View Full Version : Cycling

10th September 2016, 08:37
Cycling, yes many have enjoyed riding our bikes down the country lanes and cycling paths all over this beautiful land and maybe even abroad too.
But i am sure that many of us have been stuck behind one on the main road and no matter how much you try to get past you just cant.
I was on the road the other day in our new vehicle, its over 52 feet long with the trailer fitted so you do have to be very careful down some roads.
Well i going down this lane and i came up behind a group of people on there bikes just enjoying there bike ride and no matter how i drove i just could not get past them no matter how i tried, i knew the people behind me was getting very inpatient, the odd pipping, the car that kept pushing there nose out trying to past such a long vehicle too, but what could i do.
In the end i must have been stuck behind these bike riders for over 30 minutes , BUT WHAT ELSE COULD I DO.

http://i376.photobucket.com/albums/oo208/woolleybooby23/14232595_10154914914050942_4557530068404606485_n_zpsrkhrqbda.jpg (http://s376.photobucket.com/user/woolleybooby23/media/14232595_10154914914050942_4557530068404606485_n_zpsrkhrqbda.jpg.html)

10th September 2016, 09:10
I know what you mean Steve, I was also stuck behind them last week for an hour and a half....:biggrin:

10th September 2016, 13:30
Blinkin pervs. :laugher:

10th September 2016, 13:54
Blinkin pervs. :laugher:

Have you ever come across any sight's like these Graham

10th September 2016, 14:23
There's a cycling club in Davao City I used to belong to.
Often (usually on a Sunday) there'd be a get together cycle tour.
Now, I'm not suggesting my view was identical to the one you posted Steve.........but it was darn close :hubbahubba:

No wonder my speed and endurance increased so rapidly :wink:

Sadly those days are gone and I've not been able to set a priority to finding a new club.

Besides which I gave our mountain bikes away as it wasn't cost effective to ship them from Davao to Manila.

Ah, happy days.
My wife, naturally, was always doubtful about my eagerness to participate in club events :biggrin:

10th September 2016, 14:26
I was surprised how many people your saw on good bikes and all the kit, just like the tour De France, but not as big the last few times we was there in the Philippines

10th September 2016, 14:32
Here in the Philippines cycling is a hugely popular sport...
As you noticed, most folks here tend to have all the best equipment. Some of the bikes are priced at well over P100k

Some of the shorts are very short and very very very tight :biggrin:

10th September 2016, 15:56
Some of the shorts are very short and very very very tight :biggrin:

Never noticed that really Peter, only when walking behind the odd young lady :biggrin:

10th September 2016, 18:34
Apparently Graham wears shorts just like that when he cycles around Harrogate.....:omg:

10th September 2016, 19:38
I wear em EVERYWHERE mate. :biggrin:


11th September 2016, 14:34
Love em....:laugher::laugher:

11th September 2016, 15:02
I wear em EVERYWHERE mate. :biggrin:



Brilliant. Really tickled me.


Arthur Little
11th September 2016, 16:06
Never noticed that really Peter, only when walking behind the odd young lady :biggrin:

:grosyeux: ... never noticed! :cwm24: ... who are you trying to kid, Steve? :biggrin:

11th September 2016, 19:15
:grosyeux: ... never noticed! :cwm24: ... who are you trying to kid, Steve? :biggrin:

Ok you have me there Arthur.
It's nice to look but not to stare open mouth and dribbling :hubbahubba: