View Full Version : Driving with a mobile phone stuck to your ear

31st August 2016, 08:56
I followed a car this morning for around 3 miles from near where I live through the city centre then out towards where I work.
And all this way this young lady had this phone stuck on her right ear, you could see her laughing and talking away, sometimes she would go over the white line and so, you know the sort,
Anyway I did manage to get beside her and as we sat at traffic lights I pointed out what she was doing is illegal and what did I get from her a big F OFF,
Well I am glad she stalled the car then panicked a little , I wonder if she lost the connection at that time too.
It amazes me how many people still drive this way and it's not just a quick chat it goes on for miles too , that's if you are following of course

31st August 2016, 09:14
One of my pet hates, especially as a hands free kit is about £10 these days :mad:

31st August 2016, 10:15
Yep... despise these stupid thoughtless prats too.

Putting the lives of others in danger. :mad:

Ban them for 6 months. The law has been there for long enough.

31st August 2016, 10:37
Worst is someone in a new executive type car, which you know will have an in-built car kit, yet they still hold the phone to their ear. Maybe it looks cool (to them). Our cars have factory fitted phone kits.

Only problem we had was once Rose came home and drove into the garage which my office is above, my conference call switched from my mobile to her car... she suddenly got a conversation with a bunch of foreigners about something she knew nothing about! Took me a moment to realise what had happened and switch off my phone's bluetooth!

Michael Parnham
31st August 2016, 12:06
Never have my phone in the car:xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st August 2016, 13:53
Never have my phone in the car:xxgrinning--00xx3:

So you are saying you never carry a phone in the car at all, or you do but never use it,

31st August 2016, 14:00
I haven't got a car.... but I do attach satnav to my pushbike. :icon_lol:

31st August 2016, 14:02
I haven't got a car.... but I do attach satnav to my pushbike. :icon_lol:

Do you talk and ride Graham? :biggrin:

31st August 2016, 14:14
Only when swearing at motorists Steve. :biggrin:

Michael Parnham
31st August 2016, 14:44
Never have my phone in the car :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Never take it unless it's a long distance trip and I've only had one long distance trip in the last four years, besides it never rings cos I don't know anyone :smile:

31st August 2016, 16:44
Never take it unless it's a long distance trip and I've only had one long distance trip in the last four years, besides it never rings cos I don't know anyone:smile:

Well my phone is with me, for the just in case, because you never know when you may need that emergency call

31st August 2016, 17:37
Over here they dont stick it on their ear..They have six on the back of a bike and safely use only their fingers to text their "text mates"at a snails pace..
Say 40 KMH.

Michael Parnham
31st August 2016, 17:39
Managed most of my life without one sure I can manage the next 20 years or more, got lots to do yet and a mobile phone doesn't fit in the equasion:xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st August 2016, 17:50
Managed most of my life without one sure I can manage the next 20 years or more, got lots to do yet and a mobile phone doesn't fit in the equasion:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ive never owned one either Micheal...Well just one actually..The Mrs bought me it..I was up a ladder working and the thing started ringing...I tried to answer it but the Dulux gloss on my hands was a bit sticky etc..
I ended up chucking it to down yonder from up there on the ladder...
Nasty thing.
Before mobile`s they tried to give me one of those damned beepers... Thing kept beeping all the time so I chucked it in a tub of emulsion...See if it could float.
It sank.

Michael Parnham
31st August 2016, 17:56
Ive never owned one either Micheal...Well just one actually..The Mrs bought me it..I was up a ladder working and the thing started ringing...I tried to answer it but the Dulux gloss on my hands was a bit sticky etc..
I ended up chucking it to down yonder from up there on the ladder...
Nasty thing.
Before mobile`s they tried to give me one of those damned beepers... Thing kept beeping all the time so I chucked it in a tub of emulsion...See if it could float.
It sank.

Thanks Fred love it, see you've made me smile again:wink:

31st August 2016, 19:31
Managed most of my life without one sure I can manage the next 20 years or more, got lots to do yet and a mobile phone doesn't fit in the equasion:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I wish you well in your next 20 years

5th September 2016, 10:36
It always amazes me how many thoughtless idiots there are still thinking they are above the law as far as using a mobile phone is concerned. Why lack of concentration = danger doesn't equate is beyond me! My son is forever flashing his blue light and pulling over these numbskulls as it's a pet hate of his too ........ :ReadIt:

5th September 2016, 11:15
The only thing I could flash might not help the situation. :Rasp:

5th September 2016, 15:11

I see someone one their mobile driving every day. Makes me angry as I have seen the victims or people like that in hospital or worse.

My car has i built sat nav with bluetooth so if i need to make or receive a call I can use that. So much better.

6th September 2016, 01:52
The only thing I could flash might not help the situation. :Rasp:

How naughty! :xxaction-smiley-047 :icon_lol:

6th September 2016, 18:21
The only thing I could flash might not help the situation. :Rasp:

Still wearing that dirty old mack Graham :yikes:

6th September 2016, 18:23
Yep. :icon_lol: