View Full Version : Waiting...

5th August 2016, 13:58
Hi All,

I received an email from UKVI last Friday saying that a decision has already been made in my application. I also got a text message and an email Saturday from VFS saying that they have received the processed visa application. My problem is , it has been a week now and i have not gotten any message or an email for me to pick up my passport and documents. Is this normal to wait this long even it has been processed?

5th August 2016, 14:23
Did you make any arrangements to have the passport/docs sent to you by courier ?
Or did you agree to pick-up from VFS ?

Either way you should make contact.

Yes, sometimes delays can happen.

5th August 2016, 14:31
Yes, i agreed to pick up my docs. I want to call them, however, i don't know their contact details. :Help1: