View Full Version : So Tragic

1st September 2016, 07:36
So tragic for all involved .

How many times do you hear the sirens of police cars going up and down roads and i must admit its very rare you may see a police cashing another car, unless its on tv,

Its frightening when you are stuck in traffic with a police or fire engine and ambulance trying to get past and everyone seems to panic, we are not trained , all we are told is to let them past safely.
This chase killed people , this chase should never have happened in a street mid afternoon with people about, it was a disaster waiting to happen
There are not many people trained to drive cars very very fast and to be in control of that car, the people these trained drivers are chasing are not experienced and the more you chase the more they will try to get away.
Its always after the fact that everyone is so shocked and are upset , but it will not bring these people back, they should have just let them drive and at a later date go and arrests these people , i bet it wont be long until it comes out this driver was known to them all the time.
I am a experience driver and i know what to do if a emergency vehicle is trying to get past, and no way do i panic , if it cannot get past it will just have to wait until its safe to do so

1st September 2016, 09:33
I agree with your sentiments Steve.

Unfortunately if you examine our justice and policing system, clearly property is more important than people.

It's a damned piece of metal for goodness sake. Not worth risking lives over. :NoNo:

1st September 2016, 23:42
Terrible tragedy.
I know the area well.

Unfortunately it also revived memories of this event, that happened only 200-300 yards further along the same road
Police appeal for mystery woman to come forward five years after unsolved murder of Samuel Guidera

Arthur Little
2nd September 2016, 00:29
Horrific ... :iagree:!