View Full Version : UK Vote On Europe - THEN And NOW

Arthur Little
4th June 2016, 01:31
According to the Prime Minister, the people of :Britain: are being asked to make the BIGGEST decision facing the electorate in over 40 years; so ... :anerikke: ... how do those who voted - either way - in *1975 really feel about the fledgling that has surreptitiously evolved into the overbearing MONSTER :wizardkl: it is today? Have many changed their minds between *then and now? :cwm24:

Here is a cross~section of the British public's answers to that very question:

www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-eu-referendum-36414672 ... :ReadIt:
+ watch the accompanying videos.

Arthur Little
4th June 2016, 12:21
C'mon, Steve W... :yeahthat:'s ANOTHER opportunity for boosting your post count! :wink: