View Full Version : Another Muslim Sex Gang Convicted

Harry T
18th June 2016, 08:26
Yet another Gang of of Asians convicted of Sexual abuse in Yorkshire, and i make NO apologies for using the headline that i have used, 15 men were convicted of these vile crimes

I am aware that these kinds of crimes are carried out throughout the UK by all races, but these kind of Sexual Gratification,Grooming and Abusing of young Girls seem to be particuarly prevalent amongst our Asian Communities, and usually against White Girls, rarely against their own. There is also usually Alchohol, and Drugs involved I am disgusted by this kind of Sexual Perversion and the exploitation of young girls for self gain, and for me they need locking away for a long time, once a convicted Criminal of this type, there is always the possibility that they will offend again, there is only one way to keep Young Girls safe, and thats to keep them behind Bars for a long long time,.

18th June 2016, 08:36
Can you imagine the outcry that if this was against one of there own girls , what would happen then , blood on the streets i bet and it would be racial too ,
I am afraid there is there law and then there is our law which they do not follow, we are scum to them

18th June 2016, 10:01
I am pretty sure that any muslin would be appalled at the actions of these men. If they acted as they did because they were Muslims then I could understand why one would see a reason to mention it. The fact that many people in prison are Christians, Jews and probably a selection of all other religions which do not promote committing crimes, would not be seen by most as a reason to highlight the fact.

That said, I do not think most here would consider it reasonable to say '2 white Christians were convicted of ..... ' or '2 brown skinned Filipinos were convicted of ....'

QUOTE I am aware that these kinds of crimes are carried out throughout the UK by all races, There is also usually Alcohol, and Drugs involved I am disgusted by this kind of Sexual Perversion and the exploitation of young girls for self gain, and for me they need locking away for a long time, once a convicted Criminal of this type, there is always the possibility that they will offend again, there is only one way to keep Young Girls safe, and that's to keep them behind Bars for a long time,.

I assume this was not intended to include Filipinos ! 'but these kind of Sexual Gratification,Grooming and Abusing of young Girls seem to be particularly prevalent amongst our Asian Communities, and usually against White Girls, rarely against their own.'

Ako Si Jamie
18th June 2016, 10:35
How do we know they're Muslims? It's a bit like referring to the English football hooligans as a Christian gang.

18th June 2016, 11:43
How do we know they're Muslims? It's a bit like referring to the English football hooligans as a Christian gang.

You can't be serious?

Ako Si Jamie
18th June 2016, 12:12
You can't be serious? Why not? Just because they look like Muslims doesn't mean they are.

18th June 2016, 12:45
If you had any knowledge of Pakistanis, you would know that Pakistani muslims do not mix or socialise with Pakistani Christians, if you read the paper which gives all the names of the accused you would see that they are muslim names.....

18th June 2016, 12:47
Why not? Just because they look like Muslims doesn't mean they are.

I must agree on this one,
This is a picture of me buying some land in the Philippines last year , now can you tell it was me

http://i376.photobucket.com/albums/oo208/woolleybooby23/burka-117519_960_720_zpsjlgn2s51.jpg (http://s376.photobucket.com/user/woolleybooby23/media/burka-117519_960_720_zpsjlgn2s51.jpg.html)

18th June 2016, 12:59
They are all ugly ....ers probably can't find a woman. To marry

Ako Si Jamie
18th June 2016, 15:29
If you had any knowledge of Pakistanis, you would know that Pakistani muslims do not mix or socialise with Pakistani Christians, if you read the paper which gives all the names of the accused you would see that they are muslim names.....

A persons name is not his or hers choice. The religion they choose to follow, is! I know quite a few people with Pakistani names who are atheists for instance.

Ako Si Jamie
18th June 2016, 15:31
I must agree on this one,
This is a picture of me buying some land in the Philippines last year , now can you tell it was me

http://i376.photobucket.com/albums/oo208/woolleybooby23/burka-117519_960_720_zpsjlgn2s51.jpg (http://s376.photobucket.com/user/woolleybooby23/media/burka-117519_960_720_zpsjlgn2s51.jpg.html)

Yep. The handbag gives it away. :biggrin::wink:

18th June 2016, 15:33
Talking about crimes, isn't practicing racism a crime in UK ?

18th June 2016, 16:04
Talking about crimes, isn't practicing racism a crime in UK ?I see a report from the paper and discussion. No racism here is there? :Erm:

18th June 2016, 16:37
I see a report from the paper and discussion. No racism here is there? :Erm:

The headline which you appear to have quoted was "Vile sex gang caged for 168 years for 'systematically' grooming and abusing teenage girls" That is not racist. I see no reference to any religion, racial origin, country of origin etc.

However, I would say that your title for this thread, and your comments, certainly are racist.

I think if an investigation was mounted, then under this guidance, there would be sufficient evidence to prosecute.


I also suspect that this web page might also be prosecuted for publishing the material. Remember the Daily Mail and Express who were sued my the McCann's and 'found guilty' (settled out of court) of publishing libel on their web pages.

Ako Si Jamie
18th June 2016, 17:01
Haven't individuals been sued for brandishing others as racists? :Erm:

Slander, I think it's called!

18th June 2016, 17:03
O dear , back to the good old days

18th June 2016, 17:17
Haven't individuals been sued for brandishing others as racists? :Erm:

Slander, I think it's called!

If it were not factual then it would be libel.

I note you are not much of an expert on the law.

18th June 2016, 18:20
If it were not factual then it would be libel.

I note you are not much of an expert on the law.Maybe you are not an advocate of free speech....still available in the UK I believe....

Plus, I think you'll find it was not 'my' thread, as you clearly wish to think.

Ako Si Jamie
18th June 2016, 18:45
If it were not factual then it would be libel.

I note you are not much of an expert on the law. Going by that comment I guess you do think somebody in this thread is a racist. :NoNo:

18th June 2016, 18:51
If it were not factual then it would be libel.

I note you are not much of an expert on the law.

It's only libellous if it's written, slander if it's spoken. Back to law school :wink:

18th June 2016, 18:55
Being a white English person living in Britain and being called a racist goes together we are lead to believe, but i do know as a white English person its untrue i just have concerns

18th June 2016, 19:30
The headline which you appear to have quoted was "Vile sex gang caged for 168 years for 'systematically' grooming and abusing teenage girls" That is not racist. I see no reference to any religion, racial origin, country of origin etc.

However, I would say that your title for this thread, and your comments, certainly are racist.

I think if an investigation was mounted, then under this guidance, there would be sufficient evidence to prosecute.


I also suspect that this web page might also be prosecuted for publishing the material. Remember the Daily Mail and Express who were sued my the McCann's and 'found guilty' (settled out of court) of publishing libel on their web pages.

John.. Do me a favour please..
Any other complaints about the legality of any of our members posts should be made directly to the site owner`s as they are responsible for the content..
Please contact Keith or Rayna directly with your concerns if you so wish.
In future please keep these type of complaints off the main forum.

Harry T
18th June 2016, 19:47
If anyone wants to call me a racist then please do so, I am sick and tired of Do Gooders for years now we have listened to all that they have had to say, not had the Balls to stand up to them, given them a Country of free speech, the only thing is its us that cant say what we want, just because its assumed to not be politically correct.
I dont belong to any political party, dont belong to any Union, but i do have my own thoughts on this Country, and the way its gone over the past 50 years, and i tell you this its changed, and in many instances not for the better, just because i dont have a particular belief dont assume Im something Im not.
I will say what i believe if i want to, the owner can warn me or Ban me as he sees fit if you disagree then great, this forum needs to be livened up from time to time. :action-smiley-081:

I will just add, if the owner wishes to do so, they can remove the thread.. I dont have a problem with that..

18th June 2016, 19:53

18th June 2016, 19:53
If anyone wants to call me a racist then please do so, I am sick and tired of Do Gooders for years now we have listened to all that they have had to say, not had the Balls to stand up to them, given them a Country of free speech, the only thing is its us that cant say what we want, just because its assumed to not be politically correct.
I dont belong to any political party, dont belong to any Union, but i do have my own thoughts on this Country, and the way its gone over the past 50 years, and i tell you this its changed, and in many instances not for the better, just because i dont have a particular belief dont assume Im something Im not.
I will say what i believe if i want to, the owner can warn me or Ban me as he sees fit if you disagree then great, this forum needs to be livened up from time to time. :action-smiley-081:

I will just add, if the owner wishes to do so, they can remove the thread.. I dont have a problem with that..

See what you done now Harry, you better bugger of to the Philippines till this all blows over :biggrin: