View Full Version : Costa lot

19th July 2016, 06:40
Yesterday we had a rush on for a same day delivery up to Spennymoor near Durham ,
There is nothing better then leaving in rush hour to get anywhere these days , but driving from Derby all the way up there in a old lorry well the only i thought i could make the time go quicker was to take Emma with me.
So of we went at 3-45pm to travel the 150 miles plus,
What a beautiful day it was sun shinning and a steady 54mph, that speed you can talk and admire the countryside around you and the views , we do live a beautiful place once you get out onto the open road,
Anyway up we went and did the delivery and set of back , just managed to get back to Wetherby to the service station to have my drivers break,
In we went and being a tight git , i asked Emma what would she like , Chicken chips and gravy with a side order of salad too, well all that for £5.99p , i thought that was a bargin , to drink well here comes the crunch , 1 cool shake and 1 medium coffee from costa, £7.20p:yikes:, and the coffee is not the greatest tasting in my eyes , but it was a treat for my cab mate ,
Bloody costa lot, will get it all back from the gaffa though , but dont tell Ems :biggrin:

19th July 2016, 11:55
I know Spennymoor well Steve.... as I used to rent a farm cottage about 10 miles from there.

Also know the Wetherby Services well... and the 'Costa a lot' place there.

One of the reasons I always took a big pack-up and flask with me when wandering the country with my work. (Still do whenever I'm away from the house for more than a few hours).

No way am I going to pay those ridiculous prices. :NoNo:

19th July 2016, 16:27
Thats what we would have done , but it was a rush job, so Emma did not have time , plus like i said it was a treat for us both to be together and having dinner paid for too, :biggrin:

19th July 2016, 18:28
I can't stand coffee. But I am amazed why people pay those prices when you can buy a great big jar of coffee for the same price

Ako Si Jamie
19th July 2016, 19:20
Prefer tea but I don't mind coffee. Won't pay more than £1.50 from a shop for either though.

20th July 2016, 19:46
I can't stand coffee. But I am amazed why people pay those prices when you can buy a great big jar of coffee for the same price

Yeah, but can you even buy a cup of instant coffee anywhere now ? It all seems to be that 'posh' percolated/filtered stuff... which I find tastes orrible anyway... without having to pay an arm and a leg for the stuff. :NoNo:

I just want some caffeine in a warm drink.

20th July 2016, 20:20
A normal coffee i ask for, they then say a Americana , i say is that coffee with milk, yes they say, well thats what i want a normal cup of coffee,
Then the next test is , what size :doh

20th July 2016, 23:04
Next time Steve...I'm right next to the A1/M1/M62 interchange.

Pop round and I'll brew you a couple of nice cups of Aldi's finest, for only a quid each. :biggrin:

21st July 2016, 06:40
Thats some busy junction there Graham, if you take your eyes off the road a split second, you have to travel a long way just to get back where you started:biggrin:, so next time i will take you up on that fine offer :xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st July 2016, 08:43
Thats some busy junction there Graham, if you take your eyes off the road a split second, you have to travel a long way just to get back where you started:biggrin:, so next time i will take you up on that fine offer :xxgrinning--00xx3:
Make sure you have a pound coin steve..He will not change a fiver!

21st July 2016, 09:43
'The quickest way to double your money is to fold it over and put it back in your pocket'.

-Will Rogers
