View Full Version : Split up

4th September 2016, 23:54
Hi all,
Sorry I haven't been around for ages but now sadly me and Carilene split up this weekend. I was so upset but I'm better now and ready to move on. She thinks I don't want to go to Phils but I wanted to go and see her and it was because of my work schedule that I couldn't make it and she took it the wrong way so that's it now. She told me never to call her again :( Hope and pray to find someone through here if anyone knows any genuine single girls.
Many thanks :)

5th September 2016, 06:19
Sounds to me you weren't that serious. You only just split up and your ready to move on.

Good luck in your search

5th September 2016, 06:20
Thanks Slip.

Michael Parnham
5th September 2016, 06:29
Hi all,
Sorry I haven't been around for ages but now sadly me and Carilene split up this weekend. I was so upset but I'm better now and ready to move on. She thinks I don't want to go to Phils but I wanted to go and see her and it was because of my work schedule that I couldn't make it and she took it the wrong way so that's it now. She told me never to call her again :( Hope and pray to find someone through here if anyone knows any genuine single girls.
Many thanks :)

They tend to misunderstand a lot of what one says Nick and it's so difficult to get them to understand what is said to them, anyway try try try again and better luck next time.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
5th September 2016, 07:44
Women do have a habit of saying things they don't really mean in the heat of the moment so I wouldn't take it for gospel.

If you are looking for a Filipina though I know of some who are friends with the Pinay I'm coercing with currently. They're too scared/shy to use dating sites.

5th September 2016, 09:57
I have to agree with Slip here. I don't know how long you were in a relationship but going from in a relationship to being really upset, now over it and on the look again all in one weekend doesn't sound to me like it was that serious in the first place.
Just my thoughts, sorry to sound too harsh.

5th September 2016, 11:18
I have to agree with Slip here. I don't know how long you were in a relationship but going from in a relationship to being really upset, now over it and on the look again all in one weekend doesn't sound to me like it was that serious in the first place.
Just my thoughts, sorry to sound too harsh.

When I was a kid I had to learn to use a fountain pen..It had to be cleaned ,maintained and cared for and loved...
Till the Biro`s came out then I slung it in the bin.
Its a disposable/replaceable world these days!!

5th September 2016, 11:38
When I was a kid I had to learn to use a fountain pen..It had to be cleaned ,maintained and cared for and loved...
Till the Biro`s came out then I slung it in the bin.
Its a disposable/replaceable world these days!!

Interesting analogy :smile:

I remember the days of the fountain pen too, then went onto cheap disposables which whilst useful they didn't give me the same pleasure as a thing of beauty and craftsmanship like a proper fountain pen.
Now I use a carbon fiber Dunhill fountain pen, which is a pleasure to hold :smile:

5th September 2016, 12:21
Yes you're right there Simon. @Fred, it can be a disposable/replaceable world. Just have to go with the flow.

5th September 2016, 13:38
Interesting analogy :smile:

I remember the days of the fountain pen too, then went onto cheap disposables which whilst useful they didn't give me the same pleasure as a thing of beauty and craftsmanship like a proper fountain pen.
Now I use a carbon fiber Dunhill fountain pen, which is a pleasure to hold :smile:

My writing looked real good till I got that huge ink blob all over the white paper...Blotting paper was no help..
You gotta love the Biro...I did...Best thing since sliced bread IMO.

5th September 2016, 13:55
My writing looked real good till I got that huge ink blob all over the white paper...Blotting paper was no help..
You gotta love the Biro...I did...Best thing since sliced bread IMO.

See, that's what happens when you don't service and look after your pen on a regular basis. They have a tendency for overfilling :wink:
Have to disagree on bread as well, much prefer the loaf you slice yourself that way depending on your mood you can either have a small portion or a nice chunk :smile: Talking of which, I used to be a baker, hated the job but I kneeded the dough :cwm25:

5th September 2016, 14:59
See, that's what happens when you don't service and look after your pen on a regular basis. They have a tendency for overfilling :wink:
Have to disagree on bread as well, much prefer the loaf you slice yourself that way depending on your mood you can either have a small portion or a nice chunk :smile: Talking of which, I used to be a baker, hated the job but I kneeded the dough :cwm25:

Ive forgotten long ago since how to slice bread....The Mrs does is still pretty good though these days..
I reckon I must have trained her pretty well when she was young.

5th September 2016, 15:13
Whichever way you cut it... I like bread.. and my left-handed fountain pen. :biggrin:

5th September 2016, 15:15
Nick... I wish you luck mate.

There's probably another 20 million waiting for your attentions. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

5th September 2016, 15:41
and my left-handed fountain pen. :biggrin:

Might be worth a few shillings!... Do they still have the antique road show these days?

5th September 2016, 15:51
Other people's 'antiques' is my household furnishings and everything else I use every day. :icon_lol:

5th September 2016, 17:17
Women do have a habit of saying things they don't really mean in the heat of the moment so I wouldn't take it for gospel.

If you are looking for a Filipina though I know of some who are friends with the Pinay I'm coercing with currently. They're too scared/shy to use dating sites.

Thanks Jamie. I'm interested. Yes I don't like using dating sites either because you don't know what the person is like.
Cheers mate :)

6th September 2016, 13:14
Hi all,
Sorry I haven't been around for ages but now sadly me and Carilene split up this weekend. I was so upset but I'm better now and ready to move on. She thinks I don't want to go to Phils but I wanted to go and see her and it was because of my work schedule that I couldn't make it and she took it the wrong way so that's it now. She told me never to call her again :( Hope and pray to find someone through here if anyone knows any genuine single girls.
Many thanks :)

Sorry to hear that you and your girl split up. But one thing you should prepare yourself with ANY girl living in the Philippines is that you will have to go over and visit her eventually. No girl will wait around forever and no girl is going to be able to come and visit you in England first either, visa restrictions alone will prevent this. As mentioned in the other thread its probably best to just head out there and meet someone in person. Or get on a dating site and find a few women to talk to and then find "the one" and go and meet her in the new year. I know you said that you don't like them but you're limiting yourself if you are expecting to find someone on this site. I can't imagine that there are many single Filipina's on this site. Whatever you end up doing...good luck and stay safe.

6th September 2016, 18:15
They tend to misunderstand a lot of what one says Nick and it's so difficult to get them to understand what is said to them, anyway try try try again and better luck next time.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

That is why you may say do you understand before moving on to the next sentence, and remember it works both ways too

6th September 2016, 18:17
Hi all,
Sorry I haven't been around for ages but now sadly me and Carilene split up this weekend. I was so upset but I'm better now and ready to move on. She thinks I don't want to go to Phils but I wanted to go and see her and it was because of my work schedule that I couldn't make it and she took it the wrong way so that's it now. She told me never to call her again :( Hope and pray to find someone through here if anyone knows any genuine single girls.
Many thanks :)

Its always sad when someone breaks up, and its even worst when the other party does not want that to happen too.
You are young and you have no ties either, go out and find that special one Nick, before someone else gets there first

6th September 2016, 21:28
Well well Nick the Liar is back.
Nick you seriously need to give up and admit you have no intention of ever going to the Philippines. You're nothing but a dreamer.
For the record I introduced Nick to an absolute beauty Marie was her name and we became FB friends. Nick would message me how much he had fallen for Marie and GOD had brought them together (Nicks very into God it goes down well with the Filipina ladies) Nick had intentions of visiting Marie albeit work permitting about 9 months after I introduced them.
Then one Valentines day Nicky boy made a fatal mistake. He was tagged on FB by Carilene who he had sent a bouquet of flowers to and his lie was out. Problem is Nicky began to panic deleting everyone and trying to cover his tracks. To late the Jesus of Horsham was shown as a lying hypocrite.
Please please everyone do not introduce anyone to Nick because it will all come to nothing. This all happened in February 2015 and I'll admit Carilene was a lovely looking girl who spoke good English because my wife and I exchanged messages with her. So in 18 months of being in "love" Nick couldn't make one trip to see her .
Strange thing is Have a guess who Nick friend requested on Facebook two days ago ? Yep our lovely friend Marie. Sadly Nick she's moved on. She works in the middle east now and is not the slightest bit interested in having anything to do with you.

6th September 2016, 22:07
Oops. :cwm25:

7th September 2016, 02:17
I don't need this upset right now.
I admit that what I've done in February 2015 was a very big mistake and I was going to tell about it but it felt not right yet.
To tell you all the honest truth if I got back with Carilene or met another filipina I would definitly go and see her and it would be my dream to visit the wonderful Philippines and it's such a great country. I want you all to know that what I did was very wrong and I promise it will never happen again. I'm still upset by the split.

7th September 2016, 06:03
O dear, I always say be trueful to the people you speak too and be trueful to yourself, remember you both can be hurt

Harry T
7th September 2016, 06:16
Oh dear Nick.. :cwm25:

Michael Parnham
7th September 2016, 07:23
That is why you may say do you understand before moving on to the next sentence, and remember it works both ways too

I find that they say they understand because they don't want you to know they don't understand because they would feel ashamed!

Ako Si Jamie
7th September 2016, 07:37
But you've been to the Philippines, Nick. I remember a thread you made awhile back about visiting the Hundred Islands.

I'm confused! :cwm3:

7th September 2016, 07:50
I find that they say they understand because they don't want you to know they don't understand because they would feel ashamed!

Look into there eyes and you know if they understood you or put it another way , they understand everything you say but are playing you along, " yes honey I do love you so much " get my drift

7th September 2016, 07:51
But you've been to the Philippines, Nick. I remember a thread you made awhile back about visiting the Hundred Islands.

I'm confused! :cwm3:

Hundred island's, ain't that a salad dressing, that's where you heard it from:biggrin:

Ako Si Jamie
7th September 2016, 08:04
Hundred island's, ain't that a salad dressing, that's where you heard it from:biggrin:
My memory can be very good at times. :wink:


Harry T
7th September 2016, 08:16
My memory can be very good at times. :wink:


Hmmmmm you are right Jamie...

7th September 2016, 08:29
Hah,.. and to think we call the girls cheats and liars !!
No wonder these girls get pissed off with foreign men !!

7th September 2016, 10:05
Hah,.. and to think we call the girls cheats and liars !!
No wonder these girls get pissed off with foreign men !!

Totally agree. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th September 2016, 10:12
Hah,.. and to think we call the girls cheats and liars !!
No wonder these girls get pissed off with foreign men !!

Makes my blood boil :cwm23:
How dare you sit at the other side of a keyboard and make promises you have no intention of keeping.
It's not a game :NoNo:

7th September 2016, 11:30
Now I'm confused.

To me, its not the end of the world if Nick was playing 2 girls until he worked out which was the right now, but not for too long/making promises etc. We all know what usually happens at the other end of the interweb line...

However, has Nick been to the Ph or not?

7th September 2016, 11:43
Yes that was in November 2012 when I went to see my ex. I just feel so sad right now.

7th September 2016, 12:01
Yes that was in November 2012 when I went to see my ex. I just feel so sad right now.

So I presume you've been stringing the latest ex along for the last 18 months or so, and making false promises to go and see her.
Work commitments, my :action-smiley-081: everyone gets holiday entitlement. Financial difficulties maybe but not work.
I feel sorry for her, she's probably told all her friends that she's found a nice foreign boyfriend who's coming to see her and all the other false promises you've made her. She's eventually got wise to your excuses and done the right thing.
Sorry Nick, no sympathy from me and definitely no introductions :NoNo:

7th September 2016, 12:10
We all make promises at first and yes some have to be broken too for what ever reason,
It's explaining the reason why and not telling lies just to prolong something,
Hay ho , let him throw the first stone who have never lied before, or something like that

Ako Si Jamie
7th September 2016, 12:27
Hah,.. and to think we call the girls cheats and liars !!
No wonder these girls get pissed off with foreign men !!

There are plenty of them around including lots of sexual predators preying on innocent women not just in the Philippines but in other third world countries.

I go on another forum and there are guys on it who just go to the Phils for sex. That's fine if they're willing to stick to the prostitutes in Angeles City for example but this isn't always the case. Some want innocent virgins and will go to great lengths to find them but they'll only be with them for a week or so before moving onto the next one once they're sexually fulfilled.

Dregs of society so they are and these are the tossers which give the genuine foreigner looking for a lifelong partner a bad name.

8th September 2016, 08:33
There are plenty of them around including lots of sexual predators preying on innocent women not just in the Philippines but in other third world countries.

I go on another forum and there are guys on it who just go to the Phils for sex. That's fine if they're willing to stick to the prostitutes in Angeles City for example but this isn't always the case. Some want innocent virgins and will go to great lengths to find them but they'll only be with them for a week or so before moving onto the next one once they're sexually fulfilled.

Dregs of society so they are and these are the tossers which give the genuine foreigner looking for a lifelong partner a bad name.

I really don't know if I could make that journey just for sex!! And those men who find the young and impressionable girls are just sick!

8th September 2016, 13:50
I really don't know if I could make that journey just for sex!! And those men who find the young and impressionable girls are just sick!

There's plenty of more mature impressionable ladies too................

Arthur Little
8th September 2016, 13:52
We all make promises at first and yes some have to be broken too for what ever reason,
It's explaining the reason why and not telling lies just to prolong something,
Hay ho, let him throw the first stone who have never lied before, or something like that

:cwm25: ... y'mean, "Let he/she who is without sin cast the first stone" you'll find the phrase reads, Steve. :wink:

It [I]more or ... :anerikke: ... less amounts to the same thing, though!

8th September 2016, 13:54
:cwm25: ... y'mean, "Let he/she who is without sin, cast the first stone" you'll find the phrase reads, Steve. :wink:

It [I]more or ... :anerikke: ... less amounts to the same thing, though!

Or don't :action-smiley-081: on your own doorstep, or facebook page in this case :biggrin:

8th September 2016, 14:03
Or don't :action-smiley-081: on your own doorstep, or facebook page in this case :biggrin:



Arthur Little
8th September 2016, 14:46
:cwm25: ... y'mean, "Let he/she who is without sin cast the first stone" you'll find the phrase reads, Steve. :wink:

It [I]more or ... :anerikke: ... less amounts to the same thing, though!

Or don't :action-smiley-081: on your own doorstep, or facebook page in this case :biggrin:

:laugher: ... well, :yeahthat:, is, I suppose, :icon_rolleyes: ANOTHER way of putting it.

8th September 2016, 15:03
Or don't piss on my back and tell me it's raining now that sounds better

8th September 2016, 15:05
Or don't :action-smiley-081: on your own doorstep, or facebook page in this case :biggrin:

Wonderful face book, you can learn more from someone from someone without the first someone ever knowing

8th September 2016, 15:06
Wonderful face book, you can learn more from someone from someone without the first someone ever knowing

:wink: :laugher:

8th September 2016, 20:40
:cwm25: ... y'mean, "Let he/she who is without sin cast the first stone" you'll find the phrase reads, Steve. :wink:

It [I]more or ... :anerikke: ... less amounts to the same thing, though!

Thats it Arthur :xxgrinning--00xx3:

18th September 2016, 14:50
How are things with you now Nick, are you feeling any better?

12th January 2018, 13:19
Well well Nick the Liar is back.
Nick you seriously need to give up and admit you have no intention of ever going to the Philippines. You're nothing but a dreamer.
For the record I introduced Nick to an absolute beauty Marie was her name and we became FB friends. Nick would message me how much he had fallen for Marie and GOD had brought them together (Nicks very into God it goes down well with the Filipina ladies) Nick had intentions of visiting Marie albeit work permitting about 9 months after I introduced them.
Then one Valentines day Nicky boy made a fatal mistake. He was tagged on FB by Carilene who he had sent a bouquet of flowers to and his lie was out. Problem is Nicky began to panic deleting everyone and trying to cover his tracks. To late the Jesus of Horsham was shown as a lying hypocrite.
Please please everyone do not introduce anyone to Nick because it will all come to nothing. This all happened in February 2015 and I'll admit Carilene was a lovely looking girl who spoke good English because my wife and I exchanged messages with her. So in 18 months of being in "love" Nick couldn't make one trip to see her .
Strange thing is Have a guess who Nick friend requested on Facebook two days ago ? Yep our lovely friend Marie. Sadly Nick she's moved on. She works in the middle east now and is not the slightest bit interested in having anything to do with you.

Just read this. :icon_lol: I always thought Nick came across as a bit "different". :icon_lol: Interesting to know a bit of his history, :NoNo: very strange guy :doh

Arthur Little
12th January 2018, 14:03
Just read this. :icon_lol: I always thought Nick came across as a bit "different". :icon_lol: Interesting to know a bit of his history, :NoNo: very strange guy :doh

Ah well ... :anerikke: ... takes ALL sorts!! :wink:

Arthur Little
12th January 2018, 14:11
Ah well ... :anerikke: ... takes ALL sorts!! :wink:

:poke: ... 'twould be a pretty dull, boring existence if everyone turned out to be a "carbon copy" of one another!

12th January 2018, 22:39
Yes but there are some we could do without....

12th January 2018, 23:47
Yes but there are some we could do without....

Amen to that :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
14th January 2018, 13:28
Work commitments, my :action-smiley-081: everyone gets holiday entitlement.

TBF, that depends on their employment status.

Ako Si Jamie
14th January 2018, 13:33
Just read this. :icon_lol: I always thought Nick came across as a bit "different". :icon_lol: Interesting to know a bit of his history, :NoNo: very strange guy :doh

Nothing wrong with being different. I'd put you in that category also although I wouldn't call you strange. A tinge of eccentricity maybe. :smile:

14th January 2018, 14:13
Nothing wrong with being different. I'd put you in that category also although I wouldn't call you strange. A tinge of eccentricity maybe. :smile:

No way Jose, I am perfectly normal'ish and have the psychiatry report to prove it. :wink: Nick came across as a bit drippy, needy even, maybe it was all that hiding behind the God-shield :Erm:

Ako Si Jamie
14th January 2018, 16:20
No way Jose, I am perfectly normal'ish and have the psychiatry report to prove it. :wink: Nick came across as a bit drippy, needy even, maybe it was all that hiding behind the God-shield :Erm:

But did the shrinks know you go to Western Mindanao without a care in the world? :wink:

As for Nick, all I can say is that he came across as OK. Others have commented about him negatively but they know him better than I do. Perhaps he's not a bad guy per se, just mixed up and indecisive!

Ako Si Jamie
14th January 2018, 16:35
Religion can have that effect on people. I knew a Hindu guy who married a Christian. A stormy relationship that led to divorce shortly afterwards. He then became a Jehovah's Witness.

One night down the pub he's pontificating about the perils of gambling to everyone while knocking back the bacardi breezers - then proceeds to drive home :laughitupsmilie:

Another time I phoned him up the next day after a night out.
"Who are you? do I know you?" was his reply :omg:

Haven't seen or heard of him for about ten years. Came across as quite affable at times then there's the weird side to him which I couldn't understand. Strange fella for sure.

Arthur Little
14th January 2018, 17:30
He then became a Jehovah's Witness.

One night down the pub he's pontificating about the perils of gambling to everyone while knocking back the bacardi breezers - then proceeds to drive home :laughitupsmilie:

Couldn't have been a committed *Jehovah Witness, :nono-1-1: ... *their faith DOESN'T allow its members to
imbibe :party-smiley-012: of ANY kind, either.

Arthur Little
14th January 2018, 18:52
Nothing wrong with being different.
................. :iagree:

As for Nick, all I can say is that he came across as OK. Others have commented about him negatively but they know him better than I do. Perhaps he's not a bad guy
per se, just mixed up and indecisive!

:smile: Pleased to commend one more member - apart from myself - who has "the courage of his convictions" to come forward in defence of ANOTHER ... :68711_thanx:

Ako Si Jamie
14th January 2018, 19:22
Couldn't have been a committed *Jehovah Witness, :nono-1-1: ... *their faith DOESN'T allow its members to
imbibe :party-smiley-012: of ANY kind, either.

That's what I thought. Some like to bend the rules though. :NoNo:

Ako Si Jamie
14th January 2018, 19:24
............. :iagree:

:smile: Pleased to commend one more member - apart from myself - who has "the courage of his convictions" to come forward in defence of ANOTHER ... :68711_thanx:
