View Full Version : Andrew Marr show

12th June 2016, 10:18
If you dont vote to stay , the puppy gets it,
What a great saying,
This was pointed out to Mr Cameron after all the dome and glum his party are giving us all,
And to Mr Farage he mentioned the person coming here with HIV, would he be allowed in this country to get his treatment for free,
Well who comes first the people who was born here, lived here and has worked here, there is no choice really to be made, in the perfect world we all would be treated in out own countries where we are but i agree with him for making these comments even though they where not political correct .
Once you do something that may not be right in some peoples eyes you are tarred with that for the rest of your life,
But i bet if you asked a secret pole a lot of people would agree that he was right in his saying but as i say we only think it

12th June 2016, 12:31
To me Farage came out of it better than Cameron.
I shall be glad to vote no and get it over with.
Whatever happens politicians will blame each other for years anyhow. :NoNo:

Mick. :Brick:

12th June 2016, 13:11
Still Mr Cameron would not say NO to turkey entering the EU , but just kept saying it will be years

12th June 2016, 16:05
I`m sure you noticed that it wasn't even a debate..Just a question time with Farage being given tougher questions from a pre fixed pro stay biased audience..That said,he still had the better performance by far,,
No way would Cameron debate Farage one to one..He`d be crucified..

12th June 2016, 16:56
The ins think that by calling the outs names and bringing up things from the past will make us think about voting for out,
Well if they concentrated on telling us why its best to stop in a sinking ship and going down with it we may listen ,but all they keep saying is, its better to be in, FOR WHO

13th June 2016, 12:04
The ins think that by calling the outs names and bringing up things from the past will make us think about voting for out,
Well if they concentrated on telling us why its best to stop in a sinking ship and going down with it we may listen ,but all they keep saying is, its better to be in, FOR WHO

This might explain who it's better for:-

13th June 2016, 13:15
Cameron has not mentioned that benefit of staying, which his wife likely gets a rake off from :NoNo:

Arthur Little
13th June 2016, 14:21
:cwm25: ... now we know for sure where the Prime Minister's true loyalties lie, and WHY he's so desperate for :Britain: to remain affiliated to an "alliance" from which those likely to benefit most are, of course, the wealthy! :icon_lol:

Arthur Little
13th June 2016, 14:40
:cwm25: ... now we know for sure where the Prime Minister's true loyalties lie, and WHY he's so desperate for :Britain: to remain affiliated to an "alliance" from which those likely to benefit most are, of course, the wealthy! :icon_lol:

Whereas ... :anerikke: ... wee Sturgeon's motives vary, in so far as she is relying on Scotland's 'Auld Alliance' with France - long since buried within the realms of history. :doh!