View Full Version : Early retirement

6th August 2016, 09:21
The other day our old manager came in for a visit and we got round to talking about taking early retirement.
He worked till he was 65 and he even wanted to stay on a little longer too.
Anyway I asked the question, what he knows now would he have gone any earlier, a big fat yes was his answer.
Now I don't know anyone who wished they stayed on at work after there retirement day and everyone who finished work early says too it's the best thing they ever did.
So do you know anyone who has any regrets about Finishing early or staying on at work

6th August 2016, 09:57
I finished work at 64, after a meltdown while trying to hold on to my marriage with Jennifer the Pilipino I married in 2008 in the Philippines, I was told I had to finish and was therefore sacked, I was gutted, as I had worked for 49 years with a good record, but with the failed marriage nothing mattered.

I was better off financially in that year, and started drawing my pension at 65, and realised they had done me a favour by sacking me, I have never been back there since (except for medical appointments, it was a hospital I worked at).
Mick. :olddude:

6th August 2016, 10:11
Ask yourself how many years have you got left to live after 65 or 66? My advice is if you can afford it retire early and live your dream. You cant spend money when your dead.

6th August 2016, 10:33
If you can afford it retire as soon as you can.....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
6th August 2016, 12:15
Ask yourself how many years have you got left to live after 65 or 66? My advice is if you can afford it retire early and live your dream. You cant spend money when your dead.

If you can afford it retire as soon as you can.....:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Agree with you BOTH ... :yeahthat:'s what I did, and I've NEVER EVER regretted it for one moment!

6th August 2016, 13:44
Well I am still under the first plan and after hundreds of other plans , I am on course to Finnish long before the 66, and if all goes well still it should have a number 5 in front

6th August 2016, 13:57
I have to admit I made a big mistake by making the big decision too early.
I was 50 years old and just wasn't ready to give up the highly scheduled busy life. After a few months I decided I was bored and went back to work in a completely different world of the Civil Service.

I finally quit that at the age of 60 which was about perfect for me then.

It all depends on how much you enjoy working, how much you enjoy your job and what your life can offer to keep you fully alive.

Just my two centavos

6th August 2016, 18:37
I now regret having retired at 60... from a very good, well-paying job.

The company has now gone bust (after nearly 40 years, during many of which I worked there on a self-employed basis, but latterly as an employee ).

It would have been very much easier to have brought Mercedes here... should we have so decided.

Now... no chance.

I am part way through the process of claiming my Irish citizenship, just in case it may help us in the future. :smile:

6th August 2016, 18:43
It all depends on how much you enjoy working, how much you enjoy your job and what your life can offer to keep you fully alive.

Just my two centavos

Well do enjoy my work its the people who I work with that does my head in, and now my colleague is leaving, well I shall wait and see what happens

6th August 2016, 19:32
I'm only 42, so no plans to retire yet. But can't wait for the day I can. Although my pensions are not worth a lot. So I can't live a life of luxury.. and possibly may try and do something a couple of days a week just to top my pension plan.

But like I say, I'm only 42. Don't plan to retire until at least aged 65-67

6th August 2016, 20:34
I'm only 42, so no plans to retire yet. But can't wait for the day I can. Although my pensions are not worth a lot. So I can't live a life of luxury.. and possibly may try and do something a couple of days a week just to top my pension plan.

But like I say, I'm only 42. Don't plan to retire until at least aged 65-67

Put as much as you can in a work place pension, that would be my plan if I was your age

7th August 2016, 02:04
Put as much as you can in a work place pension, that would be my plan if I was your age

I pay 4% of my monthly wage and my work match it. So you could say I'm paying 8% of my monthly wage into my pension a month.

Although I am due to leave that job very soon.

7th August 2016, 04:04
Ask yourself how many years have you got left to live after 65 or 66? My advice is if you can afford it retire early and live your dream. You cant spend money when your dead.

Agreed the hard part is deciding whether you have enough money or not :Erm:

7th August 2016, 09:05
Agreed the hard part is deciding whether you have enough money or not :Erm:

Yes those little men in your head one saying one thing the other saying the opposite, and the end of the day its down to the wife :doh

7th August 2016, 10:55
I retired when I was 48 although I had been ‘off sick’ for a year by then and so had been able ‘get used to being retired’ being retired. Thus when the day came it was no big change, I just carried on as I had been doing.

That was 28 year ago.

Although I retired it did not mean I stopped working just that I could do what I wanted, when I wanted. For 20 years now I have been a volunteer, helping the public in several ways without any form of payment.

I am of course very fortunate that my pensions allowed me to do that.

My father retired after a full working life at 65, he was dead 9 months later.

7th August 2016, 11:52
When you hear of people retiring and just having the state pension to live on well to me thats frightening.
WE have savings and i also have a private pension, would have been wonderful to have it all but a ex wife saw to that , but hey that was then,
My private pension will not change much in the coming years if i do not retire early, but my savings would, i could treble my savings but i know i dont want to be at work another 8 years,
I have already made my mind up that i am going to take my private pension in a draw down so i can control all my monies, and i do know we shall have more then enough and once the state pension kicks in well what the hell shall i do with that .
Its hard trying to plan your future when you have to think of someone else ,

7th August 2016, 16:54
I will only have a (reduced) state pension to live on.

Doesn't frighten me at all.

What I haven't got, I can't fret over. :anerikke:

Stress is a big killer.... and there are billions in this world a lot worse off than me.

Michael Parnham
7th August 2016, 18:31
I will only have a (reduced) state pension to live on.

Doesn't frighten me at all.

What I haven't got, I can't fret over. :anerikke:

Stress is a big killer.... and there are billions in this world a lot worse off than me.

True, you couldn't have said it better:xxgrinning--00xx3: