View Full Version : EU Referendum: Dyson Founder Says Britain Better Off OUT!

Arthur Little
12th June 2016, 00:12
Billionaire industrial tycoon, Sir James Dyson - who is best~known for being the designer of the dual cyclone bagless vacuum cleaner - has stated that ... :Britain: stands to gain more than it would lose
by LEAVING the European Union.

Based on what he's saying ... :anerikke: ... it would seem our electorate would be "suckers" ('scuse pun) to believe otherwise ... and :iagree:!


12th June 2016, 09:14
It's still very difficult to make that decision when you are listening to everyone, its a gut feeling I have to vote OUT

Harry T
12th June 2016, 19:47
It's still very difficult to make that decision when you are listening to everyone, its a gut feeling I have to vote OUT

There is a lot of spin from both sides, yes i feel the vote will be very close, originally i thought the remain may win, now i think the Leave may just have the edge, I will go with what i have always thought, the simple issue is we CANNOT continue having 300.000+ families enter the country every year, it will lead to a breakdown of the Social fabric of this Country, we are already seeing the beginnings of this in many places.

12th June 2016, 20:28
It amazes me when they mention the none EU and the Eu Migrants , as one 300,000+ then they break it down into 188,000 and 144,000 i may be a few thousand off here ,
Am i right in thinking that non EU have to pay some sort of fee to come here and if so why dont they say the EU migrants pay the same,
Cannot happen because its part of the EU agreement and this may cause there Human rights to be abused ,
We cannot changed anything in the EU other then change ourselves

13th June 2016, 12:01


Both quite lengthy but worth watching

13th June 2016, 13:19
I'm for out and not changing my mind no matter what. :cwm25:
Mick. :xxgrinning--00xx3: