View Full Version : Domestic Violence

Joey N
10th September 2016, 11:21
HI everyone, I am in a dilemma. I have been a victim of domestic violence. I do not know whether to file the dv case or not.

I really need help on the following:

I have only been here for a year, recently married my partner and have a temporary visa as a partner visa. If I leave my husband I am informed that I have to inform the Home office and apply under the domestic violence scheme of the government wherein they may give me permanent residency. My question is is this for certain or is there a possibility that they will not give the the ilr?

The conditions I was told is I have proof which I have since he was taken by the police due to the call I made when the assault was done. Because of my immigration status I did not continue with the case because I do not know what will happen to me.

I do not want to be with my husband anymore. He has abused in many ways not only physically but emotionally, pscychologically, financially as well.

Please help.

Ako Si Jamie
10th September 2016, 11:42
Sorry to hear about your predicament Joey. Sounds like your husband deserves a good kicking. Nobody deserves to be treated like that.

It's good you have proof as that will obviously go in your favour but I'm unsure what will happen next so I'll leave it to the other members to have their say.

10th September 2016, 12:50
I am so sorry on reading this,
Any violence whether physical or mental should not be allowed,
I am afraid you have no choice, you must leave for you own sake, if that means you will lose you ilr at least you will not be involved with this person,
Sorry I cannot add any more

10th September 2016, 13:24
Hi Joey. I'm really sorry to hear about your situation.

As soon as possible, I'd suggest you give your local council a call (or call in there). They have all the contact numbers and assistance that you will need. Nobody is going to throw you out on to the street or out of the country ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Also, there is your local CITIZENS ADVICE BUREAU (CAB), who will give free help and advice of all kinds to anybody... and they have a free legal advice department.
My brother works for them in his town.

You can also ask the police to stop him returning to the house, if you feel threatened by him.

Michael Parnham
10th September 2016, 14:35
Hi Joey, it's so sad to here of such things, I've never heard of anyone else with this kind of problem so I wouldn't know how to advise you but I sincerely hope that you receive the help you need and As Graham says no one will throw you out of the country, good luck for the future and keep us posted:xxgrinning--00xx3: