View Full Version : UKIP Leadership Candidate, Woolfe "SHOWN The Door"

Arthur Little
3rd August 2016, 19:28
OK ... :anerikke: ... well, :yeahthat:'s a bit of an exaggerated statement on my part, as the 48~year~old remains a popular figure within the party's ranks.

Steven Woolfe was widely tipped as forerunner in September's contest to succeed Nigel Farage.

However, the barrister and MEP has now been debarred as a contender - due to submitting his nomination papers a mere 17 minutes later than last Sunday's deadline.

www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-36962266 :ReadIt:

4th August 2016, 13:19
No wonder my hero has left the room. :NoNo:

4th August 2016, 13:32
So it appears that, contrary to popular belief, UKIP is no different to any other political party in it's 'administration' :Erm:

Arthur Little
4th August 2016, 15:15
So it appears that, contrary to popular belief, UKIP is no different to any other political party in it's 'administration' :Erm:

:iagree: ... UKIP - like the MAIN political parties - appears to have its own National Executive Committee (NEC referred to in the link!) that deals with the selection process.