View Full Version : Land of hope and glory

24th June 2016, 06:51
Wow this is what the majority have wanted ,Land of hope and glory, and i do hope those who have not got what they have wanted joint together and make this country what it should be, a world leader,
Lots of people have knocked us and lots of other countries have laughed at us too, we wont laugh back we want to work together with the world but on our own terms,
What are we asking for is just our own country back and run by ourselves,
Its going to take a long time and there will be ups and downs, there will be blame for this , blame for that, some may loose some cash, interest rates may go up, but all these things happen every month, many people may not notice anything other then what it says on the news,
So lets all stay calm and look forward to a very good future , :unitedkingdom::Britain::engflag:

24th June 2016, 07:04
Tim Farron woke up this morning not a happy chap, in his words he woke up to a land that Nigel Farage wants,
Well let me tell you Tim you woke up to a land the people who votes are wanting , no wonder your party will never win anything with a tw-t like you,
Working together is needed not calling people names and thinking that everyone is a Nigel Farage ,
History has been made and its great Britain making that history

Ako Si Jamie
24th June 2016, 07:36
Heard on the radio that Cameron and Osborne will be on their bikes soon.

24th June 2016, 07:54
Farage deserved his moment this morning..He has spent his whole political life working for UK Independence..Good for him!
Those coming out calling him Xenophobic and racist couldn't be more wrong..They are Politically correct scaremongers..Now they need to eat humble pie as we begin to get our sovereignty and freedoms back..
Cant believe it..I`m starting to feel my British pride back too!
Well done Britain!! You wont regret this..

24th June 2016, 08:01
Farage deserved his moment this morning..He has spent his whole political life working for UK Independence..Good for him!
Those coming out calling him Xenophobic and racist couldn't be more wrong..They are Politically correct scaremongers..Now they need to eat humble pie as we begin to get our sovereignty and freedoms back..
Cant believe it..I`m starting to feel my British pride back too!
Well done Britain!! You wont regret this..

well said Fred,

24th June 2016, 09:07
Farage deserved his moment this morning..He has spent his whole political life working for UK Independence..Good for him!
Those coming out calling him Xenophobic and racist couldn't be more wrong..They are Politically correct scaremongers..Now they need to eat humble pie as we begin to get our sovereignty and freedoms back..
Cant believe it..I`m starting to feel my British pride back too!
Well done Britain!! You wont regret this..
