View Full Version : Need help and advice regarding CFO Sticker

8th September 2016, 11:29
I'm new in this forum and I hope everyone is doing well.
I'm wondering if everyone heard anything about CFO Sticker in the Philippines. I'm planning to visit my family hopefully next year. I haven't seen them for more than two years now. I'm married to a British national and I reported my marriage and processed my new passport with my husband's surname. Now my big concern is about the CFO Sticker. I've read that all Fiancee, Spouses and other Partners of Foreign National need to show CFO Guidance and Counseling Certificate and CFO Sticker along with the Fiancee / Spouse visa to the immigration officer BEFORE DEPARTURE. If you don't have this on your passport you'll be held in the immigration and you'll miss your flight. Did anyone undergo with this procedure? I find it really odd. According to Philippine website
The main objective of the program is to assist the integration of Filipinos in their host countries by counseling them on the realities of international migration, and preparing them to meet the practical, cultural and psychological challenges in cross-cultural marriage and migration.
I've learned and experience everything I need to know here and I'm not new to the country so I'm confuse who are the target in this program. Is it for all spouses of foreign nationals or 1st time travelers or even us who are already here and lived for a long time in a foreign country where the husband is.
Please enlighten me with this.

8th September 2016, 12:40
You don't need this now when you come back since you are already living in the UK. Filipinos only need to show this the first time they leave the country to emigrate. What you need to show when you leave is your visa/BRP card along with your passport as a proof you are now residing in the UK.

12th September 2016, 15:18
thank you so much:smile::smile: