View Full Version : Improvements by DU30's Administration

28th September 2016, 13:14
There are so many new improvements being implemented by the DU30 administration. Most of them have a direct improvement of the daily lives of ordinary Filipinos.

Here in Marikina City the a new and better drainage system continues a pace and has already made such an improvement in virtually every barangay.

In ours we've all needed to be patient with road closures as the new systems get installed. For us it's almost done now.

28th September 2016, 13:22
In Cubao the ubiquitous street vendors that encroached on the roadways and the footbridges have all been moved on to purpose built areas.

The traffic flow and volume has improved as has the pedestrian footfall across all footbridges.

The next project will optimise the bus schedules and permitted stops along Edsa. That will make a huge improvement to reduction of traffic congestion when finalised.

At last some practical changes for a better life for all Filipinos.

28th September 2016, 13:41
The big news here in Bohol is a badly needed new public hospital which has just been approved by the new Gov dept..
2 Billion Pesos for starters..


28th September 2016, 13:46
The big news here in Bohol is a badly needed new public hospital which has just been approved by the new Gov dept..
2 Billion Pesos for starters..


Sounds brilliant fred :xxgrinning--00xx3:

28th September 2016, 14:47
It all sounds great to me,
So getting to where we may call home will be quicker

29th September 2016, 20:16
I do hope that life will improve for the 'ordinary' Filipinos... so long overdue.

That's nice to hear too, that the vendors have actually been SOMEWHERE to set up shop, rather than just being swept off the streets and deprived off what meagre income they've been able to generate.
To some they may be a nuisance, but when their only option is likely to be starvation... :anerikke:

Harry T
29th September 2016, 21:00
Thanks for all this Info guys, its needed to counter act all the Anti Duterte propaganda being posted on here and elsewhere.. My take on all this is that DU30 doesnt give a toss what any country or organisation thinks, just so long as he can make the lives of ordinary filipinos better, he has a massive job on his hands, and i for one wish him well in achieving this..
In response to one of the comments from LM about throwing money around like Confetti i think that was his description, DU30 said in his State of the Nation Address that he could NOT do everything that he wanted to, as current Budgets had already been agreed.. so i think come 12 months from now he will do even more than he is currently doing....

30th September 2016, 15:33
DU30 said in his State of the Nation Address that he could NOT do everything that he wanted to, as current Budgets had already been agreed.. so i think come 12 months from now he will do even more than he is currently doing....

True, but he has already increased the amount to be spent on infrastructure to 5% of GDP

30th September 2016, 15:40
The mining industry has had a wake up call.
They either adhere to Philippine regulations and international environment legislation or face suspension of their activities.

IMHO it's not before time.
These folks have been irresponsible for far too long and destroyed environments, polluted rivers and decimated farmlands for years with impunity.
Now they squeal foul.

Well done Mr DU30 :xxgrinning--00xx3: force them to clean up their act and not deprive the farmers of farming or fishermen of fishing.

30th September 2016, 18:03
Agreed Peter.

The extraction of boulders and gravel on a massive scale has wrecked miles of the river near our place in the Phils, and the trucks associated with it have ruined the local roads. :NoNo:

Doc Alan
1st October 2016, 17:07
Good news indeed about a new hospital for Bohol (http://boholchronicle.com.ph/2015/03/15/p2b-gallares-hospital-okd-by-neda-icc/) :xxgrinning--00xx3:.

Although there has been much publicity - mostly favourable in the Philippines and adverse elsewhere in the world - given to the " War Against Drugs ", far less notice has been taken of other aspects of plans for improving the country and its health.

Last month the Department of Health unveiled the " Philippine Health Agenda (http://www.doh.gov.ph/sites/default/files/basic-page/Philippine%20Health%20Agenda%202016-2022.pdf) ", underscoring the theme " Strengthening Partnerships to Achieve All for Health Towards Health for All " ( " Lahat Para sa Kalusugan ! Tungo sa Kalusugan Para sa Lahat " ).

The main aims include not only the " War Against Drugs " ; but also to strengthen implementation of the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law ( RPRH ) ; achieve and improve universal health coverage ; and provide additional funds from the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation ( PAGCOR ), already a large contributor of revenue to the Government :-

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Phils%20DOH%20plans%20-%20Copy_zpshouhcius.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Phils%20DOH%20plans%20-%20Copy_zpshouhcius.jpg.html)

The strategy, in the acronym " A.C.H.I.E.V.E. " :-

* Advance health promotion, primary care and quality

* Cover all Filipinos against financial health risk

* Harness the power of strategic HRH ( human resources for health )

* Invest in eHealth and data for decision-making

* Enforce standards, accountability and transparency

* Value clients and patients

* Elicit multi-stakeholder support for health

Cynics may argue that this is jargon with no substance or chance of success in a country which spends only ~4.5% of its GDP on health ( see link (http://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/111015/can-you-trust-philippines-healthcare-system.asp) ). We should look at our own health service before being too critical :doh ! The UK has a much larger GDP and spends around 7% of it on health - but is still underfunded, underdoctored, and overstretched (https://www.rcplondon.ac.uk/guidelines-policy/underfunded-underdoctored-overstretched-nhs-2016) to an alarming degree.

Good luck and success to the Philippines aspirations for improving health under its elected President Duterte :xxgrinning--00xx3:.

Arthur Little
1st October 2016, 19:12
Last month the Department of Health unveiled the " Philippine Health Agenda (http://www.doh.gov.ph/sites/default/files/basic-page/Philippine%20Health%20Agenda%202016-2022.pdf) ", underscoring the theme " Strengthening Partnerships to Achieve All for Health Towards Health for All " ( " Lahat Para sa Kalusugan ! Tungo sa Kalusugan Para sa Lahat " ).

http://i1265.photobucket.com/albums/jj517/DocAlan/Phils%20DOH%20plans%20-%20Copy_zpshouhcius.jpg (http://s1265.photobucket.com/user/DocAlan/media/Phils%20DOH%20plans%20-%20Copy_zpshouhcius.jpg.html)

The strategy, in the acronym " A.C.H.I.E.V.E. " :-

* Advance health promotion, primary care and quality

* Cover all Filipinos against financial health risk

* Harness the power of strategic HRH (human resources for health)

* Invest in eHealth and data for decision-making

* Enforce standards, accountability and transparency

* Value clients and patients

* Elicit multi-stakeholder support for health


:biggrin: ... GREAT acronym, Alan! :smile:

1st October 2016, 21:35
Hmm... one the things that irritates me most about the Filipino use of the English language: Stupid ACRONYMS ! :NoNo:

As for President Duterte's lofty (and laudible) ambitions.... I'll believe it when I see it, assuming he's permitted to stay around long enough. :cwm25:

Arthur Little
1st October 2016, 23:59
Well ... :anerikke: ... it has to be said, I like acronyms; indeed, I'm rather partial to using them myself ... as, IMO, they provide an excellent means of highlighting, assimilating and remembering IMPORTANT data I've stored away for future reference. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

So, :please: keep up your sterling work - which is second to none - Alan.

1st October 2016, 23:59
Whether it's a great or stupid acronym is a matter of opinion.

What I have done for the benefit of interested Forum members is to carefully read and summarise the Philippines Department of Health hopes for the future ( supported by the president, but not just his responsibility ), and compare them to the problems faced by the UK NHS. The current English health secretary has certainly united healthcare workers - but not in his favour ! Neither Duterte nor Secretary Hunt are indispensable for the changes needed in healthcare provision and funding.

It takes time and effort to make such posts - I will not be contributing more :NoNo:.

Oh for goodness sake, don't be such a damned drama queen. :doh

I'm tired of pussyfooting around you. :NoNo:

2nd October 2016, 09:44
Oh for goodness sake, don't be such a damned drama queen. :doh

I'm tired of pussyfooting around you. :NoNo:

Now breathe

2nd October 2016, 09:47

2nd October 2016, 10:05
Good thing I quoted the post eh. :smile:

Not as daft as I look.

Sorry folks, but I am a mature adult, with no toys to throw out of my pram (AGAIN). :NoNo:

16th October 2016, 13:40
There's visible evidence of poverty in every country I've visited including Japan.

Hopefully this plan and long term objective will help those here in the Philippines who struggle daily to make ends meets.
But still able to smile :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Duterte signs EO to address poverty:-


16th October 2016, 14:02
Duterte OKs plan to buy 2 PCG helicopters:-


Very useful for PCG’s search and rescue missions. Also for drops of relief goods, drops of rescuers at sea and evacuation of people trapped on roofs and on trees during floods and other disasters.

16th October 2016, 14:16
I've been expecting this for some now. Small steps had been taken here and there but now here's the National Ban.

Duterte on smoking ban: No room for smokers in buildings


"It will be followed and the implementation will follow the Davao experience," he said.

Apparantly DU30 suffers from Barrett's esophagus caused by his own smoking over many years.

The smoking 'rooms' in the Philippines airports will soon be gone.
Enjoy while you still can.
As I remember, those smoking lounges at NAIA were actually very good. Good cleaning system, foods and drinks also available.

Been a long time since I used one though. :wink:

16th October 2016, 14:22
'Worst airport' no more? What changed in NAIA in first 100 days


It's worth a quick read...really. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th October 2016, 15:01
'Worst airport' no more? What changed in NAIA in first 100 days


It's worth a quick read...really. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

A lot of these changes happened before Duterte was elected (not to discredit him with the new changes since he became president).:biggrin: When we landed at NAIA Terminal 1 last January 2016, there were already plenty of changes. Both Keith and I was really surprised about the great ambience (loads of lighting and the place look a lot brighter and bigger), quick staff (well not really sure for the majority coz Keith has always been taken care of first because he's disabled, well apart from Middle Eastern airports :NoNo:), toilets were very clean (complete with bidets, soap and running water, plus available cleaners most of the time), there were vending machines and food stall at the departure gates, and the major thing we liked was around 30-35mbps wifi speed! We even commented it to one of the staff helping us push Keith's wheelchair and he said the changes has been going on for quite some time already. The only major concern we had that time was the "laglag bala" issue and thankfully we never experienced it. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

16th October 2016, 15:19
Only difference I've noticed (and appreciated) is the addition of wi-fi in the pre- departure area.

The airport has always been perfectly fine for me. I'm there to catch a plane, not luxuriate in 'ambience'.

17th October 2016, 07:32
Duterte's China visit seen to help PH fruit farmersMANILA - The visit of President Rodrigo Duterte to China this week is seen to secure easy market access for farm products from the Philippines such as bananas, mangoes, and pineapples, Roberto Amores, chairman of the agricultural committee of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry said Monday.
