View Full Version : need advise

22nd December 2007, 00:21
I applied for a fiancee visa last year in German Embassy but things dont work out with us as my German bf needs to relocate in the US for his job so we decided to separate ways and withdraw my fiancee visa application in german Embassy last April 2007 i got all my documents back. Lonely and boreknhearted for my past relationship I register to dating site Sep 2007 and I met this british guy and we start talking and chating in IM then we decided to meet Nov2007 and he stayed here in a month with me and now we are planning to apply for a fiancee visa. My question is does previous fiancee visa application in German embassy will affect in my fiancee visa application in British embassy? Although I dont get denied in that I withdraw it before the decision. Would that be a big deal for them? I can present an email from my ex german bf that he is telling me that he cannot continue our plan as his job is very complicated and that he wants to end the relationship and forget all the plans we have. Im worried it will affect in my plans on applying in fiancee visa in British Embassy.

Hope you guys can help me. Im worried with this.

22nd December 2007, 10:26
I dont think i will effect just be honest... Good luck

22nd December 2007, 10:46
I dont think i will effect just be honest... Good luck

Yep, thats my view as well..

24th December 2007, 16:13
Any marks/stamps from the German embassy in your passport? i don't think you will have a problem with that...

eula mackay
24th December 2007, 17:44
a friend of mine had a fiance visa to the uk. they came here and she found out the guy has 3 kids she does not know about. to cut it short they broke up.

after awhile she met another guy and they eventually got married. the fiance visa was stamped on her passport but it did not affect her application for spousal visa. i know for sure there was an honest explanation why her previous engagement broke down.

25th December 2007, 01:01
it will be asked during your application.. cause there is a part there where it will ask you if you have applied or have been rejected a visa and it would ask you the details on the rejection.. i suggest you be honest on this part..
uk embassy is getting to be really strict nowadays.. ive heard a good number of fiancee visa applicants gets interviewed.. so be ready as this might be brought up...
i suggest if you could go for the spousal instead as it really does make a difference.. most spousal visas dont get interviewed anymore... just be wary of the new stricter rules coming up

25th December 2007, 02:34
I dont think i will effect just be honest... Good luck

as the saying goes 'tell a lie, wave the visa goodbye' :cwm24:

25th December 2007, 03:10
as the saying goes 'tell a lie, wave the visa goodbye' :cwm24:

I 100% agree on that...:xxgrinning--00xx3:

27th December 2007, 19:13
i am pretty sure it wont affect ur application but make sure be honest and tell it right away..:)

27th December 2007, 20:27
hI febbie goodluck to you.

29th December 2007, 00:53
yeah i got a stamp on my passport says visa application oct2006.

29th December 2007, 00:53
guys thank you for response. mwuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

29th December 2007, 00:56
guys do i need to make a covering letter to explain how my visa application went on in German Embassy? Thanks....

29th December 2007, 13:13
i think it would help Febbie if u do one..goodluck..