View Full Version : Jeez! Did You Ever Hear The Like?

Arthur Little
5th August 2016, 20:14
Property developers are planning to build luxury retirement flats on the site of a now disused 1970s multi~storey car park.

:yeahthat: ... and (wait for it!) the proposed edifice will include, a tunnel linked to Harrods, :cwm24: would you believe!?! :grosyeux:


:doh ... how the heck can even London pensioners :oldlady::olddude::oldlady: be expected to afford the upkeep of one of those apartments ... let alone hobble through to shop at the Capital's most prestigious store, for God's sake? :crazy:!

5th August 2016, 22:43
I am sure there are many pensioners that can enjoy the expense of Knightsbridge. They are not built for the 'normal' person.