View Full Version : Roof design for tropics.

18th August 2016, 03:39
We are thinking about building a couple of units on our land and have looked around our island for a bit of inspiration..
Everything looks like a hot box to me..
I noticed that the coolest room in our house is the kitchen at the back of our house that has a metal roof which has no soffits or fascia`s so the warm air just gets blown around and more importantly...out !!
The room also has a hardiflex ceiling..
Now I`m thinking what about that type of design for a whole 2 bedroom bungalow?? or even 2X2 bed bungalows etc.
Your thoughts.




18th August 2016, 08:02
Many years ago when i first started thinking of living in the Phils, these was my thoughts of our house,ok it was a shipping container but under a false roof,
Are you looking for investors or partners Fred:biggrin:

Michael Parnham
18th August 2016, 08:06
I would imagine a false roof would create a breeze, check it out with someone who has that structure:Erm:

18th August 2016, 09:45
Noisy when it rains.

18th August 2016, 10:44
I would imagine a false roof would create a breeze, check it out with someone who has that structure:Erm:

Not a false roof..Its real!
A breeze sounds good Micheal.

18th August 2016, 11:21
Noisy when it rains.

Just spray foam type insulation on the underside ? :smile:


Michael Parnham
18th August 2016, 12:52
Not a false roof..Its real!
A breeze sounds good Micheal.

It was my way of describing it Fred, also would have thought it would lessen the noise of the rain when your inside the house:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
18th August 2016, 13:29
Just spray foam type insulation on the underside ? :smile:

Good idea Graham:xxgrinning--00xx3:

19th August 2016, 08:23
Trying to explain to Emma what a great idea this sounds and showing her the pictures too, i know it goes straight over her head,
Do others have that same thoughts when trying to explain to there partners about great ideas, now if i was to show her a new handbag or jewellery or even a new restaurant well then she is in love :biggrin:

Arthur Little
19th August 2016, 10:32
Trying to explain to Emma what a great idea this sounds and showing her the pictures too, i know it goes straight over her head,

:wink: ... like a roof!

19th August 2016, 10:54
:wink: ... like a roof!


19th August 2016, 11:37
Trying to explain to Emma what a great idea this sounds and showing her the pictures too, i know it goes straight over her head,
Do others have that same thoughts when trying to explain to there partners about great ideas, now if i was to show her a new handbag or jewellery or even a new restaurant well then she is in love :biggrin:

Yes...Every day.... SNAP!

19th August 2016, 12:37
I did a lot of research on roof designs for Philippine climate. It's stored away somewhere on a flash drive which I'll try to find.

These things come to mind I can recall.

1. Triple Engineeering
2. Air Gap
3. Coatings
4. Materials

I remember that Slate is considered best roofing material but I've no idea if it's available here at all.

Air gaps are key as I recall

19th August 2016, 12:41
Trying to explain to Emma what a great idea this sounds and showing her the pictures too, i know it goes straight over her head,
Do others have that same thoughts when trying to explain to there partners about great ideas, now if i was to show her a new handbag or jewellery or even a new restaurant well then she is in love :biggrin:

SNAP :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Although I must add my wife is bloody smart......too bloody smart :yikes:

19th August 2016, 14:50
SNAP :icon_lol::icon_lol::icon_lol:

Although I must add my wife is bloody smart......too bloody smart :yikes:

My wife just thinks she is....:biggrin:

19th August 2016, 18:37
My wife is only interested in herself and showing off on f/b, not interested in learning anything useful:biggrin:Sounds very selfish Michael, what is she showing off in fb?

19th August 2016, 18:44
Can't fault my Mrs.

She chose me. :biggrin:

Michael Parnham
19th August 2016, 18:45
Sounds very selfish Michael, what is she showing off in fb?

Please don't ask Steve:wink:

19th August 2016, 19:14
My wife is only interested in herself and showing off on f/b, not interested in learning anything useful:biggrin:

Wow Michael, you really have to have a word with your wife,
Being in a relationship should be a two way street, sharing things together and being interested in each other and having time for each other, yes there are a few GIVE ME A MOMENT TIME,
You paint a not very nice picture of the person you married,
If this was a stranger saying those things about his partner, can you imagine what you and I would be telling them

19th August 2016, 19:15
Sounds very selfish Michael, what is she showing off in fb?

Talking of fb, did you like the axe thing:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Michael Parnham
19th August 2016, 19:19
Talking of fb, did you like the axe thing:xxgrinning--00xx3:

No idea what is meant by Axe thing, never go on f/b

19th August 2016, 19:24
No idea what is meant by Axe thing, never go on f/b

That's ment for Steve , Michael, he will understand if

Michael Parnham
20th August 2016, 08:11
That's ment for Steve , Michael, he will understand if


20th August 2016, 08:37
Please don't ask Steve:wink:

Is there something you want to share :Erm:

20th August 2016, 08:54
So Fred, do you think you may go ahead with building on your own land so close to your home

20th August 2016, 09:38
Yes, the axe comment was in just before I made a similar one :icon_lol:

20th August 2016, 16:29
So Fred, do you think you may go ahead with building on your own land so close to your home

Probably Steve but I wont have much contact with them because the rear wall of their property will be my garden wall!

20th August 2016, 22:56
Yes...Every day.... SNAP!

I gave up trying to explain anything, waste of time especially when they walk away when your trying to explain.:cwm23::cwm23:

21st August 2016, 01:44
I gave up trying to explain anything, waste of time especially when they walk away when your trying to explain.:cwm23::cwm23:

And I thought that was just happening to me!

21st August 2016, 17:44
Sometimes it's hard accepting that probably only 20% of what we say to our partners is actually understood, noted, and inwardly digested. :cwm25:

Then of course there's that 'pitying' look we get. :cwm3:

21st August 2016, 17:49
Amazing ain't it, it seems all our partners have the same idea when we have great idea's, betterer talk between ourselves about our new adventures , leave the ladies to themselves

Michael Parnham
21st August 2016, 17:58
They always pretend they understand when you try to explain things to them because they don't want you to think they don't understand, no disrespect to Rayna because she seems to be really switched on, certainly the exception:xxgrinning--00xx3:

21st August 2016, 18:09
They always pretend they understand when you try to explain things to them because they don't want you to think they don't understand, no disrespect to Rayna because she seems to be really switched on, certainly the exception:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Rather harsh Michael, I would like to say most of our partner's are very switched on,
It's like anything if it's not interesting to them or others, then just smile and say yes dear,
We men just need to have those magic words said to us, Yes dear go ahead if it makes you happy,
Funny we think we are in charge but we still ask for permission:biggrin:

21st August 2016, 19:17
No flies on Rayna, she is as sharp as razor. Watch out Keith :omg:

Michael Parnham
21st August 2016, 19:51
Rather harsh Michael, I would like to say most of our partner's are very switched on,
It's like anything if it's not interesting to them or others, then just smile and say yes dear,
We men just need to have those magic words said to us, Yes dear go ahead if it makes you happy,
Funny we think we are in charge but we still ask for permission:biggrin:

They often misinterpret what is said for example, when I say to my wife 'please be careful when you cross the road' she has a right go at me saying 'there you go you want me to get killed' and I never hear the end of it for the next couple of hours:anerikke:

21st August 2016, 19:58
They often misinterpret what is said for example, when I say to my wife 'please be careful when you cross the road' she has a right go at me saying 'there you go you want me to get killed' and I never hear the end of it for the next couple of hours:anerikke:

So she new what you ment then :omg:

21st August 2016, 19:59
They often misinterpret what is said for example, when I say to my wife 'please be careful when you cross the road' she has a right go at me saying 'there you go you want me to get killed' and I never hear the end of it for the next couple of hours:anerikke:

I think that's more of a relationship statement than a general one Michael :cwm25:

21st August 2016, 20:18
They often misinterpret what is said for example,

After thinking about this you may have some sort of point,
When I say NO , Emma must misinterpret as , that's means YES at a later date

21st August 2016, 23:30


Michael Parnham
22nd August 2016, 06:30
Nice one Graham:xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th September 2016, 14:55
Very entertaining..Yes..
But WTF has it to do with roofing in the damned tropics??
I guess you guys have just about run out of ideas huh??

5th September 2016, 15:57
I thought you'd have had it finished by now mate. :biggrin:

SHADE... so I'll go with a nipa type roof (like an awning)... over the top of the 'actual' one... with two or 3 foot gap between, to get some air through. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Can't beat cheap, readily available local materials, and the people with the skills to work with them. :smile:

5th September 2016, 16:04
I thought you'd have had it finished by now mate. :biggrin:

SHADE... so I'll go with a nipa type roof (like an awning)... over the top of the 'actual' one... with two or 3 foot gap between, to get some air through. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Fair enough Graham...But please make sure the pitch (for your nipa roof) is at least 45 degrees other wise you will receive an old fashioned water bed...
Also,buy some new fishing net to stretch over the whole thing...Especially there in Luzon.
Just sayin mate!~

5th September 2016, 16:55
Good advice mate... cheers. :xxgrinning--00xx3: