View Full Version : Syria

1st October 2016, 09:14
What is the world doing , standing there watching this happen in front of our eyes, do we ever learn.
In our life time look what has happened all over the world , death and destruction, and we just turn a blind eye,
It is so upsetting when you see the news and the pictures that are coming from over there, and then the free world is just sounding more harsh words at each other.
I do understand that if you do get rid of one bad person there are others that are worst waiting in the shadows to take over, again look at what has happened in the last few years.
Have i the answer NO, but i am not one of the speakers who sits round a table saying harsh words to those who seem to be doing these atrocities.

1st October 2016, 14:20
What is the world doing , standing there watching this happen in front of our eyes, do we ever learn.
In our life time look what has happened all over the world , death and destruction, and we just turn a blind eye,.

Steve whilst I appreciate the general theme of what you say, it is somewhat general. When I saw on TV the devastation caused by Typhoon Haiyan I donated the most by far that I ever done to any charity. I am sure I am not alone. I hope it was well spent. (I will not say how much in case my wife reads this !).

The problem with many world tragedies is that a person sitting at home in another country probably cannot affect events no matter how much they may want to. Syria is one such situation. I really cannot imagine what an individual or even a country might do other than to send a donation, albeit that would not go toward any solution to the actual problem. Even the mighty USA and Russians' attempts are failing

1st October 2016, 14:47
I too was affected by the typhoon that struck, and that was a natural disaster. What is happening in Syria is all man made. I don't intend to donate any monies to Syria until they can sort out the people that are or maybe in the future will rule this place.

But this is just me maybe.

1st October 2016, 21:44
The trouble with Syria is that's the 'so called' Isis has a foothold. The problem with that is that it is a faith based terrorist organization, which however hard you try and wipe them out, they will keep on sprouting up like weeds.

The government in Syria cannot hold control, not that they have a good reputation anyway. Should we help? Is it our problem? We sit in our homes feeling safe, but like John said, can we actually affect anything? sure not. In most cases I think the people of that country should take back control, if they can. The trouble is that everyone thinks that the easy was out is west. When the west is full, which it is already, it brings a lot more problems and resentment. Should the superpowers wade in? Not sure if it will really help as they also don't want to lose their soldiers lives also. Then when a convoy is sent in, it gets blown up. Lots of problems, that I don't have the answer for.

1st October 2016, 22:55
I wonder at the sanity of people breeding in such situations... as with refugee camps. :anerikke:

It is very difficult to protect everybody in this very overpopulated world from their own stupidity... sorry to say.