View Full Version : Breast Cancer Awareness

Arthur Little
3rd October 2016, 01:55
There can be few women in :Britain: today who do not recognise the actual significance of the looped pink ribbon and its purpose.

Breast cancer remains the most common form of cancer, and - in spite of its being the most curable - continues to claim far too many lives!!!

:yeahthat:'s WHY, throughout October, 'Huffington Post' is conducting a campaign to highlight the vital IMPORTANCE of women (and some men) at risk of developing the disease taking note of ANY suspicious symptoms they may experience, and discussing them with their GP at an early stage.

www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/natasha-hinde/breast/cancer-awareness-month-2016_b_12263624.html?utm_hp_ref=uk ... :ReadIt:

3rd October 2016, 12:39
Try getting to see your doctor is the first hurdle,