View Full Version : Sixty Thousand Drug Users Surrender To Authorities In Philippines

Arthur Little
16th July 2016, 20:14
60,000 users are believed to've already given themselves up to the Authorities ... in line with the new President's crackdown on drugs abuse.

www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3691692/Drug-addicts-Philippines-surrender-authorities-president-Rodrigo-Duterte-urges-citizens-ahead-kill-drug-users-dealers.html ...:ReadIt:

17th July 2016, 01:37
Yesterday he had the suspected drug lord Peter Lim in his office..
He told him.."dont lie to me or you will be a dead man"...Watched it on the local news..


In the bizarre meeting at the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) office in Davao City that evoked scenes from a gangster film, Mr. Duterte warned Peter Lim to steer clear of narcotics.
“I will execute you … I will finish you off,” the President said during the meeting.


Ako Si Jamie
17th July 2016, 08:28
The laundry industry in the Phils will be having a boom. Plenty of soiled trousers in need of washing. :icon_lol: