View Full Version : Special Birthday Wishes (I) ...

Arthur Little
6th October 2016, 16:50
... to my beloved grandson, Ewan Ian McIntosh, who is 10 years' old today! :xxparty-smiley-050:

7th October 2016, 05:42
Oh to be back in my youth :smile: and know life's possible events of course:cwm3:
We were a cash poor family, but dad provided plenty of food by all sorts means I can remember me and my siblings fighting over who's turn it was to have the rabbits head (we loved eating the brains) :biggrin:
A big treat for me around my 10th or 11th was a first pair of long trousers:xxgrinning--00xx3:

I hope he had a splendid day.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
7th October 2016, 12:13
Oh to be back in my youth :smile: and know life's possible events of course :cwm3:
We were a cash poor family, but dad provided plenty of food by all sorts means I can remember me and my siblings fighting over who's turn it was to have the rabbits head (we loved eating the brains) :biggrin:
A big treat for me around my 10th or 11th was a first pair of long trousers :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Yes, Mick ... since you and I are of the same vintage, I can relate to your memories of growing up in the austere *1950s. :smile:

Wasn't too keen on eating rabbit though ... :nono-1-1:, as *that, of course, happened to be the time of the myxomatosis :cwm24: scare.

And I also remember the excitement :Jump: of getting my first pair of long trousers. Yet, strangely enough, I tend to grab the opportunity of wearing shorts whenever possible nowadays.

hope he had a splendid day.:xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thank you, Mick ... by all accounts he did. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

7th October 2016, 12:51
Rabbit pie and pigeon pie those was the days,
I did not eat the rabbit's head but would away want the rabbit's foot, and remember the chicken foot when you use to chase the girls pulling the tendon so it would open and close , happy times

7th October 2016, 14:52
This was all before I realised about myxomatosis , I got a right telling off from father for catching a wild rabbit and taking it home, it had myxomatosis, have not eaten one since either :omg:

Michael Parnham
7th October 2016, 18:13
Loved rabbit, Happy birthday Ewan, have you had rabbit today? :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
7th October 2016, 18:34
Loved rabbit, Happy birthday Ewan, have you had rabbit today? :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Thanks too, Michael ... for your greetings. Funnily enough, though, for a few years or so - before Ewan and his sister, Freya came along - their Mum & Dad (my daughter, Fiona and her husband Dean) had a pet rabbit, which they called 'Honey'! :icon_lol:

Michael Parnham
7th October 2016, 18:37
Wonder what happened to it:Erm:

Arthur Little
7th October 2016, 18:46
Wonder what happened to it :Erm:

:Erm: ... Honey just died (of *natural causes - as opposed to finishing up as a bunny b[r]oiler :t11t2:) *I'll venture to add! :wink:

Michael Parnham
17th November 2016, 20:04
I think I will have Rabbit for dinner tomorrow:Erm:

18th November 2016, 15:07
I think I will have Rabbit for dinner tomorrow:Erm:

You know, I haven't eaten Rabbit for many years.
My dad used to get rabbit for us for years and years every Wednesday dinner time
It was OK but ...............

For whatever reason I just cannot eat it these days at all