View Full Version : Fraud Emails - post yours

22nd August 2016, 19:32
I am sure we all get them from time to time. You know, the ones that offer you a share of millions of $$$$. Just give all your details and 'hey presto' instead of getting a million, you end up with someone removing everything from your bank account from a Nigerian internet shop.

I just got this one today. Post yours, they are often quite funny.

From Mr. Stephen J. E Hosea

the Head of file Department in Bank of Africa. I seek your assistance and I assured of your capability to champion this business opportunity to remit $4.2 million U.S.A dollars. Into your account, If you are interested please let me know so that i can send you the full details of this transaction.. I agreed that 40% of this money will be for you 10% will be set aside for expenses incurred during the business and 50% would be for me. If you are interested to execute this business with me, you should contact me in my private email and provide me the below requested information to avoid any delays, and I will furnish you with more elaborate information. My private email address is : mrstephenhosea4@gmail.com
Individual name.............................................
Residential address.................................
Mobile number...................................
Personal mail.................
Your age.................
Mr.Stenphen J. E Hosea,

22nd August 2016, 19:35
Another, I got 2 today.

Mr. Mamadou Kala <mamadoukala@outlook.com>
Yesterday, 23:31

This sender failed our fraud detection checks and may not be who they appear to be.

Confidential Business Proposal!

I am Mr. Mamadou Kala, manager In charge of Foreign Remittance department I have a business which will benefit both of us,

The amount of money involved is ($20.2 Million Dollars) which I want to transfer from an abandoned account to your bank account; It is 100% risk free.

Upon the conclusion of this transaction, I accept that (45%) Forty FIVE Percent will be for you in respect of all your assistance for this transaction and (55%) FIFTY FIVE Percent will be for me being the pioneer of the business.

A lot of customers open private accounts with different Banks without the knowledge of their families and when they die, such money will be lost to the Bank unless someone comes to claim it. This is how a lot of Bank Directors make so much money silently.

I will like you to provide immediately the below information's, to enable me use it and get you next of kin application form from my bank.

1. Full Name:......................
2. Full Address:...................
3. Telephone Number:...............
4. Country:........................
5. Occupation:.....................
6. Age:............................
7. Sex:............................

As soon as you reply through this private Email Address I will let you know the next steps and procedures and more details to follow in order to finalize this transaction immediately.

Please keep whatever you learn from me between us even if you decide not to go along with me.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Mamadou Kala.

22nd August 2016, 19:37
Sorry Steve, i am sending these around to folk i know, i am needing funds to pay the phone bill, cant pull the wool over your eyes can i :biggrin:

22nd August 2016, 20:08
Sorry Steve, i am sending these around to folk i know, i am needing funds to pay the phone bill, cant pull the wool over your eyes can i :biggrin:I knew that Steve, I just wanted you to own up.:icon_lol:

22nd August 2016, 20:18
Well you know me , when i have been rumbled i will hold my hands up high:biggrin:

Michael Parnham
23rd August 2016, 08:47
Never ever seen anything sinister in my emails in 19 years!

23rd August 2016, 11:43
Never ever seen anything sinister in my emails in 19 years!

You certainly live on another world

23rd August 2016, 17:36
Never ever seen anything sinister in my emails in 19 years!
Does your bank account empty every time you give your details to the people in these email then Michael?

Michael Parnham
23rd August 2016, 17:52
You certainly live on another world

I've never had any bad emails or phone calls apart from a couple of calls about solar panels for the house:smile:

31st August 2016, 19:01
Another today.....

Dear friend.

Greetings to you and your family, I am the manager of bill and exchange in THE BANK, I have a business of 5.5 Million United State Dollars to be transfer to your account for investment in your country, if you are ready to assist me get back to me, I will give you full details on how the fund will be transfer to you.

Be rest assured that everything will be handled confidentially because, this is a great opportunity we cannot afford to miss, as it will make our family profit a lot.

It has been 7 years ago, that most of the greedy African Politicians used our bank to launder money overseas through the help of their Political advisers.

Most of the funds which they transferred out of the shores of Africa were gold and oil money that was supposed to have been used to develop the continent.

The Political advisers always inflated the amounts before transfer to foreign accounts so I also used the opportunity to divert part of the fund worth five million five hundred united state dollars I told you about and I am aware that there is no official trace of how much was transferred as all the accounts used for such transfers of fund at that particle time were closed after transfer.

I am the account officer to most of the politicians and when I discovered that they were using me to succeed in their greedy act, I also cleaned some of their banking records from the Bank files and no one cared to ask me for the money was too much for them to control, as I am sending this message to you, I was able to divert five point five Millions Dollars ($5.5M)which is in an escrow transit account belonging to no one in the bank, and now my bank is very anxious to know the real beneficiary of the funds is for they have made a lot of profits with the fund.

It has been more than Seven years ago and most of the politicians are no longer in power again and they don’t use our bank to transfer funds overseas anymore since their tenure had expired.

The $5.5 Million United State Dollars has been lying in the bank as unclaimed fund and I will soon retire from the bank immediately the fund is transfer into your account over there.

Immediately the fund has been successfully transfer into your account I will come to your country for the sharing of the fund, the fund will be shared 50% for me and 40% for you, and the other 10% for the orphanages home and poor with less-privilege people.

Please know that there is no one that is going to question you about the fund if you will comply with me and follow my instruction which will help us a lot to achieve this goal for everything is well secured.

Please indicate your interest in this transaction by replying back and if you are not interested do not waste your time to reply kindly delete my message from your box ok. Private Email la621816@yahoo.com

Waiting to hear from you soon.

Mr Lompo Azis

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
https://www.avast.com/antivirus (https://www.avast.com/antivirus)

31st August 2016, 22:29
Anybody responding to this garbage has to have a screw loose. :NoNo:

No emails are opened by me unless they are from an established contact.
All others are ignored then flagged as spam.
I check the original 'headers' to get a rough idea of their origin... then into the junk they go.

If it's so important, the people I do wish to communicate with have got my phone number. :smile:

31st August 2016, 22:56
Some people must reply though or they wouldn't do it I suppose. There are some very stupid people out there.:cwm3::Cuckoo:

31st August 2016, 23:20

They used to buy Lada and Yugo cars. :biggrin:

Arthur Little
31st August 2016, 23:53
Can't seem to locate the thread involved now, :nono-1-1: ... but I'm pretty certain I mentioned this on the forum several years ago:

Whenever the sender of almost ANY email or letter styles himself 'Mr' at the beginning and/or end of a communication (as in the examples shown above) :poke: ... then you may be very sure it's a SCAM!

Rest assured, NO legitimate, self~respecting businessman will ever style himself thus ... either online or on paper.

:yeahthat:'s definitely a dead giveaway - junk mail - as far as I'm concerned.

So you're advised to BIN those pronto!

1st September 2016, 22:46
Dammit, just checked my account and found $2 million in there:omg::icon_lol::icon_lol:

1st September 2016, 22:52



1st September 2016, 23:21
I used to love that program

1st September 2016, 23:41
Me too, and another good one was Trigger Happy TV. :biggrin:



2nd September 2016, 01:39
Steve..This will be right up your street..
Scambaiting classic this one!


2nd September 2016, 11:26
Steve..This will be right up your street..
Scambaiting classic this one!


Cool, I just need a boat to follow it

12th September 2016, 21:36
Another today

Attention: Beneficiary

This is to official inform you that we have been having meetings for the past Four Weeks now which ended Five days ago with Mr.Jim Yong Kim the World Bank president and other seven continent presidents on the Congress we treated on solution to Scam victim problems.

Note: we have decided to contact you following the reports we received from Anti-Fraud International Monitoring Group your name/email has been submitted to us therefore the United Nations have agreed to compensate you with the sum of(USD$1,000,000.00) this compensation is also including international business that failed due to Government problems etc.

We have arranged your payment through our ATM VisaCard which is the latest instruction from the World Bank president Mr.Jim Yong Kim therefore be advice to contact our Representative Agent. Pastor John Godwin who is in position to release your ATM Visacard contact him with the below email & phone number and make sure you forwards your full details to him. Your full name, your country/city, your delivery address, your telephone number, your age, your occupation and your identity card or passport.

Contact him:
CONTACT NAME: Pastor John Godwin
E-MAIL: pastorjohn197222@gmail.com
TEL NO: +226 65 19 44 35

Once again for the collection of your Visacard contact our representative Pastor John Godwin to enable you confirm your payment without further delay and note that any other contact you made out side his office is at your own risk.


Best Regards
Mr Jan Eliasson
Deputy Secretary-General (U.N)
CC: Jim Yong Kim World Bank president
CC: Mr. Ban Ki-moon UN Secretary General

13th September 2016, 00:45

That is simply RIDICULOUS. :doh

13th September 2016, 11:01

That is simply RIDICULOUS. :doh
That's why I post them Graham, so crazy, but still, people fall for it.

13th September 2016, 11:51
I will not post the one I have just received, but I will put on here part of it.

Dear sirs

If you deposit £1000 in my bank account details are below.
You will be rewarded for your trouble's and blessed with 100 Amens.
Thanking you.

Could I get her done for this

13th September 2016, 17:29
I will not post the one I have just received, but I will put on here part of it.

Dear sirs

If you deposit £1000 in my bank account details are below.
You will be rewarded for your trouble's and blessed with 100 Amens.
Thanking you.

Could I get her done for thisand a new phone contract :icon_lol:

13th September 2016, 20:39
and a new phone contract :icon_lol:

Noticed i only posted what i wanted others to read, the rest was a secret :doh

13th September 2016, 22:07
Sorry I spoiled it Steve :icon_sorry: