View Full Version : Spider Silk Helps Create Microscope Superlens

Arthur Little
25th August 2016, 17:37
:icon_sorry:, Steve W ... to the best of my knowledge, it doesn't appear to include camera lenses. :NoNo:

So ...:anerikke: ... is this article spinning a web of deceit?

Seemingly not, :nono-1-1: ... if the contents of the undernoted link is to be believed!

www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-north-west-wales-37154394 ... :ReadIt:

Michael Parnham
25th August 2016, 20:02
Amazing, as I said before we always keep learning:xxgrinning--00xx3:

25th August 2016, 20:28
Spiders web are amazing, they are so strong yet so beautiful too,
When taking any pictures close up you realize how beautiful yet so deadly also.
Next time you see one, stop and look at it ,touch it and feel how strong it is and if you are lucky and have a steady hand try to entice the spider out by touching the web , i am sure I have a picture somewhere of a web

25th August 2016, 21:16
Here we are , taken by yours truly

http://i376.photobucket.com/albums/oo208/woolleybooby23/DSC_1254_zps4k3u7vp2.jpg (http://s376.photobucket.com/user/woolleybooby23/media/DSC_1254_zps4k3u7vp2.jpg.html)

http://i376.photobucket.com/albums/oo208/woolleybooby23/DSC_1257_zpsawgdtlgs.jpg (http://s376.photobucket.com/user/woolleybooby23/media/DSC_1257_zpsawgdtlgs.jpg.html)

http://i376.photobucket.com/albums/oo208/woolleybooby23/DSC_1339_zpsotlfgsqe.jpg (http://s376.photobucket.com/user/woolleybooby23/media/DSC_1339_zpsotlfgsqe.jpg.html)