View Full Version : Disgraced Former Police Chief Convicted Of Paedophilia

Arthur Little
23rd October 2016, 14:02
:olddude: Colwyn resident, Gordon Anglesea (79) - a former Police Superintendent in the Wrexham area of North East Wales - was, on Friday past, found guilty of 'historic' indecent assaults involving one teenage boy and three others at Mold Crown Court.

www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-north-east-wales-37743661 ... :ReadIt:

:omg: ... it makes you wonder who :cwm25: can be trusted these days, doesn't it!?!

One thing's for sure, :icon_rolleyes: ... he won't be going sea fishing anytime soon. :NoNo:

23rd October 2016, 14:57
Thats the problem Arthur, if someone is supposed to be in charge and should know the difference between right an wrong, well who is going to say he is a lair.

23rd October 2016, 15:02
It makes you wonder who is interiewing these deviants, on their way up the promotion ladder. :NoNo:

23rd October 2016, 15:12
It makes you wonder who is interiewing these deviants, on their way up the promotion ladder. :NoNo:

Not really Graham...Think about it..The BEEB were getting away with it for years.. Dont get me started on the Catholic church!!:mad:
The list goes on..
Shame on us all!

Arthur Little
23rd October 2016, 15:51
Not really Graham...Think about it..The BEEB were getting away with it for years.. Dont get me started on the Catholic church!! :mad:

......... :yeahthat: too, (possibly)! But ... :anerikke: ... what about the all~pervading influence exerted by the so~called "free"masons?

23rd October 2016, 16:25
Yep... good points gentlemen. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

23rd October 2016, 17:03
Wink Wink say no more , know what i mean, and the stupid hand shake too.
Welcome to our club

Arthur Little
5th November 2016, 00:05
... but is expected to lodge an appeal. Even without doing so, though, he's likely to only serve around eight years maximum ...
and possibly less if granted parole! :angry:


Whilst his victims - except one, who eventually committed suicide - have to live with the horrific memories of what he did to them. :cwm23:

5th November 2016, 02:04
I wonder what happened to the £300,000+ he was awarded and would they have to pay interest if they even pay it back

Arthur Little
6th November 2016, 03:11
I wonder what happened to the *£300,000+ he was awarded and would they have to pay interest if they even pay it back

:gp: ... probably go into the coffers of the Police Benevolent Fund! :wink:

7th November 2016, 18:48
:gp:... probably go into the coffers of the Police Benevolent Fund! :wink:

Sorry Arthur, but even as a joke a pretty uninformed (biased) thing to say. :Brick:

It will be reclaimed by the newspaper with possible interest added

Arthur Little
7th November 2016, 19:43
Sorry Arthur, but even as a joke a pretty uninformed (biased) thing to say. :Brick:

Yes, it was meant as a :joke:, John. *No malice intended towards the profession in which you served so diligently for upwards of 30 years, *I can assure you ... honestly! :NoNo:

It will be reclaimed by the newspaper with possible interest added

Probably you're right. :xxgrinning--00xx3:

Arthur Little
8th November 2016, 23:49
:Hellooo: ... John ... where are you, John?
Tried to explain, though you'd gone.
Guess you treated my post with disdain,
Then deemed it wor~thy to complain;
Perhaps :icon_rolleyes: I left my reply a bit late
And so for it ... you couldn't wait! :wink: