View Full Version : Ban Businesses From Sacking New Mums Say MPs

Arthur Little
31st August 2016, 13:37
www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-37222674 ... :ReadIt:

:icon_sorry: ... 'fraid I disagree! For starters, "sacking" is too strong a word to use here. What I really feel should happen, is that women - whose husbands/partners are in full-time employment - ought to be able to voluntarily put their careers/jobs 'on hold' and opt to remain at home in order to give their young children the care and attention they deserve :icon_rolleyes: ... at least until those kids are old enough to attend school.

OK ... :anerikke: ... times can be tough, financially these days for the average family. But if ALL young, working women with kids were to follow the path I've suggested, it would lead to less unemployment generally ... thus stemming the tide of hardship nationwide.

Instead of penalising the later in life pension schemes of *stay at home mums, the Government should concentrate on introducing some form of compensatory payments to *encourage them to do so. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

31st August 2016, 13:40
Good idea - help stay at home Mums. Trouble is many career women worry about being able to get back in the saddle after 5-6 years, I can't blame them. So we need more part-time roles in all professions.

2nd September 2016, 16:39
I hate it when the sexes appeared to be pitted against one another. :NoNo:

However, I do feel that children should have the benefit of the undivided attention of their natural mother for as long as possible. They are not toys or status symbols, they are highly sensitive living beings, and in this day and age, women do have a choice as to whether they give birth, when, etc. :anerikke:

There have been 1,000s times as many poor (skilled) blokes given the heave ho and put on the scrap heap than ladies returning from their nice cosy maternity leave I'm sure.

What of their future prospects ?

2nd September 2016, 16:50
We also have people on the radio today moaning on about only 72% (or thereabouts, because how the hell can they truly know ?) of men help with the housework.

What about all the men living alone... I mean half the population are divorced now aren't they ?
Have all these men got cooks and cleaners coming in ?

I was taking care of myself between 18 and 40... before getting married for the first time, and for many years since.

Why do people have to constantly moan and stir this crap ? :mad: Most men do what they can to contribute to the household 'upkeep' in one way or another.