View Full Version : 25 years on

7th June 2016, 12:38
It was 25 years ago today that the first large explosion occurred before the full eruption of Mt Pinatubo.

Arthur Little
7th June 2016, 13:27
It was 25 years ago today that the first large explosion occurred before the full eruption of Mt Pinatubo.

Hmm ... :icon_rolleyes: was it, indeed? :yeahthat:'s interesting.

7th June 2016, 16:24
I was in Saudi, 21 years old working for Bell Helicopters. Half the guys I worked with were Filipino and all were so worried about losing their homes as the ash fell.

Michael Parnham
7th June 2016, 16:39
My ex and I had just returned home 3days before the eruption!

16th June 2016, 08:39
I was living there. It caved the roof of my house in ! :doh

16th June 2016, 14:04
Even now the ground is white/grey with ash.

16th June 2016, 17:58
A mate of mine call`d me and said that his whole street was for sale for 100K... Buried houses and all in Diamond Sub Div..Everyone wanted to leave.
If I had have bought them at that time I guess I would be a multi millionaire today..

17th June 2016, 02:08
My ex-Mrs probably is Fred... from what I bought and built there. :cwm3: