View Full Version : Robredo Wins VP Race By A Hair's Breadth!

Arthur Little
27th May 2016, 15:59

Shame that! :bigcry: All I can say is, :icon_rolleyes: it's to be hoped she discharges her duties honorably ... without attempting to put the proverbial spoke in her new boss's wheel by implementing the Aquino/Cojuangco's hastily~contrived 'Plan B' to
have Duterte impeached at a later stage.

Arthur Little
28th May 2016, 19:59
:yeahthat: finally answers ... :anerikke: ... what we've been wanting to know for the past few weeks now, Fred.

See: http://filipinaroses.com/showthread.php/59164-Incoming-Cabinet-To-Continue-High-Growth-Path?highlight= Questions 2 (yours) & 3 (mine), refer.

29th May 2016, 04:32
Yes Arthur but has Marcos conceded?

Arthur Little
29th May 2016, 15:50
Yes Arthur but has Marcos conceded?

NO ... Marcos hasn't conceded. :nono-1-1: ... indeed, his lawyers have said the fight will continue, as they intend to file a protest before the Presidential Electoral Tribunal (PET) - contesting the official outcome - even if it takes years to resolve through the courts.

See www.manilatimes.net/fraud-claims-set-to-hound-vp-leni/264927 ... :ReadIt:(4th paragraph onwards.

Arthur Little
29th May 2016, 16:17

Shame that! :bigcry: All I can say is, :icon_rolleyes: it's to be hoped she discharges her duties honorably ... without attempting to put the proverbial spoke in her new boss's wheel by implementing the Aquino/Cojuangco's hastily~contrived 'Plan B' to have Duterte impeached at a later stage.

www.manilatimes.net/im-installing-a-ccctv-at-your-back-digong/264758/ ... see cartoon :laugher: ...

... how very apt! :yeahthat: