View Full Version : Another Fatal Attack in France

Harry T
15th July 2016, 09:23
Its been confirmed that another Attack has happened in France at the Tourist resort of Nice, 84 people have been reported Dead, run over by a Truck driven through a crowd enjoying a Fireworks display on the Promenade, The Driver was eventually shot, and the Truck brought to a halt, many more people are reported to be injured..

15th July 2016, 09:43
This is just too dreadful to imagine. :NoNo:

May all of those poor innocent people rest in peace.

15th July 2016, 10:43
Disgusting ... another homeland attack by a French-Tunisian. Any guesses as to his belief systems? :icon_sorry:

15th July 2016, 13:30
Disgusting ... another homeland attack by a French-Tunisian. Any guesses as to his belief systems? :icon_sorry:

Armenian Apostolic??
The Roman Catholic Church of Tunisia?

Harry T
15th July 2016, 16:00
Disgusting ... another homeland attack by a French-Tunisian. Any guesses as to his belief systems? :icon_sorry:

Not allowed to mention that according to some Steve.... :biggrin:

15th July 2016, 18:18

15th July 2016, 19:59
Not allowed to mention that according to some Steve.... :biggrin:lol, Moderator perk Harry :biggrin:

Harry T
16th July 2016, 10:12
Of course there is No religous connection, but ISIS claim responsibility...

16th July 2016, 10:34
Isis would claim anything if it suited them and it was a bloodbath,
Yes some poor person could lose control and do things like this nothing to do with religion but who i am i to say this