View Full Version : Banned for ever I say

15th September 2016, 08:12

Banned for ever or a very long time i say.
Why should a few idiots cause this to happen and thinks its great, well its about time this was stopped and fined thousands not a few pounds too.
I was once on the receiving end of this thing called a women coming back from Spain, her kid was running wild up and down while we was waiting barging into everything and everyone on this trolley so i said be careful you could hurt yourself, well that was it , this thing opened up her trap and filth just came out.
Its funny where everyone says something under there breath but dare not speak out, well she was going to kill me and when we get back to Manchester he man was going to kill me too and on it went.
It does worry you and when you have your own family with you and you can see there worried you either shut or deal with it. so i dealt with it.
I told her to take control and try to talk in a way that we both can understand each other and dont make threats you cannot keep, well sort of in that way, it did work and all lived happy ever after, but again where are the professional people who should deal with this straight away, hiding and hoping it goes away

Michael Parnham
15th September 2016, 08:53
Very irresponsible arrogant people.:NoNo:

15th September 2016, 12:04

Should have their passports taken off them.

I also think alcohol should be banned from all flights AND airports.

Michael Parnham
15th September 2016, 14:51

Should have their passports taken off them.

I also think alcohol should be banned from all flights AND airports.

Good point:xxgrinning--00xx3:

15th September 2016, 16:57
Yes banning booze would help a lot :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Ako Si Jamie
15th September 2016, 20:26
No wonder Brits in holiday spots in Europe are hated with trash like this about. Yep, confiscate their passport and give them three months in the slammer too. That'll learn them.

It's stories like this make me glad that the Philippines is 7,000 miles away and not within a couple of hours flying time. Imagine what it would be like with low lifes like this infiltrating it?

18th September 2016, 13:27
It's a tricky issue, enjoying some wine or beer during a flight.
I enjoy it and it has never been a problem.

Many European flights however have shown just how many bloody ignorant, low life T**ts get approved to fly.

Personally I don't think it's in-flight drinking that causes most problems. Based solely on my observations and experience the issues come mostly from what is now termed "pre-loading"

Almost all airport have bars that sell any amount of alcohol at at time of day or night.
Even early morning you see folks downing huge quantities of booze. Ban the bars at airports.
Another is the sale of duty free booze before the flight. Ban it!!

It's just not normal IMHO to drink so much before your flight.
People will find many ways to overcome any ban, even bringing their own booze. It's not easy to control when so many could give a ****

Best policy is to screen, have 'watchers' in the airport and ban folks for life if they are over the limit. Period.
Any ban on these people should also be applied to all airlines without exception.
Check-In desks should have a centralised database to be sure that anyone who has been banned by any one airline could be banned industry wide.

Just my own opinion of course, but why would airports and airlines oppose such a move ??

Yeah, money. Profit.
The kind of company who thinks like that needs to be punished hard also. Withdraw their alcohol licence and jail the company directors.

Arthur Little
18th September 2016, 16:52
According to the Civil Aviation Authority ... the number of "air rage" :23_116_6[1]: incidents - usually (though not always) fuelled by alcohol - :NEW1: has more than quadrupled over a 3~year period from 85 in 2013, to 386 in 2016 ... which could, ... :anerikke: ... of course, be said to be "staggering" - literally! :icon_lol:

www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-37386554 ... :ReadIt:

18th September 2016, 22:31
Smokers are expected to do without their drug for many hours, so it need be no hardship for others to drink something non-alcoholic for a while too.

It is intolerable that other passengers, including young CHILDREN should have to put up with this moronic behaviour, with no escaping it either. :mad: