View Full Version : Love Peace and Harmony

16th July 2016, 10:09
Yes they say Love Peace and Harmony to make the world a beautiful place, ok you may need a job too, plus a home , saving, a partner and the list can go on and on and on,
But in todays society of the world why is there so much hatred , what are these people wanting if they get what they are asking for,
You see there war torn lands of just dust and nothing is that what they are asking for , or is it what you are seeing is just the people who fight for these people , are the people on top living in luxury, wives and women at there beck and call, private jets , houses that we can only dream of, gold and more gold wealth beyond our dreams,
Is it religion causing all this anger or is it i want what the others have ,
Its a rotten place we are all living at this moment and it does make you think where is safe these days ,
LOVE AND PEACE TO ALL ,:smile::smile: except the tw-t at work :biggrin:

Ako Si Jamie
16th July 2016, 11:28
Religion does play a part because it can contort people's minds therefore I put it in the same bracket as drugs - but selfishness, entitlement and competing to have the most is the main cause I reckon. If everyone was as fair and content as you Steve, the world would be a far better place.

16th July 2016, 22:03
Cheers Jamie, i am content , i dont know about fair though, Kuripot springs to mind from many i am thinking :biggrin:

Harry T
17th July 2016, 11:33
The World right now doesnt seem a great place to be, Big problems in the Middle East, Continuing problems in Africa, Problems in Turkey, France with its Terrorists issues, Ukraines problems, and as we all know the Refugee problem throughout Europe, and probably many more i am unaware of.
I dont know the answer, but the average person does not wish for these issues, and they are for the most part created by Governments or Religous Issues.