View Full Version : Homing device

25th September 2016, 08:25
Are we born with some sort of homing device do you think, or that 5th sense to find your way home,
I am asking this because when my son has a little to much to drink he always finds a way home , yes he may trip up the front step, he may leave the cooker on he may leave his shoes somewhere stupid too, but all these things he cannot remember when he wakes up the next morning , but he always remembers to find his way home.
I bet many of us or should i say i use to do that too a very very long time ago:biggrin:

25th September 2016, 11:58
I remember one time when I was 23 (my son's age tomorrow, by coincidence), had been to a party in York, got well pissed :Cuckoo:, no money, no transport, and I lived in a rented a cottage 15 miles out of town.

I walked/staggered home in only about 4 hours, pausing occasionally in the odd hedge bottom. :NEW5:

Made it ! :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Wouldn't want to try it now though... probably dead after the first couple of miles. :cwm25:

25th September 2016, 12:29
Living in Yokohama meant trying to remember different routes to and from home for work and also for night time entertainment.

Always got home eventually, but so many close calls.
Not easy to read the signs.
Not easy to ask the way and even less easy to understand the answer :Cuckoo:

25th September 2016, 17:45
The old fashioned GPS was always the best!!
Cant remember how many times I was completely obliterated but somehow always ended up in my own bed?

25th September 2016, 19:18
The old fashioned GPS was always the best!!
Cant remember how many times I was completely obliterated but somehow always ended up in my own bed?

In your OWN bed ?

Doing something wrong mate... never heard of nurses' homes... or halls of residence ? :biggrin: