22:50
Thats whats happening me or rather she is trading me in after 10 years :)

Anyway i am only 44 s time to start again

Sorry to hear that.

4th May 2016, 08:58
Met my wife on Filipino Cupid. Plenty of scammers on there, I just used common sense.
I was never one for dating sites, actually still haven't told family we met on one. They think we met through facebook.

I was off work sick for a couple of weeks and was so bored I was browsing the internet and accidentally clicked an ad and it opened up Filipino Cupid. I browsed and as they say the rest is history.

4th May 2016, 10:08
As you say... common sense. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

4th May 2016, 12:35
Why do a lot of ladies on those type of sites demurely hiding their face seem to have a very pronounced five o'Clock shadow :cwm25:

Ako Si Jamie
4th May 2016, 20:00
The last time I used a dating site was over six months ago but just lately I've been recieving interest via this site to my email address from women worldwide on a daily basis, despite having deleted my profile.:anerikke:

I'm guessing my profile must be still visible but without any content, so I reckon these women must be scammers desperate for anyone.

6th May 2016, 11:38
Any good recommendations for dating sites, i know a lot of the them are scams

Many thanks


I met my husband on Date in Asia, however there are no recommended dating sites as it will still be depending on the people :)

6th May 2016, 13:23
Yes i think i know the answer already but am gonna post this

Just joined up in Date in Asia a few days ago started getting on with a girl all very nice etc
This morning she asks if i can do her a favour :)

Can i lend her 5k as she would like to fly to be at her daughers birthdayshe works in palawan daoughter lives in manila

I said to her we have just started speaking, she replies get paid on the 30th and can pay u back

I have not even done webcam with her yet

She decided to start skyping me in work were i cannot take the call

My gut tells me this is a scam and yet i want to believe she is genuine

Any advice gratefully accepted although i am pretty sure i know what ur will be saying :)


6th May 2016, 13:36
RUN :biggrin:

Ako Si Jamie
6th May 2016, 13:39
Yes i think i know the answer already but am gonna post this

Just joined up in Date in Asia a few days ago started getting on with a girl all very nice etc
This morning she asks if i can do her a favour :)

Can i lend her 5k as she would like to fly to be at her daughers birthdayshe works in palawan daoughter lives in manila

I said to her we have just started speaking, she replies get paid on the 30th and can pay u back

I have not even done webcam with her yet

She decided to start skyping me in work were i cannot take the call

My gut tells me this is a scam and yet i want to believe she is genuine

Any advice gratefully accepted although i am pretty sure i know what ur will be saying :)


Is it your first time on foreign dating sites? If it is, there's a lot to learn. Number one rule is to never send any money. :wink:

And yep, she's a scammer alright!

6th May 2016, 13:42
If she gets paid on the 30th, then that means she was paid 6 days ago :Erm:

6th May 2016, 14:46
Yes i think i know the answer already but am gonna post this

Just joined up in Date in Asia a few days ago started getting on with a girl all very nice etc
This morning she asks if i can do her a favour :)

Can i lend her 5k as she would like to fly to be at her daughers birthdayshe works in palawan daoughter lives in manila

I said to her we have just started speaking, she replies get paid on the 30th and can pay u back

I have not even done webcam with her yet

She decided to start skyping me in work were i cannot take the call

My gut tells me this is a scam and yet i want to believe she is genuine

Any advice gratefully accepted although i am pretty sure i know what ur will be saying :)


This is going to sound rude and for that I apologise. But you are going to go through a lot of heartbreak and a lot of money if you honestly need advice if she is scamming you.
Like I said in a previous post in this thread, it's all about common sense. Don't let your heart rule your head. You will find the right one, just don't expect it to happen overnight, it rarely does.

6th May 2016, 14:47
Yes i think i know the answer already but am gonna post this

Just joined up in Date in Asia a few days ago started getting on with a girl all very nice etc
This morning she asks if i can do her a favour :)

Can i lend her 5k as she would like to fly to be at her daughers birthdayshe works in palawan daoughter lives in manila

I said to her we have just started speaking, she replies get paid on the 30th and can pay u back

I have not even done webcam with her yet

She decided to start skyping me in work were i cannot take the call

My gut tells me this is a scam and yet i want to believe she is genuine

Any advice gratefully accepted although i am pretty sure i know what ur will be saying :)

Follow your gut instinct :xxgrinning--00xx3: I have known well into triple figure numbers of filipinas of those 4 of them would have crawled over broken glass for me,nothing was too much problem for them if i was concerned and in all the time i knew them not one ever even hinted she needed cash,they all bought me gifts,one even bought me flights to pinas (admitedly it was from HK) you have to sift a lot of gravel to find a diamond,real genuine women wouldnt stoop to asking you for cash,she is chancing her luck,block her.

6th May 2016, 15:00
There was one guy used to be on here,chatted to a girl,said she was travelling to work during the maguindanao massacre,took a round through the shoulder (but she would be out of hospital in a couple of days)some of these girls come out with the dumbest of scams.

6th May 2016, 15:25
Just remember this....... never send money, never ever send money, never never never send money. And if they ask you for any money, never send it.

So many reasons will be put to you, like the example from Tawi. Don't let yourself be tempted to send money for any reason. I m sure many members here found their gf's and wives never asked for a penny. So many horror stories. Don't become a statistic.

6th May 2016, 15:30
It's par for the course, just block that one and on to the next dozen. Don't start pinning your heart on one straight away. Just be patient and establish friendships... as you would back in the UK. Take your time.

ANY requests for money...next please. There are millions of nice decent girls in the Phils who would be too proud anyway to ask any favours of you after such a short time.

Also, it should go without saying, please show some respect for the ladies. There are plenty of rude lowlife men on that site too, asking 'good' girls to do cam shows, etc. :NoNo:

6th May 2016, 15:31
I think the consensus is 'DON'T SEND ANY MONEY'....:biggrin:

6th May 2016, 15:36
I think the consensus is 'DON'T SEND ANY MONEY'....:biggrin:
Unless its to me,anyone wanting to unburden themselves of coin of the realm please send it to me as i am saving for a trip to easter island,no amount too big or small :smile:
As for ladies and dating sites,imthink life was much easier in the pre-internet snail mail days :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
6th May 2016, 16:25
It was much better when the Royal Mail was involved in relationships, more exciting waiting for the mail and to find the first photo's, good happy moments :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th May 2016, 16:37
I think todays instant access relationship is like instant coffee,you log onto a site,click like,bang your connected,no kinesics,no pheremones,no electricity as happens when you pass someone in the street and you both hold a gaze for slightly longer than is necessary and you pass each other wondering what if :heartshape1: the magic isnt there anymore,or maybe its like a lot of things nowadays,instant magic rather than old fashioned alchemy.

6th May 2016, 17:58
... and a settlement visa cost 40 quid, with no 'extras'. :olddude:

Ako Si Jamie
6th May 2016, 19:45
The scammers that ask for money pretty much early on are the easy ones to detect. It's the clever ones who put you in a false sense of security by not asking for money, need to be kept an eye on. My ex didn't ask for money until over two years. The rest is history.

If I knew what I know now, six years ago, I probably would have chickened out. I'm part of the furniture now, and I actually don't regret dating abroad. It's been fun. :smile:

Michael Parnham
6th May 2016, 20:03
... and a settlement visa cost 40 quid, with no 'extras'. :olddude:

Yes, that's true:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
6th May 2016, 20:05
It was much better when the Royal Mail was involved in relationships, more exciting waiting for the mail and to find the first photo's, good happy moments :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thank you for the rep whoever it was:Erm: Got my second Silver Star:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
6th May 2016, 20:29
My mate did it the Royal Mail way. Several decades on he's still happily married to his Pinay wife.

Congrats on your second star Michael. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

All that's missing is the speech. :ReadIt::wink:

6th May 2016, 21:40
Always ask to go on cam if they refuse they are upto no good so reject .my girl never asked me for a single peso ,I met her on tagged .com 6 years later still going strong.

6th May 2016, 23:28
Always ask to go on cam if they refuse they are upto no good so reject .my girl never asked me for a single peso ,I met her on tagged .com 6 years later still going strong.

... As long as they have a strong enough signal for Skype, etc. :wink:

My Mrs was able to, no problem when she was living in Manila, but out in the deepest province (where she is now)... no chance. :cwm3:

6th May 2016, 23:30
It was much better when the Royal Mail was involved in relationships, more exciting waiting for the mail and to find the first photo's, good happy moments :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I still have the very first letter (and photos) received from my Filipina ex... almost 26 years ago now, plus a copy of the first one I sent to her. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

It took a month for the mail 'round trip'... and back then it was £1 a minute on the phone. The call had to be prearranged of course since no 'ordinary' people had landlines in their houses. In fact her village had neither phones nor TV.

7th May 2016, 02:00
Date in Asia, and have been happy ever since

Michael Parnham
7th May 2016, 05:38
I would think the best way today is to have a holiday and your bound to meet someone:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
7th May 2016, 06:01
My mate did it the Royal Mail way. Several decades on he's still happily married to his Pinay wife.

Congrats on your second star Michael. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

All that's missing is the speech. :ReadIt::wink:

I did it the Royal Mail way with my ex, the best days of my life:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
7th May 2016, 06:38
My ex never asked for a penny from me in the 21 years we were together, but Maritess started asking at the beginning, University fees, a brand new Motorbike, clothes, make up, hairdressers, eating out, her cousins school fees ect ect:Erm:

7th May 2016, 09:03
Harlene never asks me for a penny, never has. Infact what she earns from her job is hers. I earn enough to pay the mortgage and bills and we eat out regularly.
She will go out when I am am work and buy shopping from her money if we need something. She sends money home to the family every so often, but she works for it so I really don't mind her sending money home. But she does understand that one day we may not be in the position we are now financially, and we may need to use her money as well my own to get by every month.

Ako Si Jamie
7th May 2016, 09:31
I would think the best way today is to have a holiday and your bound to meet someone:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yep. A month or two over there and meet as many as possible. Compare them against each other but not solely by looks.

Better strategy than to focus on just one off a dating site I reckon. Eggs, basket and all that.

7th May 2016, 10:16
How things change in such a short time, maybe i was lucky like a few on here,
Chatting to a few on line and thinking i was falling in love too, but that was my willy and not my brain telling me my thoughts,
Then one day along comes Emma, she was different , interesting and after nearly 2 years of talking we meet face to face, the rest is history,
Emma never asked for anything from me at all, but it is obvious that i did pay for her airfares and visas and so on , but since being here she has saved and has paid for the house to be built over in the Philippines , we have joint savings and our own savings too,
Life is very good for us both and we are deeply in love too, she means everything to me,
Our only problem is the family, i have mellowed but Emma has become firmer so i see that as a good thing, its all about working together and talking together , Money does not buy you love or happiness in the long run it makes you broke and alone

Michael Parnham
7th May 2016, 10:41
Harlene never asks me for a penny, never has. Infact what she earns from her job is hers. I earn enough to pay the mortgage and bills and we eat out regularly.
She will go out when I am am work and buy shopping from her money if we need something. She sends money home to the family every so often, but she works for it so I really don't mind her sending money home. But she does understand that one day we may not be in the position we are now financially, and we may need to use her money as well my own to get by every month.

Never eaten out in the UK, apart from Fish & Chips once:Erm:

Ako Si Jamie
7th May 2016, 12:32
Chatting to a few on line and thinking i was falling in love too, but that was my willy and not my brain telling me my thoughts,

Eloquently put, Steve :biggrin:

Ako Si Jamie
7th May 2016, 12:33
Our only problem is the family Which one? :wink:

7th May 2016, 12:48
Eloquently put, Steve :biggrin:

It was like seeing all these sweets in a candy shop and they was all calling me, all so tasty and mouth watering ,
Then i woke up and realized that those tempting sweets was going to cost me thousands ,

7th May 2016, 12:51
Which one? :wink:

My family treats Emma is better then me, now whats that about,
The immediate family over in the Phils seems to be fine NOW, but you never let your guard down

Ako Si Jamie
7th May 2016, 13:08
It was like seeing all these sweets in a candy shop and they was all calling me, all so tasty and mouth watering ,
Then i woke up and realized that those tempting sweets was going to cost me thousands ,
It's easy to get sucked in but like you said before, think upstairs and not downstairs :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th May 2016, 13:15
It's easy to get sucked in but like you said before, think upstairs and not downstairs :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Many of us have been there and some have fell into the traps too, it dont take long to realize what is happening , but some cant and dont want to wake up from Honey i love you but tell me your name again

7th May 2016, 14:16
I would think the best way today is to have a holiday and your bound to meet someone:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thats true michael,my nephew has just bought 2 dozen oysters fresh from the sea from a guy in lazi,he is having a romantic evening in salagdoong with a very pretty girl....from france :Erm:
Its always best even in pinas who earns more cash than yourself :wink:

Ako Si Jamie
7th May 2016, 16:34
Many of us have been there and some have fell into the traps too, it dont take long to realize what is happening , but some cant and dont want to wake up from Honey i love you but tell me your name again

One of the biggest traps is when a scammer's objective is to get a guy to fall in love with her as soon as possible. After that it's all over for the forseeable future. She's got him by the balls.

7th May 2016, 21:11
Well i have sid no and she backed off for the moment, lets c what hsppens


Ako Si Jamie
7th May 2016, 21:51
Move on, mate. Even if she's still 'interested' she'll come up with another tale sooner or later.

7th May 2016, 22:29
Are you bringing your lady back to the UK Graham ?

7th May 2016, 23:17
Are you bringing your lady back to the UK Graham ?

I hadn't planned to at this stage mate. Probably won't be able to afford to meet the govt. requirements anyway after I've retired. I'll just keep hopping back and forth for the time being, while getting our house build underway. :smile:

8th May 2016, 15:00
Well there is always the SS route what I'm doing its the only way I can get her in as I don,t earn the 18600 on paper .the process is a bit drawn out but come to far to give up now.I just need a part time job to meet the requirement. She and the daughter are allowed to work which will help to pay our expenses.Ireland is expensive to live ,can't believe food prices here.

8th May 2016, 20:57
Well i have sid no and she backed off for the moment, lets c what hsppens


You have done right there, just wait, she may be back then again may not,,
Remember you are looking there is no rush and be choosy , yes it's nice to have good looks but it's not everything.
Again just take your time

8th May 2016, 22:02
Well there is always the SS route what I'm doing its the only way I can get her in as I don,t earn the 18600 on paper .the process is a bit drawn out but come to far to give up now.I just need a part time job to meet the requirement. She and the daughter are allowed to work which will help to pay our expenses.Ireland is expensive to live ,can't believe food prices here.

I've got my fingers crossed for you mate. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Might be a bit more difficult for me, as I become an OAP this coming September. :olddude:

I only wish I'd taken up Irish citizenship years ago (through my Irish maternal Grandmother). I don't think it can be done now. :NoNo:

8th May 2016, 23:34
Wow... seems I CAN still apply for Irish citizenship !

I will be straight on to that tomorrow ! :Jump:

9th May 2016, 11:16
How does that help i am from Belfast but have British Passport, i know i can have both as mum is from Dublin

Is it easier to do visa's if your Irish?

BTW i know i am a numpty but i am still speaking to this girl (but no money sent yet)


9th May 2016, 17:12
Because Ireland is a full EU member ... fully recognising freedom of movement and right to family life rules... unlike our poxy government which treats its own citizens worse than foreigners. :NoNo:

Yes, I believe it's very much easier to do visas if you're Irish.

9th May 2016, 18:22
Yup looks like an option but to do SS you need to keep UK citizens ship go to Ireland then back to UK you only need irish residence card article 10 to go back to UK with your misus and baby

Arthur Little
9th May 2016, 18:23
Wow... seems I CAN still apply for Irish citizenship !

I will be straight on to that tomorrow ! :Jump:

Hi, Graham :cwm25: ... how did your inquiry(ies) go?

Ako Si Jamie
9th May 2016, 19:06
Is the SS route just to bypass the £18,600 rule or are there other benefits too?

10th May 2016, 09:12
Yes you bypass the 18600 requirement the benefit is that you get to live together while your waiting,and your lady is allowed to work straight away which helps the finances

10th May 2016, 10:02
Hi, Graham :cwm25: ... how did your inquiry(ies) go?

Just a load of documents to collect Arthur (original birth, marriage, death certs, etc)... plus a few hundred quid fees.

Good start though... at least the Irish online site has traced and recognised my grandmother's birth details, so I can order a birth certificate. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

I'll get on to it after I'm back from the Phils next month. :smile:

10th May 2016, 11:48
No fees Graham SS is all free

Ako Si Jamie
10th May 2016, 13:04
Yes you bypass the 18600 requirement the benefit is that you get to live together while your waiting,and your lady is allowed to work straight away which helps the finances :68711_thanx:

10th May 2016, 14:22
No fees Graham SS is all free

Ah, ok.

You've still got to pay to live in Ireland though. :Erm: :biggrin:

I'm still confused by all this SS stuff, to be honest . :Brick:

Thing is, I have a council tenancy of one of those rocking horse poo solid gold properties - an OAP bungalow, :olddude: and a beautiful one at that.

I'm trying to hang on to it at all costs.

Arthur Little
11th May 2016, 14:18
Are you bringing your lady back to the UK Graham ?

I hadn't planned to at this stage mate. Probably won't be able to afford to meet the govt. requirements anyway after I've retired. I'll just keep hopping back and forth for the time being, while getting our house build underway. :smile:

Hmm ... it's possible I may be mistaken ... :anerikke: ... but it occurs to me there's a fair chance the income rule might well be relaxed - to some extent at least - for older sponsors who are retired. Worth looking into, I'd say.

11th May 2016, 17:14
I think one would need to be on DLA Arthur, which I'm certainly not, and (hopefully) not likely to be. :smile:

12th May 2016, 11:04
Can you get someone to look after ur house while your in Ireland.

12th May 2016, 11:30
I suppose that might be possible (my son, for instance). :Erm:

13th May 2016, 15:37
2 benefits from what I know is that your spouse does not have to pass English test and she can work straight away after entering UK coz she will have the host country residence card

Michael Parnham
13th May 2016, 16:29
I think one would need to be on DLA Arthur, which I'm certainly not, and (hopefully) not likely to be. :smile:

There was no financial requirement for me being on a State Pension, I think that still applies but not sure:Erm:

13th May 2016, 18:42
How long ago was that Michael... before the £18,600 was introduced ? You were only on state pension ?:Erm:

Michael Parnham
14th May 2016, 06:44
How long ago was that Michael... before the £18,600 was introduced ? You were only on state pension ?:Erm:

The required income was £13,700 when we applied for Maritess Visa first week in May 2012, at that time my Pension total was approx £10,500 per annum and I also had £7000 savings. I think the requirement increased to £18,600 in October 2012 not 100% sure though, I'm sure someone on here will know Graham. I do remember the increase wasn't too long after we applied, hope this information has been of help to you :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th May 2016, 10:25
Ah, ok. Thanks for that Michael. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

14th May 2016, 12:19
Councils used to allow you to rent a room out Graham..Its basically a way to rent the whole house out for 6 months or so..At least you wont have to pay rent X2..
I take it you have scrapped the live in P.I plan?? Didnt you just buy some land?

14th May 2016, 14:47
No, I haven't abandoned the live in PI plan Fred, just that I would like to have further options open to my family in the future.... before the government make life even more difficult for those who were actually bloody born here ! :NoNo:

14th May 2016, 15:01
Got ya!!! You know I wish you all the best regardless..The future will be good...

14th May 2016, 16:17
I take it you have scrapped the live in P.I plan??

I am still planning to be there

14th May 2016, 18:39
Got ya!!! You know I wish you all the best regardless..The future will be good...

Cheers Fred. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

6th September 2016, 13:25
I know that this thread has probably died a death but I thought I would weigh in with a dating site recommendation in case anyone is reading this in the future...

Try a site called "Tagged". I met my fiancé on there. I heard of it through one of my tenants and joined in the off chance I could meet somebody local. I had no expectations but wanted to try. I didn't know that it is mainly popular with women in the Philippines and Thailand and I was getting loads of messages from people in those countries (mostly Philippines). I didn't particularly want to get involved with a girl from so far away so I quit the site about 2 weeks after joining. Luckily I gave my Skype ID to a girl I had enjoyed talking to and we started a relationship soon afterwards and are now engaged. If you are wanting to meet some gorgeous Filipina's then I would suggest checking it out. Be warned though that its not EXCLUSIVELY a dating site, as some people do use it as social networking and playing games but I would say 90% on there were for dating. However this means that most on there are genuine people and during my time I never came across any scammers or anything. Best of all, it's FREE!