View Full Version : Good news for Derby

10th August 2016, 21:39
Well what great news for Derby and some of its workers.
Bombardier has just got a £1 Billion contract.
Its to supply 660 state of the art carriages, fantastic news i say after losing other contracts over the last few years to our friends across the channel

Harry T
10th August 2016, 21:50
This despite the Doomongers who said Brexit would be bad for us, we are GREAT Britain and we should be proud of it, in the long run the younger generation will come to thank us for voting the way we did, yes it will take a few years to see the Benefits, but i have NO doubt the way we voted was the right way... Well done Bombardier, and good luck to Derby... :xxgrinning--00xx3:

10th August 2016, 21:53
It did cross my mind about Bretix and winning this order too, usually orders like this are mostly won in Europe some how, well used to be anyway

10th August 2016, 22:28
We've had a perfectly good carriage-building works for many decades in York too.

Let's hope our railway companies support British industry by buying rolling stock manufactured in this country !

Same goes for other military and industrial machinery.

I mean, for goodness sake, we invented most of it, and the manufacturing processes involved, :olddude:

11th August 2016, 01:37
Well what great news for Derby and some of its workers.
Bombardier has just got a £1 Billion contract.
Its to supply 660 state of the art carriages, fantastic news i say after losing other contracts over the last few years to our friends across the channel

Brilliant..... Well done Derby & Bombardier :xxgrinning--00xx3: