View Full Version : Asking for advice

27th October 2016, 19:53
I must have that sort of face where people think "he will give me some advice".
Again i am sitting at work and this chap starts talking about a problem he is going through, there are a few in the office and you could see he was struggling to get it all out.
So i just sat there doing my work but i kept my big left ear open and i could hear it all.
He was going on about this and that and he asked what would they do and what could he do too,they was offering this and that, i just sat there and just listened until he asked me what do i think.
Well do you want to here what you want to hear i asked or do you want to hear what i have to say, well the others just sat opened mouth.
Some folk just love to put there side first and hope that you would agree with everything they are saying but i have come to the conclusion that what ever advice i am going give they will just carry on doing what they have been doing for the last few years and why , because they know no difference and they love it.
Been there got the tee shirt so i do know what i am talking about but we are all different, so the advice i gave him was none other then GROW UP.
His reply as he walked out the office door and out of ear shoot was :sexy_146:, i think that was ment for me, and i did not ask for that advice either

27th October 2016, 20:21
It was free advice too... how ungrateful :doh

27th October 2016, 20:36
It broke up the busy day Steve , :biggrin: